质朴优雅的静态美 | Frame Visual
Frame Visual是一家位于哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图的设计工作室,创始人Nur Mukanov是一位颇有才华的视觉表现师,同时也是室内设计师,该工作室致力于打造质朴而有品位的居住空间,对于建筑自然条件的尊重,以及材质的运用,极为考究。Frame Visual design studio is a company located in almaty, kazakhstan, founder of Nur Mukanov is a talented teacher Visual expression, as well as interior designers, the studio is committed to make plain and tasteful living space, natural conditions for buildings, as well as the material is very exquisite.
| Nord Apartment|
静谧优雅的居所 | 哈萨克斯坦·阿拉木图
Frame Visua赋予这个空间的宁静与气质是耐人寻味的,所有的物件都是经过精挑细选的,艺术内涵携带的意境美,让人沉醉。
Frame Visua give the peace of the space and temperament is intriguing, all objects are selected, artistic connotation to carry beauty of artistic conception, let a person get drunk.
| Naturalistic Apartment|
侘寂的质朴宁静 | 哈萨克斯坦·阿斯塔纳
Located in the detached house on the outskirts of the city, the designer use naturalistic technique, combined with the feature of local culture, created a simple mind reclusion shelter.
| GREY Apartment|
灰色地带 | 哈萨克斯坦·阿斯塔纳
| GREY Apartment|
极简的静态美 | 哈萨克斯坦·阿斯塔纳
6666666666666666666666 666666666666666666 666666666666 学习,感谢楼主分享!!!! 6666666 66666666666666666666666 这墙面什么材料,踢脚也是同材料嘛 6666666666666666666666