本帖最后由 Narjeeling 于 2023-11-6 16:56 编辑风格或许标记着年龄和时代,但艺术却不设边界。Style may denote age and era, but art knows no boundaries.
Home is a presence distinct from all other spaces. It wields a profound power that fuses one's spirit, memories, dreams, character, and even the continuum of past and present lives. Home is an extension of our physical selves, and it should indeed, through the relentless passage of time, approach Heidegger's poetic dwelling, a poetic closeness to the self that is infinite.
Z时代的—艺术之家Z Times-The Art House
“我们创造一个自由的平面空间,能够容纳主人一家各自的生活样态,允许他们同在一个空间内,互为彼此的底色和点睛之笔。”"We've crafted a free-form spatial layout that accommodates the diverse living styles of the homeowners, allowing them to coexist in a shared space, serving as both the backdrop and the finishing touch to one another."
01空间布局大尺度自由平面 」Spatial LayoutExpansive and Free-Form
This nearly 400-square-meter dual-bedroom residence was created by merging two smaller top-floor spaces. Through layout reconfiguration and adjustments to door and window positions and dimensions, the new space accommodates individual spaces for each family member, along with a mansion-scale family activity area.Surprisingly, the designer completed two living modules composed of changing rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms, which are exclusive Spaces for different family members.
The strip-like, floor-to-ceiling windows on the southern facade envelop the entire public area in natural light. Prior to the renovation, the inward-sloping angle of the windows affected both the lighting and the living experience. This flaw was offset by a vertical reconstruction.With a clean spatial base, the designers embedded open and minimalist elements to embrace the interior's richness.
02家庭共享区艺术与情感的融合 」Family Shared AreaThe fusion of art and emotion
Entering through the modernist lobby, the vibrant red entrance cabinet, paired with print instantly illuminates the space. The corner wall features Ye Fang's "Between Reality and Illusion," and these works of art deliver a subtle yet exquisite emotional impact, signifying that you have entered a new world.
The homeowners have a unique taste for art appreciation. In the spatial design, the designers juxtapose elements like straight lines and curves, colors and textures, sculpture and painting, lightness and weight, and when complexity and contradictions are unified in an inclusive space, they form a luminous whole that belongs solely to the homeowners of this residence.
由Ligne Roset和Edra北极熊沙发围合的客厅区洁净而梦幻,角落的一只Foscarini Orbital落地灯和慵懒的Moroso花瓣椅将场景代入夏加尔纷繁的想象之地。易使用的大小各异的茶几由不同材质在内部奏响灵动的曲调,没有任何一个角落是沉闷呆板的。
The living area, enclosed by Ligne Roset and Edra Polar Bear sofas, is clean and dreamy. A Foscarini Orbital floor lamp in the corner and the relaxed Moroso Petal chair transport the scene to a place of Shangri-La's vivid imagination. Coffee tables of varying sizes and materials produce lively harmonies within the space; not a single corner is dull or rigid.
A series of furniture and art pieces made from scattered petals and glass resin formations are original works from design companies. These congealed clouds and water flow constitute a poetic thread that permeates the space, highlighting their moment of congealment.
Beyond the resin screen, the bar and dining area face the living room. The island, cabinets, and drawers, weighing a total of 600 kilograms, have undergone meticulous structural verification to be realized in this area. The substantial cabinet and the glacial design of the dining chairs release a striking contrast charm. The cabinet panels hidden behind the island display a transition from green to red when viewed from different angles, forming a mesmerizing visual dialogue with the large lotus prints on the ceiling. The entire area seems like a rippling lake where art and reality merge, with classical and contemporary blend.
03Z时代的私人空间个性与平衡 」Private space of Z TimesPersonality and balance
The soft earthy tones and curves belong to the younger family members. From the bedroom to the bathroom and the studio, arched doorways and large sliding doors connect these areas, creating distinct realms for each while allowing airflow and sunlight to flow. The arches and soft curves continue from the structure to the furniture and accessories. This candy-like sweetness on a linen-colored canvas is not abrupt but rather harmonizes the intricate details of the public area, creating a soothing ambiance.
衣帽间几乎享有和卧室同样的面积大小,茶色玻璃组柜是梦想里的魔法盒子,延续整个家中的间接照明,衣帽间在灯光渲染中晶莹含蓄,提供恰到好处的尊贵和仪式感。The dressing room, almost as spacious as the bedroom, is a magical box of dreams with its brown glass cabinet, providing indirect lighting that exudes elegance and ceremony.
The bathroom boldly incorporates unique expressions, whether it's the immaculate tranquility or the plunge into the "forbidden" black. It seems to transcend the entire space, bold and intense, creating dynamic balance with the whole, and the spatial rhythm of inhalation and exhalation emerges from this interplay.