ArentPyke 发表于 2023-1-4 09:33

回归色彩 | Arent&Pyke

本帖最后由 ArentPyke 于 2023-1-4 09:48 编辑

Arent&Pyke设计工作室,总部位于悉尼,由Juliette Arent和Sarah-Jane Pyke成立于2007年,专注于室内装饰、建筑和艺术等领域。她们认为好的空间,犹如拥有一种炼金术,本身发挥着奇妙的作用。所有的元素——体积、纹理、光线和颜色、构筑以及事物本体结合起来能够创造超越物质自身的效果,而不是单纯的数量总和。

Arent&Pyke Design Studio, based in Sydney, was founded in 2007 by Juliette Arent and Sarah-Jane Pyke, specialising in interior decoration, architecture and art. They believe that good space, like having a kind of alchemy, itself plays a wonderful role. All the elements -- volume, texture, light and color, construction, and the object itself -- combine to create an effect beyond the mere sum of quantities.

Salsa Verde


Over the years, the owners have lived in places as diverse as New York and Hong Kong, fueling their desire for a stable home where they can live with their three children. Originally a workinghouse, the client wanted it to reflect their travel experiences and their need for artistic and spiritual adventures, so Arent&Pyke injected rich color and visual layers into the house and maximized every space to achieve a truly personal and customized home space.

Lake View House

这座湖景住宅被设想为一处理想的度假之所,在那里,它仿佛与世隔绝,时间也渐渐地慢了下来。为了赋予建筑以独特的吸引力,Arent Pyke将周围的景观与Paul Bangay设计的花园作为他们灵感的来源,创造了一个既大胆又让人感到平静和安静的永恒之家。而柔和的中性色调贯穿整个住宅,与室外的景色遥相呼应。

The lakeview house was conceived as a kind of imaginary vacation, where it felt isolated and time slowly slowed down. In order to give the building its unique appeal, Arent Pyke used the surrounding landscape and the garden designed by Paul Bangay as their source of inspiration, creating a timeless home that is both bold and feels calm and quiet. Soft, neutral colors are used throughout the house to complement the views outside.

1885 House砂岩住宅━
1885年建造的砂岩住宅是当地优秀的建筑遗产,因而,想要在设计上体现时代的更迭是一种极具挑战性的尝试。虽然房子是瑰丽而宏伟的,但是对于这个五口之家来说,它更需要体现的是让人感觉到轻松、舒适和趣味性的存在。所以Arent Pyke的策略是希望在古典和现代之间找到平衡点,于是,尊重原始建筑的“优雅”气质成为了构思的关键性因素。
Built in 1885, the sandstone house is an excellent architectural heritage of the area, so it was a very challenging attempt to reflect the changing times in the design. Although the house is magnificent and grand, for the family of five, it needs to feel relaxed, comfortable and interesting. Therefore, Arent Pyke's strategy is to find a balance between classical and modern, so respecting the "elegant" temperament of the original building becomes a key factor in the conception.

792830728 发表于 2023-1-6 22:13

分享是一种美德 08金币,赚金币,赚金币,赚金币,赚金币,赚金币,我以前看帖基本不回帖,后来我发现,下载帖子没金币

rrrrbbbb 发表于 2023-1-12 17:06


再见杨柳 发表于 2023-1-12 17:11


再见杨柳 发表于 2023-1-13 09:01


.黃計夫~ 发表于 2023-1-13 14:41

感谢分享 哇哇哇啊

一勤天下无难事 发表于 2023-2-2 21:05


rrrrbbbb 发表于 2023-2-15 10:58


rrrrbbbb 发表于 2023-2-15 15:17


rrrrbbbb 发表于 2023-3-21 18:29

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