无名住宅 | HW Studio
HW Studio自豪地公布工作室最新作品——“无名住宅”,该项目是一栋位于墨西哥的私人住宅,设计语言谨慎而低调,其灵感源于屋主人深刻的宗教信仰和过去的经历。住宅的设计过程由建筑师与其未来的居住者共同参与,以居住者的生活经历为主要指导原则。据居住者所述,他们外出时,家里有时会遭到抢劫,这让他们在这个犯罪率稳步上升的社区中感到非常的不安。然而他们又深深扎根于这片土地,与这片土地有着紧密的联系,这种情感阻止了他们离开这里去别处生活。HW Studio is proud to unveil No Name House, a very discreet and personal residential project in Mexico driven by the clients’ deeply religious vocation and past experience. During the design process, fundamental decisions of this architectural project were guided by a shared experience of the future inhabitants, who had been victims of a robbery in their home while away. The situation made them feel exposed and vulnerable in a neighborhood experiencing a steady increase in crime rates. Nevertheless, their deep roots and strong connection to the land prevented them from leaving the place where they had built their lives.
▼街道视角,street view © César Béjar
▼建筑外观,exterior view of the house © César Béjar
For that reason, they were seeking a discreet, austere, and unadorned architectural project, with high walls and no windows facing the outside. They believed that architecture could restore their lost sense of security. The understandable requests were combined with an immense religious vocation discovered during the design process.
▼走廊,hallway © César Béjar
▼天窗为走廊引入天光,skylights bring light into the corridor © César Béjar
“When we saw their current house, it was a great surprise to discover the enormous amount of crucifixes, virgins, angels, religious objects, and baroque elements that filled the space with warmth. To our surprise, they were seeking the opposite: a cold and even sterile minimalism that was sometimes difficult for us to digest.”
▼通往客厅与餐厅的走廊,hallway leading to the living space © César Béjar
▼客厅,living room © César Béjar
为了唤起某种宗教精神,HW Studio专注于营造出一种能够唤起人们对于神圣空间回忆的空间形式,使他们在身体和精神上都感到受到保护和安全。因此,修道院建筑成为了本项目最为合适的参考。落成后的住宅宛如一座小型修道院,居住空间围绕着一系列的庭院组织;每个庭院都与一个设有拱顶的功能空间结合,桶形拱顶模糊了屋顶的界限,柔和了光线,并向城市中众多的巴洛克式教堂致敬。
To evoke a certain religious spirit, HW Studio focused on forms that recalled the sacred spaces that made them feel protected and secure both, physically and spiritually. And convent architecture provided them with an appropriate guide to fulfill the commission. The house, like a convent, is organized around a sequence of courtyards; each courtyard is accompanied by a space covered by a barrel vault that blurs the limits of the roof, softens the light, and pays homage to the numerous baroque churches in the city.
▼餐厅,dining area © César Béjar
▼餐桌细部,detail of the table © César Béjar
▼由庭院看生活区,viewing the living space from the courtyard © César Béjar
Thus, the architecture in this case seeks to provide a solution to the unpleasant circumstance they experienced, aided by a deep faith that is reinforced by legible forms, light, and space. It is a sober and simple structure that seems to defy the complexity and eclecticism of the surrounding buildings. However, this contrast is not fortuitous nor does it intend to impose itself on its environment. Instead, the house presents itself as a blank canvas, an open space for appropriation and personalization by its owners. In this sense, its cleanliness and simplicity are not limitations but an invitation to creativity and experimentation.
▼卧室,bedroom © César Béjar
▼卧室入口,entrance of the bedroom © César Béjar
▼由卧室看庭院,viewing the courtyard from the bedroom © César Béjar
▼卧室庭院,courtyard of the bedroom © César Béjar
The house is located in a neighborhood where the first modern constructions of Morelia were erected, but where each owner has appropriated them and personalized them to their liking, creating an eclectic and diverse mix that is hardly defined in terms of style, trend, or line. In this context, the white box emerges as a starting point for future transformations. Its contrasting presence and openness to modification and personalization can be interpreted as a way to perpetuate the tradition of the neighborhood while opening up to new possibilities for change and evolution.
▼浴室入口,entrance to the bathroom © César Béjar
It is a sober structure that seems to challenge the complexity and eclecticism of its surroundings but actually seeks to establish a creative and dynamic dialogue with it. Its cleanliness and simplicity are a call to continue the dynamic of appropriation that has characterized the neighborhood over time. It is a house that aims to perpetuate the tradition of customization and constant transformation of the houses in Chapultepec.Although visually contrasting, this house becomes a catalyst for future transformations, as its simplicity invites creativity and individual expression.
▼车库,parking © César Béjar
▼平面图,floor plan © HW STUDIO
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan © HW STUDIO
▼立面图,elevations © HW STUDIO
▼剖面图,sections © HW STUDIO
Architects: HW STUDIO
Website: https://www.hw-studio.com/
Contact e-mail: hwarcstudio@gmail.com
Facebook: @hwstudioarquitectos
Instagram: @hwstudioarq
Location: Morelia, Michoacán. Mexico
Google maps link: https://goo.gl/maps/AJBpCGaN6nQ7y1ay6
Completion Year: 2023
Size: 270 mts2
Lead Architects: Rogelio Vallejo Bores
Architects: Oscar Didier Ascencio Castro,Nik Zaret Cervantes Ordaz
Clients: Cesar Cortes and Sonia Patricia Serrato
Budget: 300,000 USD
Photo credits: Cesar Bejar
Photographer’s website: https://www.cesarbejarstudio.com/es/
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