何吴龙吉设计 发表于 2023-12-15 12:06

福州退台住宅 | 何吴龙吉设计研究所



项目是一个“居家+办公”的理想案例。退台成为全屋最佳的观景处,也是兼容各种功能的“暧昧”空间。设计师将其定位为“无用之用”,显然是在空间本身之外,对退台寄予了安放身心甚至是哲思升华的高度。This project is an ideal model of "home + office". The setback becomes the best view point of the whole house, but also an "ambiguous" space that is compatible with various functions. The designer has positioned it as a space for "useless use", which is obviously a high level of resting body and mind and even philosophical sublimation for the setback outside the space itself.
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“虚”与“实”是相互依存的。人类的建筑行为是在建造实体,但其实是在创造人类可以使用的空间——虚空。光是认知世界的最优先的条件,但若没有虚空,光也无法存在。The "virtual" and the "actual" are interdependent. The act of building is building a solid house, but in fact it is about creating a space that humans can use—the virtual. Light is the most priority condition for perceiving the world, but without the virtual, light cannot exist.


项目业主为独居,工作节奏比较自由,有居家办公的需求,同时他也希望家居生活能放松身心,亲近自然。The owner lives alone, works at a relatively free pace and has the need for a home office, while he prefers his home life to be more relaxing and close to nature.
设计没有局限在空间本身,而是以自然为参照,把朝晖晚霞、日月星辰纳入,定调一个没有边界的“无用之用”空间,同时笔触沉稳克制,在满足业主居住功能之外,打造一个可以随时切换休闲居家、招待友人、深度冥想,甚至可面湖进行户外跑步健身的多功能退台住宅。The design is not limited to the space itself, but takes nature as a reference, incorporating the sunrise and sunset, the sun, moon and stars. And sets the tone for a "useless" space without boundaries, while the designing touches are calm and restrained. In addition to satisfying the owner's living function, it creates a multi-functional retreat residence that can be switched at any time for relaxation, social entertainment, deep meditation, or even outdoor running and exercising along the lake.


城市的演进将由直白转向隐喻,转向对多样性的追求,一种从人类的角度演化出的边界模糊的聚合体。未来的城市是一个错综复杂的场所,其居住也将有机融入这种多样性。The city evolution will transform from the straightforward to the metaphorical, to the quest for diversity—an aggregation of blurred boundaries that evolves from a human perspective. The future city is an intricate place and its habitation will be organically integrated into this diversity.


退台如同洞穴一般坚固,没有明确的功能,处于一种“无为”的状态,可以自由选择使用它的方式。在这里,内外的边界被重新定义,被模糊,启发人重新思考与城市、与自然的关系。The setback is as solid as a cave. Without a clear function, it is in a state of inaction, and people is free to choose how to use it. The boundary between inside and outside is redefined and blurred, inspiring one to rethink the relationship with the city and with the nature.


退台也拥有全屋最佳观景视野,巨幅玻璃窗让空间场景随一天不同时刻的自然光影丰富变幻,也让疫情下的居家生活变得生动有趣。The setback also enjoys the best view of the whole house. The huge glass windows make the inside scenery change richly with the natural light and shadow at different moments of the day, which also bring the home life under the pandemic more vivid colors.


退台旁边的次卧设计最为巧妙。早起,推门,入眼即是退台的小水景,抬眼拥抱湖景山光、城市全景与远处的朦胧山峦。The second bedroom next to the setback is the most cleverly designed. When you wake up early and open the door, you will be greeted with a delicate water view of the setback. Embracing this lake and mountain view, the panoramic view of the city and the hazy mountains afar will be all in your eyes.


设计希望提供一种城市居住的避世感。以无边湖景和远处的山峦为参照,设计的笔触从室内延伸到室外退台,室内和外部环境融合在一起,形成由身体近处向远方延伸的秩序。The design hopes to provide a sense of isolation from the city dwelling. Teking the infinite lake view and the distant mountains as a reference, the design extends from the interior to the outdoor setback, where the interior and exterior environments blend together to form an order that extends from the near to the far side of oneself.


