S-P-A-C-E设计 发表于 2023-2-4 11:44

领克柏林俱乐部 | S-P-A-C-E Projects

位于阿姆斯特丹的工作室S-P-A-C-E Projects受汽车品牌领克委托,为其设计在柏林新开业的俱乐部,以展示领克的品牌形象。作为汽车品牌吉利的一个高端分支,领克在欧洲的业务不断增长,并在柏林开设了新的俱乐部。柏林俱乐部作为领克的最新场所,将在柏林的创意中心区敞开大门。通过这个新的俱乐部,领克将与德国当地客户建立联系来扩大其全球影响力。柏林俱乐部实际上将是领克在德国的第一个永久俱乐部地点,也将成为其在欧洲的第四个俱乐部,其余三个俱乐部分别位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹,瑞典哥德堡以及比利时安特卫普。领克俱乐部旨在探索一种独特的俱乐部模式,即用轻松温和的体验式零售场景来取代传统意义上的汽车推销员。

Amsterdam-based studio S-P-A-C-E Projects was commissioned by Lynk&Co to present the Lynk&Co brand identity in their newly opened Berlin Club. As a high-end branch of Geely, Lynk & Co opens new Berlin Club as European presence grows. Lynk & Co’s newest location, the Berlin Club, opened its doors in the creative heart of Berlin. With this new Club, Lynk & Co is expanding its global presence and connecting with German customers in their own backyard. In fact, the Berlin Club will be the first permanent Lynk &Co location in Germany and the fourth Club in Europe, alongside the Amsterdam Club, Gothenburg Club, and Antwerp Club. Lynk &Co Clubs aim for a different kind of clubbing, in terms of a creative scenario of experiential retail: trading in pushy salespeople for a warm, no-pressure experience.

▼入口处外观,exterior of the entrance © Kasia Gatkowska

▼项目外观,exterior view © Kasia Gatkowska


Lynk &Co Clubs offer up event spaces, flexible lounge areas, a coffee bar, and retail areas to showcase a selection of brands that share Lynk &Co’s values of sustainability, creativity, and community. Located in the creative Mitte neighbourhood, the Berlin Club aims to combine an undeniable Lynk &Co vibe with the local Berlin culture. The Berlin Club thus is expected as a versatile space that can accommodate DJ nights and parties just as well as co-working and cultural events.

▼大厅,lounge © Kasia Gatkowska

▼吧台,bar © Kasia Gatkowska

对S-P-A-C-E Projects来说,最大的挑战是完整保存现有建筑的保护元素,并令其与领克俱乐部的氛围共存共荣。这让柏林俱乐部闻名以其粗犷的环境,对可持续发展的材料的广泛使用以及一系列意想不到的空间惊喜。这些惊喜并非仅体现在产品或活动的多样性上,而是体现在一种强调领克品牌整体特征的体验上。

The biggest challenge for S-P-A-C-E Projects was to preserve the monumental protected elements of the existing building and turn it in a Lynk & Co club. A club that is mainly known for a stripped down environment with sustainable additional elements and unexpected surprises. These surprises are not expected only as a variation of products and activities, but also as an overall experience emphasising the brand identity.

▼大厅和楼梯,lounge and staircase © Kasia Gatkowska

▼楼梯细节,details of the staircase © Kasia Gatkowska

领克的品牌理念注重开放性、包容性和社区感,新的室内设计即着力在空间中再现其品牌理念。S-P-A-C-E Projects创造了一条遇见领克车型01的独特体验:进入柏林俱乐部,不远处醒目的钴蓝色露天剧场即邀请观者在柔光交融于深邃钴蓝的环境中体验一次独特的漫游,这次漫游也将领克01惊艳的观感呈现给观者。领克标志性的黄色沙发与柏林本地的信号灯装置,连接了领克的品牌形象和柏林本地的文化,并且邀请顾客向楼上的部分探索。

In line with the original brand philosophy of Lynk&Co, the new interior aims for a spatial presence of openness, inclusivity and community. S-P-A-C-E projects planned a creative path to meet Lynk&Co’s 01: enter the Berlin Club and immediately feel invited by the eye-catching cobalt blue amphitheatre. Impressive cobalt blue colour under a soft light environment provokes a unique roving flow, as well as an impressive introduction to the 01. Lynk&Co’s iconic yellow sofa, together with the installation of Berlin signal lights presents connection between Lynk&Co’s brand identity and the local Berlin culture, forming an invitation as well as an attraction for customers to step upstairs.

▼钴蓝圆形剧场入口,entrance of the cobalt blue amphitheatre © Kasia Gatkowska

▼钴蓝圆形剧场细节,details of the cobalt blue amphitheatre © Kasia Gatkowska

在二楼,S-P-A-C-E Projects强调建筑现存的观感——最明显的是镜室。橙色的镜面将镜室包裹,以突出现存室内周边的不朽感与历史细节。而镜室内部被冰蓝色的地毯全面覆盖,在声学上和气氛上都进一步突出了宁静的氛围感。柏林俱乐部的各个角落都充满了特意的惊喜:布满偷窥之眼的试衣间、棋盘式的盥洗室和绿色丝绒会议室。它们共同促成了一次令人难忘的观游体验,以加深观者对领克品牌形象的认知。

Upstairs, S-P-A-C-E projects enhanced the building’s existing architectural canvas—most notably in the Mirror Room. The Mirror Room is encased in orange mirrors to highlight the heritage details and monumental character of the existing room. Coated completely with ice blue carpet, the inside of the Mirror Room further accentuates a tranquil vibe both acoustically and atmospherically. At the corners of the Berlin Club, thoughtful surprises are placed for discovery: the peeking-eye fitting room, the chessboard bathroom and the green velvet meeting room. They all contribute to a unforgettable browsing experience and an enhance on Lynk&Co’s brand identity.

▼二楼陈列区,showroom on the second floor © Kasia Gatkowska

▼二楼陈列区细节,details of the showroom on the second floor © Kasia Gatkowska

▼更衣室,fitting room © Kasia Gatkowska

▼盥洗室,restroom © Kasia Gatkowska

▼镜室入口,entrance of the mirror room © Kasia Gatkowska

▼镜室细节,details of the mirror room © Kasia Gatkowska

▼会议厅,meeting room © Kasia Gatkowska

设计方:S-P-A-C-E projects
公司网站: www.s-p-a-c-e.org
联系邮箱: info@s-p-a-c-e.org
设计团队:Pepijn Smit
摄影版权:Kasia Gatkowska

Project name: Lynk&Co Club Berlin
Project type: Retail
Design: S-P-A-C-E projects
Website: https://www.s-p-a-c-e.org/
Contact e-mail: info@s-p-a-c-e.org
Design year: 2021
Completion Year: 2021
Leader designer & Team: Pepijn Smit
Project location: Berlin
Gross built area: 500㎡
Photo credit: Kasia Gatkowska
Clients: Lynk &Co
Materials: mirror, textile, paint

360967168 发表于 2023-2-5 20:15


阿啵呲嘚了佛呢 发表于 2023-2-17 14:22


王利灵 发表于 2023-5-9 10:28


水巨留 发表于 2023-5-11 14:18

感谢分享 ,

fish99 发表于 2023-5-29 15:03


kaihn86 发表于 2023-6-21 09:55


侠366187 发表于 2024-4-18 16:09

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