ABD琥珀设计 发表于 2024-2-28 11:28

琥珀设计 | 栖上民宿:浮空依岫,隐逸之境

入口前序/ 张弛有度,引人入胜
Entrance / well-organized and engaging


Living in seclusion and dreaming of nature

追 光 Chase light ━
自然的躯体被阳光分成双色,渐渐的被阳光覆盖,树木被阳光淋下,摇曳的枝条抖落着阳光的明亮,吸引着城市疲乏的灵魂追光而上。 The natural body is divided into two colors by the sun, and gradually covered by the sun, the trees are drenched by the sun, and the swaying branches shake off the bright sunlight, attracting the tired soul of the city to chase the light.

掠 影 Swept Shadow ━
阳光照射下形成的阴影,没有固定的体态,随着不同的事物而变换成不同的形状,柔和的影子拂过被城市困桎的灵魂。 The shadow formed by the sunlight has no fixed body shape, and changes into different shapes with different things, and the soft shadow blows over the soul trapped by the city.

探 林 Forest Prospecting ━
走进森林,参天大树一棵棵相继出现,绿色的大森林像海洋一样,连成一片。树木长得郁郁葱葱,一望无垠的林海,郁郁葱葱,密密层层,散发着舒心的凉爽。 Into the forest, towering trees appear one after another, the green forest like the ocean, connected into one. The trees grow lush, the endless forest sea, lush, dense layers, exuding a comfortable cool.

捕 梦 Dream Catcher ━
当你在自然的怀抱入睡,梦中乘着一片枫叶,在云海中穿行,享受着那自由自在的、毫无羁绊的快乐,体会着生命的美好,森林的浪漫,勾画出一种浩然意境。 When you fall asleep in the embrace of nature, you dream of riding a maple leaf, walking through the sea of clouds, enjoying the free and unfettered happiness, experiencing the beauty of life, the romance of the forest, and sketching a kind of magnificent artistic conception.

日光渐明,隐于城中, Daylight gradually dawning, hidden in the city,
于繁华闹市之间静听凡尘落素。 listening to the dust fall between the bustling city.

何得晨风起,悠哉凌翠氛 The morning breeze is leisurely and lush ━
“我们已经习惯了所谓舒适的城市生活,但偶尔也需要去体验一下自然的浩瀚,感知我们到底来自何方”。 "We are used to the so-called comfortable city life, but occasionally need. To experience the vastness of nature, to feel where we really come from."

明 昼 Daylight ━

夜 寂 Silence Night ━

细木栏栅、温暖扑朔的光影,这些组成通过空间气韵柔润包裹,温润而自然,定下空间的氛围基调。在静谧间与山水对话,寻觅建筑与自然的平衡,取自然本真,打造出落于自然的避世之所。 Thin wooden fence, warm light and shadow, these components through the space charm soft and moist package, warm and natural, set the atmosphere of the space tone. In the quiet dialogue with the landscape, seek the balance between architecture and nature, take the nature's essence, and create a refuge in nature.

「筑 · 筑室于兹、隐于城中」 Build · The house is hidden in the city ━
当回归自然本真成为当下时代的追求,环山抱水的郊区栖居成为人们生活品质与精神需求的落脚点。自入口进入大堂接待台,在景观掩映中窥探,移步换景,穿行其间,恍若“出世”。 When the return to nature has become the pursuit of the current era, the suburban dwelling surrounded by mountains and water has become the foothold of people's quality of life and spiritual needs. Enter the lobby reception desk from the entrance, spy in the landscape, change the scene, walk through it, as if "born".

The warm light on the wall, like a candle fire, guides the guests into the lobby. The process of entering the lobby bar is the process of "entering the world" again. The position of the rest area is naturally enclosed, and the corner light forms a spatial transition from dark to light. For visitors to create a "born into the world" tour experience. While healing the heart, it also allows people to re-examine the heart and embrace the pure beauty of the world.

Spatial focal point - The spiral staircase is outlined at multiple levels in brick red, black and white. Its smooth rotating arc and the empty square light well on the second floor support each other and wrestle with each other, just like the black and white keys of a piano, the light and dark are distinct and complement each other, and they jointly build a space experience with tension.

「华 · 华灯璀璨、推杯换盏」 Hua · Bright lights push the cup to change the cup ━
走入私宴厅,艺术造景下的点缀与烘托,成为了承载聚会用餐仪式的最佳诠释。随处可见的植物小景、晶莹的玻璃灯饰与雅致的砖红色点缀,融合统一、相映生辉,在丰盈而纯粹的场景烘托间,徐徐勾勒出生活的美学质感。 Entering the private dining room, the embellishment and setting off under the artistic landscape become the best interpretation of the bearing party dining ceremony. The small plant scenes, crystal glass lighting and elegant brick red embellishment, integration and unity, in the rich and pure scene set off, slowly outline the aesthetic texture of life.

