朱周设计 发表于 2023-1-3 11:42

桔子水晶酒店 | 朱周设计


The texture of the crystal comes from purity and penetration without impurities. Only under solid light, the crystal can reflect the colors rainbow. The texture of life is also gradually refined and turns bright after polishing, then send out a charming luster.

▼室内空间概览,overview ©吴鉴泉

▼接待台细部,details of the reception area ©吴鉴泉

桔子水晶酒店以“威士忌”引导,如同一位优雅的绅士带领你进入一个专属的俱乐部,驰骋在属于自己的社交领域。每次的杯觥交错之后,依然可以被舒适与纯粹所包覆。开放且私密, “水晶”的“质”:质地可眼见、可触摸,“感”:感知从进入酒店的那一刻起,便被切换。 无限镜盒的灿灿星光炫目,像是洗去了外在的纷扰,张弛有度畅游在开放与私领域之间。

“Whiskey” is the theme of Crystal Orange Hotel, just like a polished gentleman leads you into an exclusive club. When the guests get a little tipsy, the safe and comfortable environment can still bring a relaxing atmosphere. Keeping both open and private, the“ fine quality” is reflected in the visible and touchable texture;“ good sense” ensures that the perception would be transformed positively once the guest enters the hotel. The dazzling starlight of the infinity mirror box seems to wash away the external turmoil, relaxing and liberating between the open and private areas.

▼“质”与“感”并存,“fine quality” and a “good sense” ©吴鉴泉

▼威士忌酒吧,GIN BLUE Whisky Bar ©吴鉴泉

▼威士忌酒吧细部,details of the GIN BLUE Whisky Bar ©吴鉴泉

▼私人休息室/会议室,private lounge / meeting room ©吴鉴泉

我们在旧建筑的既定条件上转换成更多功能上的意义,淘汰不合时宜的空间,就像水晶的光折射, 重新照耀,散发出新生的光彩。

We transformed the established conditions of the original building into more functional meanings, removed outdated spaces, refracted the light of the crystals, re-shined, and radiated new brilliance.

▼多功能会议空间 ,
conference room ©吴鉴泉

▼多功能会议空间细部 ,details conference room ©吴鉴泉

▼仰视改造后的天井,looking up to the patio skylight ©吴鉴泉

在桔子水晶酒店,如何回归到本质与纯粹,提供有“质”与有“感”的住宿体验,是我们的目标。 以光为引导,透过不同的介质与空间转换,流畅且舒适的在新水晶酒店內愜意移动。

In the new version of Crystal Orange Hotel, our design gets back to essence and purity. In terms of accommodation experience, providing “fine quality” and a “good sense” for guests are our goals. Lighting guides the guests into the hotel, transforming through different objects and spaces, which instantly release guests from the pressure of busy life.

▼早餐厅,breakfast restaurant ©吴鉴泉

▼餐厅细部,details of the seatings ©吴鉴泉

▼取餐区,buffet area ©吴鉴泉

▼电梯,elevator ©吴鉴泉

▼光影效果,light effect ©吴鉴泉


The new Crystal Orange Hotel is trying to create an accommodation experience that is luxurious but not extravagant, essential but not artificial. Through the refraction and dispersion of light, it filters out the noise as well as the discomfort of travel. The purpose is to offer good rest for every guest and to let them shine their light again.

▼客房,guest room ©吴鉴泉


Client:Huazhu Group
Address:No. 328 Weifang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Design Team:
Creative Director:Kuang Ming(Ray) Chou
Concept Design:Ting Ho
Interior Design:Garvin Hung, Jim Wang, Chen Hu, Jing Yi Xu, Chang Song Li, Bo Liu, Yu Xuan Li
Lighting Design:Vera Chu, Chia Huang Liao
FF&E Design:Sundi
Photographer:Wu Jian Quan

qpstudio 发表于 2023-1-3 17:31

谢谢分享 66666666

qpstudio 发表于 2023-1-4 11:58


再见杨柳 发表于 2023-1-14 11:06


呼吸也会痛 发表于 2023-4-7 19:10


laozhangsheji 发表于 2023-5-9 15:40


laozhangsheji 发表于 2023-5-9 15:40


laozhangsheji 发表于 2023-5-9 15:40


laozhangsheji 发表于 2023-5-9 15:40


laozhangsheji 发表于 2023-5-9 15:41

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