HANGHAR设计 发表于 2023-1-10 10:44



The project consists of the renovation of a 160m2 apartment in a 1950s building in the south of Spain. The building, the first reinforced concrete high-rise in the city, was built with poor construction materials which lead to the decision of having to demolish the entire apartment and rebuild from scratch.The owners, a retired couple who wanted to move back to the city after years of living in the suburbs, wanted a space that could both accommodate everyday needs whilst simultaneously be able to host friends and family.

▼项目概览,overview of the project © Luis Diaz Diaz


Wonder and disguise played a crucial role in this project. The house’s storage, a series of linear built-in-place cabinets, organize and structure the space, defining a volumetric perimeter that carries the materiality of the project. The result is a finely delimited, open space that refuses to express its program but allow for multiple possibilities to co-exist.

▼储藏室和一系列线性内置柜规划并构筑了整个空间,storage and a series of linear built-in-place cabinets organize and structure the space © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼橱柜细部, details of the built-in cabinets © Luis Diaz Diaz


The apartment consists of two main spatial elements: six white oak wardrobes that organize the access to bedrooms and bathrooms and two deep-green metallic cabinets that act as storage and define the cooking area.

▼衣柜和橱柜排布出通往卧室和浴室的通道, the wardrobes and cabinets organize the access to the bedrooms and bathrooms © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼界定烹饪区域的储物柜, cabinets that act as storage and define the cooking area © Luis Diaz Diaz


Made of thin, perforated steel, these cabinets ambiguously mask and showcase the owner’s possessions. Tableware, linen, clothes, cleaning supplies or food are unintentionally staged together.

▼穿孔钢材制成的橱柜, the cabinets made of perforated steel © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼橱柜细节, details of the cabinets © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼透过橱柜看业主的所有物,these cabinets ambiguously mask and showcase the owner’s possessions © Luis Diaz Diaz


The cooking area is highlighted by a green, terrazzo piece that serves as the kitchen countertop.

▼烹饪区,the cooking area © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼一块绿色水磨石作为厨房台面,a green, terrazzo piece that serves as the kitchen countertop © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼厨房台面细节,details of the kitchen countertop © Luis Diaz Diaz


The materials are refined but direct and simple. The flooring of the house is solved with one material: 10×60 cm off-white, ceramic tiles that are turned 45 degrees in order to express its independence. At the very end, a T-shaped space holds the most public area of the house. It is defined by large, oak windows, that frame the views towards the city’s main boulevard and flood the room with natural light.

▼从过道看公共区域,view from the hallway to the public area © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼公共区域,public area of the house © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼橡木窗框住了城市主干道的风景,oak windows that frame the views towards the city’s main boulevard © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼平面图, floor plan© HANGHAR

Title: First House
Year: 2019
Commission: Interior renovation
Client: Private
Architect: HANGHAR
Status: Built
Size: 160 m2
Location: Murcia, Spain
Photographs: Luis Diaz Diaz
Photographer’s website: www.luisdiazdiaz.com

rrrrbbbb 发表于 2023-1-12 17:05


再见杨柳 发表于 2023-1-12 17:10


再见杨柳 发表于 2023-1-13 09:01


rrrrbbbb 发表于 2023-2-15 15:17

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