生活灵感 | Electric Bowery
Electric Bowery是一家位于美国加州的室内设计工作室,成立于2013年。他们常常与不同的业主、企业家及创意者合作,善于倾听客户的意见、建议并满足他们的需求,通过不断的学习与实践,促使他们更加理解和明白身处世界各地的人们的生活方式是如何变迁的。
Electric Bowery is an interior design studio based in California, USA, founded in 2013. They often cooperate with different owners, entrepreneurs and creatives. They are good at listening to the opinions and suggestions of customers and meeting their needs. Through continuous learning and practice, they have a better understanding and understanding of how the lifestyle of people around the world is changing.
如今,人们总是习惯性的将个人的价值观与自己的事业融合在一起,工作上的沟通、合作和文化日渐体现于家庭交流和社交圈之中。Electric Bowery觉察到了工作、生活和娱乐之间的界限正在逐步消解,“家庭”的概念也有了新的转变和意义,它变得更灵活、更包容、更美好,进而需要被重新定义。
Nowadays, people habitually integrate their personal values with their careers. Communication, cooperation and culture at work are increasingly reflected in family exchanges and social circles. The Electric Bowery senses that the boundaries between work, life and play are eroding, and that the concept of "family" has taken on a new meaning. It has become more flexible, more inclusive, more beautiful, and needs to be redefined.
“为美好生活而设计”是Electric Bowery一直坚持的设计理念,同时追求设计的平衡感和可持续性,以一种有目标的和充满幸福感的生活方式,营造使居住者身心愉悦和产生幸福感的空间。反之,客户也被这种新的生活方式所驱动,这些都将成为工作室塑造空间时的灵感来源。
"Design for a better Life" is the design concept that Electric Bowery has always adhered to, while pursuing a sense of balance and sustainability of design, with a purposeful and full of happiness of life style, to create a space that makes the residents physical and mental pleasure and happiness. In turn, the client is driven by this new lifestyle, which will serve as a source of inspiration for the studio as it shapes the space.
当Electric Bowery与客户一起探讨工作时,客户似乎也成为了团队的一部分,彼此之间组成一个具有积极互动性的完美组合,参与到设计的每一环节中。工作室不仅为客户提供技术和技能的专业支持,还诠释了他们的灵感、理念和对整体设计的构思与把控。
When Electric Bowery discusses the work with the client, the client seems to become part of the team, forming a perfect combination of positive interaction with each other and participating in every aspect of the design. The studio not only provides clients with technical and technical expertise, but also interprets their inspiration, concept and overall design conception and control.
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