建筑特别是住宅建筑,“对居住者友好,涵盖全面的功能设计”应是无上原则。形式“form”,指的并非只是外表审美造型,建筑就是以空间的方式对生活进行分类叙事。Architecture, especially the residential architecture, should be based on the principle of "occupant-friendly and comprehensive functional design". The "form" is not just an aesthetic shape, but, for architecture, is a narrative that classifies life by space.


餐厅与主卧之间、餐厅与退台之间的一个隔间,都以可移动隔板对空间做了区隔。隔板可以根据需求进行开合,以增加空间的自由度,方便业主在家里的不同区域进行办公、深度思考。The compartment between the dining room and the master bedroom, and the compartment between the dining room and the setback are partitioned with movable clapboard, which can be opened and closed at your request. This is aimed to increase the space flexibility and facilitate the owner to work and think deeply in different areas of the home.


中国传统造园最是知“情趣”,一片好的园子、好的建筑,首先是一种观照事物的情趣,一种能在意料不到之处看到自然“道理”的轻快视野,呈现一种以小观大,以近观远的微观地理。The most important thing in traditional Chinese gardening is to know the "interest". A fine garden or building priorities an interest to observe things and vision to see the "truth" of nature in unexpected places, presenting a microscopic geography of viewing the big from the small and the far from the near.


设计师在主卧处设计了一个电路玻璃体块,这个BOX是室内造园的一个“小景”,它承载了转折和惊喜。从餐厅看过去,玻璃后面的热带绿植若隐若现,吸引人的目光和好奇心。步入其中,再从另外一边出来,完成一次室内造园。The designer placed a circuit glass block in the master bedroom, this BOX is a "small view" of the interior gardening, it carries the twists and surprises. Looking from the dining room, the tropical greenery behind the glass is hidden, attracting people's attention and curiosity. Stepping into it and coming out from the other side complete an indoor gardening.


室内“回”字路径,不是横平竖直的,而是变幻和暧昧,通电玻璃的特质又赋予它互相穿透与阻碍的关系,不通电的时候视线可以穿透,通电物化之后则可以实现阻隔的功能。The interior "回-shape" path is not horizontal and vertical, but variable and vague. The quality of the energized glass gives it a relationship of mutual penetration and obstruction, which can be penetrated when not energized and can achieve the function of obstruction after energized.
惊喜和趣味性还体现在,待几年后新的小生命诞生,电雾玻璃可以增加业主与孩子之间的日常互动,捉迷藏,或者只是单纯隔着玻璃触碰,都足以让孩子的笑容灿烂。Surprise and interest are also found after a few years—the birth of a new life. Electric fog glass can increase the daily interactions between the owner and the kids. Hide-and-seek or just touches and movements through the glass, are hilarious enough to make the child happy.



open—planned开放式布局,没有太多的隔墙分割,在镇静与诱导效果之间,影响居者移动的方式。人们常说,建筑是一门空间的艺术,但建筑也是一门时间的艺术。The open-planned layout, without too many partitions, is creating a space that is involved in the way of movement. It is often said that architecture is an art of space, but is also an art of time.


少墙体的处理,令视线得以无限延展,空间更显轻盈和通透。架子留白不做过多堆砌和装饰,等待时间的积累,书香满屋。The reduction of walls enables your sight to travel infinitely, so that the inner space is more bright and airy. The shelves without excessive stacking and decoration are waiting to fill the room with book fragrance.



生活是简单的,将房间、艺廊、起居、露台、餐厅及大堂融合为一个整体,一个多功能的大房间。这是一个流畅的大空间,每个区域都能互相看见,互相分离。Life is simple. It integrates the rooms, art gallery, living space, terrace, dining room and lobby into one multifunctional room. It is a large fluid space where each area can be seen and separated from each other.


步入宽大的盥洗室,造型方正的浴缸,温热的水流,秩序井然,仪式感十足。Stepping into the spacious washroom with a square-shaped bathtub and warm water flow, a sense of order and ritual arises for you.


“情趣”的思绪,直接及物,若有若无,难以把握,但足以抵御外界的纷扰,自生成趣。The thought of "aesthetic interest" is direct, material and difficult to grasp, but it is also enough to resist the disturbance from the outside world and generate its own interest.





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查看完整版本: 福州退台住宅 | 何吴龙吉设计研究所
