生命之光 | 唐忠汉
The Light of Life
Taste Feast
The entrance space is laid out, entering the main space, turning around, with different spatial scales and lighting changing from dark to bright. The space is rendered with red materials, bringing out the theme of red wine. The red stone on the floor and the red leather on the wall cabinets have different textures and glosses, just like red wine has different tastes and changes, making the space full of themes and layers.
The ground metal sheet material creates a visual effect that contrasts with the walls and ceilings. The medium is the sparks of light and shadow, the dynamic lines of floor lighting guide, the curved metal grille screen, and the golden ratio division of metal small components become the place where light remains. The metal cabinet with large surfaces and different proportions is a continuation of the vocabulary of grille screens, presented in different proportions, just like red wine with different flavors, carefully tasted.
Guardian of Taste
The entrance is like a cork on a red wine bottle, guarding the flavor of the wine. The corridor reduces the brightness of the space, guarding the main space, creating a sense of mystery in the field, like the anticipation before opening the red wine, low-key yet noble temperament.
What catches the eye is the metal hand brushed copper wall, which uses a mirrored ceiling to extend the metal plate on the wall, allowing those who enter it to feel the sense of ritual in the space.
The Nakajima Bar counter, made of natural raw stones, presents the extraordinary craftsmanship of nature, creating a strong visual effect that corresponds to the red leather wall behind it. It blends nature and innovation, giving off new brilliance in new regions and times.
Entering the continuous arch connected by an open field, the original beam column system is transformed into a plane due to the structural relationship, and the disappearing beam transforms the arch into a complete spatial form. The significance of this form is also a transformation of place spirit and spatial form.
The arc-shaped ceiling design enhances the visual tension of the space, and the extended curved surface also brings multi-dimensional visual breadth. The arc-shaped surface is covered with champagne silver art paint, and the weakly reflected material characteristics present a noble texture, reflecting the constantly changing four hour scenery outside the window. The dynamic beauty of light and shadow flow interweaves and emerges.
Vip negotiates the space, with a large area of metal panels extending from the ceiling to the wall, guiding the visual order and continuity of perception, and presenting different material texture visual layers with glass.
穹顶的连续感造成序列阵列与仪式感强化场所精神, 入口主题大的巨石中央吧台, 透过探访-寻找的材料萃取, 挑选 裁切 制作 搬运的一系列工序所构筑, 半穿透的玻璃砖与弧形金属格栅的屏风, 金属小构件黄金比例分割, 成为光线留存的地方。
The continuity of the dome creates a sequence array and a sense of ritual that strengthens the spirit of the place. The entrance theme is a large stone central bar, which is constructed through a series of processes of material extraction, selection, cutting, production, and transportation through exploration and search. The semi permeable glass bricks and curved metal grilles are used as screens, and small metal components are divided in golden proportion, becoming a place for light to be preserved.
The activity space continues the vocabulary of the entrance iron cabinet, adding light boxes to create different counter levels, just like a jewelry box. It is low-key and elegant, paired with streamlined chandeliers and curved grille ceilings, making the visual experience more soft and rounded. The small square texture tiles on the floor echo the elements of the entrance grille, and different material segmentation forms are used to present the visual effect of the carpet.
洽谈空间延续格栅屏风的语汇、地坪红色石材、红色皮革的元素,呈现空间主题创作空间层次及视觉效果。The negotiation space continues the vocabulary of grille screens, the elements of red stone and red leather on the floor, presenting the spatial theme, creating spatial levels, and visual effects.
唐忠汉新作高清大图 在联盟新出的2023高清案例大全中
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Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖入选设计师,透过室内建筑的方式,体验空间、光影、材质、细节,透过以人为本的思考 探索现代住宅的生活方式,回归真实的需要。提升心理仪式性的转换,让住宅不仅是满足基本的需求,而是到达体验的感受,看到的不仅是设计,而是对于生活的深刻体会。
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