「曜 · 峡谷氤氳、日出如火」 Yao · The valley was thick with the sunrise ━
夯土质感如峡谷岩壁的水平岩层,形状千奇百态,色彩通红如火,融合朦胧质朴的墙面,仿佛置身于峡谷中雾气朦胧的清晨。在日出的映衬下,宛如神秘的幻境,唤醒人们内心深处的宁静与敬畏。 The texture of rammed earth is like the horizontal rock formation of the canyon wall, the shapes are strange, the colors are red like fire, and the dim and rustic walls are integrated, as if you are in the misty morning in the canyon. Under the backdrop of the sunrise, it is like a mysterious fantasy, awakening people's inner peace and awe.

「隐 · 山澗陌野、原材古朴」 implicit · The raw material of the mountain stream is simple ━
粗糙岩石状的背景墙像流云散落在诸峰之间,山涧溪流叮咚,古朴的木与藤编如同苍松,踏入此间中,颇有晓日寻花去,山中踏香来之韵。阳光洒碎一地,与窗外的绿意盎然交相辉映,浮光掠影般的奢享生活发生得自由且浪漫。 Rough rock-like background wall scattered in the peaks like clouds, mountain streams ding dong, simple wood and rattan as green pine, into this period, quite a day to find flowers, the mountain to step incense rhyme. The sun is scattered on the ground, and the green outside the window is full of radiance, and the luxurious life like a glimmer occurs freely and romantically.

「悠 · 回溯本源、幽静深邃」 leisurely · Back to the source of quiet deep ━
于青山之际,藏一洞穴其间,宛若大自然之杰作,匿迹于繁林之间。混凝土与文化石运用的质感使得空间如同幽静深邃的隐世居士的岩洞,通过空间的组合构成和材料的搭配运用,既有回溯到物质本身的特性,又蕴含虚静无为的文化和内涵—— 适然,安然。 In the green mountains, hide a cave during, like a masterpiece of nature, hidden between the numerous forests. The texture of the use of concrete and cultural stone makes the space like a quiet and deep cave of the recluse. Through the combination of space and the collocation and use of materials, it not only traces back to the characteristics of the material itself, but also contains the culture and connotation of empty and quiet inaction - comfortable and safe.

「璟 · 峰披翡翠、水荡金鳞」 Jing· Peak jadeite water swing golden scale ━
高峰矗立,巍峨耸入苍穹,披着翡翠的华袍。太阳的余辉洒在水面上,如同一层金纱,将每一片水波都映照成闪闪发光的金鳞。空间内石材纹理质感如山似水,格栅的加入使得空间充满序列感,在石材的基础上融入金属,在质朴的空间中赋予隐奢的享受,仿佛置身于波光粼粼的山岳湖泊之间。 The peak stands tall, towering into the sky, covered with jade robe. The sun's afterglow fell on the surface of the water like a golden veil, reflecting every wave into a glittering golden scale. The texture of stone in the space is like a mountain, and the addition of the grille makes the space full of a sense of sequence, integrating metal on the basis of stone, giving the enjoyment of hidden luxury in the pristine space, as if you are in the sparkling mountains and lakes.

空间规划 Space Planning ━

项目信息 Information ━ 项目名称:栖上民宿 Project Name:Xishang Homestay 项目类型:酒店 Project Type:Hotel 甲方单位:四川高瑞房地产开发有限公司 Party A:Sichuan Gaorui real Estate Development Co., LTD 空间设计:ABD琥珀设计 Interior Design:ABD 设计团队:蒋晟皓,羊璐,周果,郑龙宇,马丽娟,陶涛 Design Team: Jiang Shenghao, Yang Lu, Zhou Guo, Zheng Longyu, Ma Lijuan, Tao Tao 项目面积:1600㎡ Cover Area:1600㎡ 项目摄影:一千度视觉摄影 Photography:One Thousand Degrees Image


旭友 发表于 2024-2-28 16:15

2024年开年颜值最佳民宿 有没有反驳的?

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太喜欢啦   建筑也是一体化设计的吗

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旭友 发表于 2024-2-28 16:15
2024年开年颜值最佳民宿 有没有反驳的?


海兰兰儿1 发表于 2024-4-2 15:24

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