余远校 发表于 2023-12-31 13:13

远校设计 | 寻意自然的柔和语境

我们观看世界的视角与感受世界的方法可能有千万种,只要能够下意识地将这些角度和感受方法运用到日常生活中,就是设计。There may be millions of ways to see and feel the world, but as long as we can subconsciously apply these perspectives and methods of feeling to our daily lives, that is design.
—— 原研哉Kenya Hara
联泰·欣悦春天Luen Thai ·Xin Yue Chun Tian项目结合屋主需求,以极简原木为旋律,谱写自然又不失温暖的生活空间,勾勒简约线条,辅以弧度曲面,温婉美学尽显设计细节,携纯粹唯美,构筑一处自在典雅的舒心之所。Combined with the owner's needs, the project takes minimalist logs as the melody, composing a natural and warm living space, sketching simple lines, supplemented by curved surfaces, and showing the details of the design with gentle aesthetics, bringing pure aesthetics and constructing a comfortable and elegant place of comfort.

客厅 | Living Room原木地板奠定全屋底色,以轻盈质感与素白墙面相融合,简约石纹挂画,平衡视觉观感,演绎自然雕刻的艺术之美。The original wood flooring to lay the bottom color of the whole house, with a light texture and plain white wall fusion, simple stone wall paintings, balanced visual perception, interpretation of natural sculpture of the beauty of art.选配浅灰沙发,极简单椅,原木茶几,无过多色彩展示,任低饱和色调衬托起居生活的流动情感,任其演绎空间的舒适安逸。Matching light gray sofa, very simple chair, original wood coffee table, no excessive color display, any low saturated color tone set off the flow of life emotion, let it interpret the comfort and ease of space.绿色盆栽,石柱桌腿承托玻璃桌面,为阳台塑造一方独立自然景观,强调采光优势的同时,又为区域提供互动区的实用性。Green potted plants, stone column table legs supporting the glass table top, for the balcony to shape a side of independent natural landscape, emphasizing the advantages of lighting at the same time, but also for the area to provide the practicality of the interactive zone.阳光悦动下,室内亦能创造人与自然贴近的契机,随着百叶窗的转动,明暗调节避免外界光线过于强烈,为开阔身心留一处自在场域。Under the sunshine, indoor can also create opportunities for people to get close to nature, with the rotation of the blinds, light and dark adjustment to avoid too much light from the outside world, to open up the body and mind to leave a self-presence area.客厅采用无主灯设计,氛围灯与板面组合线性走向,嵌入式电视与柜体形成利落平面,既拉伸了空间尺度,又强大的收纳功能。The living room adopts the design of no main light, ambient light and panel combination of linear direction, embedded TV and cabinet to form a sharp plane, which not only stretches the scale of space, but also powerful storage function.

用餐区 | Dining Area用餐区延续原木底色,与厨房联动,采用开放式布局,提升区域的通透性与互动性,为用餐时光制造雅致而不失温馨的交流环境。The dining area continues the original wood base color, linked with the kitchen, and adopts an open layout to enhance the permeability and interactivity of the area, creating an elegant and cozy communication environment for mealtime.黑色岛台与白色餐椅的选配,为功能区营造一处经典时尚氛围。弧形储物柜的温润几何造型,化身木饰面,隐匿儿童房,不仅弱化空间的尖锐感,还为生活注入柔和灵动性。Black island table and white dining chairs are selected to create a classic and stylish atmosphere for the functional area. The warm geometric shape of the curved storage cabinets, in the form of wood veneer, is hidden in the children's room, which not only weakens the sharpness of the space, but also injects a soft spirituality into the life.呼应客厅墙面,墙壁选用同款挂画,保持不同领域的和谐统一,用一株绿植为极简区域调和别样颜色,为温暖空间渲染勃勃生机。Echoing the living room wall, the wall chooses the same type of wall paintings, to maintain the harmony and unity of different areas, with a green plant for the minimalist area and other colors, for the warmth of the space rendering vitality.跟随弧线的指引,步入主卧,使空间的转换变得蜿蜒,短暂的曲径,亦可成为流动日常的转角乐趣。Following the curved guide, stepping into the master bedroom makes for a meandering transition of space, a short winding path that can also become a corner pleasure for flowing everyday life.

主卧 | Master Bedroom主卧延续全屋极简设计手法,原木与净白构筑轻盈平和区域,利用纹理挂画,为空间制造层次感与视觉肌理,令休憩区散发内敛的高雅调性。The master bedroom continues the minimalist design approach of the whole house, with original wood and white constructing a light and calm area, and utilizing textured wall paintings to create a sense of hierarchy and visual texture for the space, so that the sitting area exudes a restrained and elegant tone.见光不见灯的吊顶,为主卧提供更为开阔的空间场景。白天借用自然光敞亮室内,夜晚点亮氛围灯营造惬意。The ceiling, with no light, provides a more open space for the master bedroom. Natural light is used to brighten up the room during the day, while ambient lighting creates coziness at night.简约大方的床头灯,体现屋主对艺术与现代时尚的追求,独特个性与创意元素的巧妙融合,既是一种浪漫的细节加持,亦能令身心感受静谧的愉悦时刻。Simple and generous bedside lamps, reflecting the homeowner's pursuit of art and modern fashion, unique personality and creative elements of the skillful integration of both a romantic details, but also make the body and mind to feel the quiet pleasure of the moment.原木极简的轻盈空间,从入住开始便能感受光与影的律动场景,温润的质感投射眼帘,细腻的情感捕捉于心,舒心的理想之居,也可以是自然与雅致共生的相映成趣。Log minimalist light space, from the beginning of the occupancy will be able to feel the rhythm of light and shadow scene, warm texture projected curtains, delicate emotions captured in the heart, comfortable ideal home, can also be a symbiosis of nature and elegance.
▼平面图 | The Plan▼
项目名称 | 联泰·欣悦春天Project name | Luen Thai ·Xin Yue Chun Tian设计机构 | 远校空间设计Design Firm | YUANXIAO Space主案设计 | 余远校Interior Design | Yu YuanXiao硬装设计 | 邵瑞环 余泽娇 余卓毅Interior Design | Sao RuiHuan项目地点 | 中国 汕头Location | Shantou,China设计面积 | 127㎡Design Area | 127 sq.m.设计时间 | 二零二三年12月Design Time | December 2023

量身订造品味美学精神空间Tailor-made Taste Aesthetic Spirit Space
YUANXIAO SPACE DESIGN远校空间设计成立于2017年,我们一贯坚持“美学、专业、梦想”的理念。专注售楼中心、样板间、高端私宅、别墅 、办公室、酒店等领域,为客户提供全案设计及顶级定制服务。


汕头远校空间设计有限公司YUANXIAO Space Design Co., Ltd
地址:汕头市澄海区登峰路龙光阳光悦府4栋1梯2302号Shantou Chenghai District Dengfeng RoadNo. 2302, Ladder 1, Building 4, Sunshine Yue Mansion, Longguang

电话 Tel : +131 1256 0037邮箱 Email : 397174661@qq.com微信 Wechat : 13112560037

微信公众号 : 远校设计小红书 : 远校空间设计有限公司



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