Rio公寓改造 | HANGHAR
近年来,马德里的平均房价现已超出大多数人的承受能力,这一危机正在改变多代人的生活。本次项目位于马德里市飞速发展的卡拉班切尔区,受目前经济适用房危机的影响,众多市民选择迁居于此。The average cost of a home in Madrid is beyond the reach of most people, a crisis which is defining the lives of many generations. The project is located in the rapidly-gentrifying neighborhood of Carabanchel, where, due to the affordable housing crisis the city is currently suffering, many citizens are moving to.
▼项目概览,Overview ©Luis Díaz Díaz
▼项目轴测图,Axonometrics ©HANGHAR
The project tackles such situation by providing a raw, unfinished setting that allows the inhabitants to renovate their home within a limited budget while saving build costs. This naked scenario poses the possibility of allowing future interventions to occur and distance itself from market driven logics in which finishes and fittings make for a large percentage of the developer’s profit.
▼干净简约的室内空间,Clean and simple interior space ©Luis Díaz Díaz
The apartment’s original distribution is maintained and enhanced by the construction of a technically equipped wall that contains the plumbing, electrical cabling and storage for both the kitchen and the bathroom. Covered in raw aluminum, it sets an abstract background that reflects not only light, but the domestic activities that occur around a large, monolithic working surface. The apartment’s structure, a grid-like system of steel I-beams and pillars, organizes the space and delimitates the hierarchy between the public and private areas.
▼厨房空间,Kitchen area ©Luis Díaz Díaz
▼用铝包覆的墙体,The aluminium cladded walls ©Luis Díaz Díaz
▼采用瓷砖铺设的工作台,The tiled worktops ©Luis Díaz Díaz
▼从生活区望向卧室,View from the living area to the bedroom ©Luis Díaz Díaz
▼卧室空间,Bedroom ©Luis Díaz Díaz
▼从卧室望向厨房空间,View from the bedroom to the kitchen area ©Luis Díaz Díaz
▼厨房与生活空间的过渡区,Transition area between kitchen and living space ©Luis Díaz Díaz
The materiality is raw and basic. The home’s reflective, continuous epoxy resin floor contrasts with the grotesque and cavernous presence of the splashed plaster ceiling. The kitchen’s working station and bathroom are covered in simple, ceramic tiling: durable and water-proof. The environment, grey and monotonous, a result of the nakedness of the space, is elevated with limited detailing in local red marble.
▼室内材料细节,Detailed view of the interior materials ©Luis Díaz Díaz
▼瓷砖铺设的浴室空间,Tiled bathroom space ©Luis Díaz Díaz
▼项目平面图,The plan ©HANGHAR
Title: Rio House
Year: 2022
Project: House renovation
Client: Private
Architect: HANGHAR
Status: Built
Contractor: Vistto
Size: 85 m2
Location: Madrid, Spain
Photography: Luis Díaz Díaz
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