为了联盟 发表于 2024-3-5 10:55

隈研吾新作,温哥华市中心豪华公寓1550 Alberni落成

建筑外观 ©George Handford

建筑底层剧场 ©Ema Peter

这是一座高层公寓,位于温哥华高豪港区逐渐向北延伸至斯坦利公园的过渡区域。设计希望创造与周围环境紧密相连的一种新的摩天大楼,而不是将其作为一个孤立的物体。This is a high-rise condominium, located where Vancouver's Coal Harbour District tapers north toward Stanley Park. We wanted to create a new kind of skyscraper not as an isolated object, but instead defined by strong relationships to its setting.

建筑外观 ©George Handford

设计还希望自然能够贯穿整个底层。在这里,一个覆盖着青苔的露天剧场邀请人们在如云层一般的木构装置下欣赏音乐和戏剧表演,也为城市提供了一个自然的文化活动场所。We also wanted nature to be present throughout the ground floor. Here, an open-air moss-covered amphitheater invites people under a kigumi cloud for musical and theatrical performances, engaging the city with a natural place for cultural activity.

建筑底层剧场 ©Ema Peter

建筑底层夜景 ©Ema Pete

建筑内公共空间-品酒室 ©Ema Peter

塔楼富有特色的轮廓是对城市和周围广阔自然环境的回应。优雅宽阔的大弧线基于塔楼与邻近建筑、海港和远处山脉的视线通廊方向设计,雕刻出建筑体量。The tower's characteristic silhouette results from its response to the city and to the vast natural surroundings. Large, sweeping arcs carve the building volume according to view corridors of the adjacent buildings, toward the Harbour and the mountains beyond.

建筑外观 ©Ema Peter

这些大弧线也透露出建筑内部柔和轻松的氛围。阳台的布置顺应着建筑轮廓,将屋檐下的木质纹理展露无遗。这一侧每套房子里的住户都可以在阳台享受户外生活,与自然建立直接联系。These big scoops reveal the softer interiors of the building, yielding balconies throughout, and exposing the wood patterning beneath the eaves. Outdoor living is immediately accessible for each unit.

弧线部分屋檐细节 ©Ema Peter

阳台 ©Jonathon Folke

室内 ©Jonathon Folke

泳池 ©Lukas Dong

而在弧线以外的部分,垂直的外墙显得更为硬朗,立面由透明玻璃、不透明铝板和半透明格栅板组成,对阳光和来自西北太平洋不断变化的光线起到反射和过滤作用。Elsewhere, the harder vertical facades comprise units of glass, opaque aluminum and grille panels, reflecting and filtering the ever-changing Pacific Northwest light.

建筑傍晚外观 ©Ema Peter

这座建筑是温哥华天际线上一个高大而独特的存在,但由于它是由许多较小的部分组成,消减了尺度感。建筑中任何两处看见的景观都不相同,它的形状也难以捉摸。It is a tall, distinctive presence on the skyline, but made of visibly smaller pieces. No two views of the building are the same, its shape elusive.

建筑外观雪景 ©George Handford

建筑外观夜景 ©Ema Peter

1515 Alberni设计:Buro Ole Scheeren

建筑外观效果图 ©Buro-OS

1700 Alberni设计:Heatherwick Studio

建筑外观效果图 渲染:wearenarrativ

1684 Alberni设计:Revery Architecture

建筑外观效果图 图源:Revery Architecture网站

1818 Alberni设计:Foad Rafii

建筑外观效果图 图源:rafiiarchitects.com

1550 Alberni 设计图纸 ▽

地面层平面图 ©KKAA
三层(泳池层)平面图 ©KKAA西立面图 ©KKAA东立面图 ©KKAA
南立面北立面图 ©KKAA

1550 Alberni完整项目信息TEAMBalazs Bognar, Richard Nelson, Kevin Clement, Nicolas Cazali, Jagoda Joanna Krawczyk, Yasemin Sahiner, Nicolas Guichard, Tomohiro Matsunaga, Martina Bandolin, Colby Perrine, John Xianfeng Jiang, Michael Sypkens, Esteban Ochogavia, Shinya Tohyama, Mira Yung, Yu Tsuji, Takumi Saikawa, Andrea Lizakova, Wenyu Wu, Fumiya KanekoCOOPERATIONGlotman Simpson EngineersJOINT DESIGNMerrick ArchitectureEXTERIORPFS StudioOTHERSMerrick Architecture, PFS Studio, Glotman Simpson EngineersPHOTOGRAPHY©︎Ema Peter, ©︎George Handford, ©︎Jonathon Folke, ©︎Lukas Dong

jfn-123 发表于 2024-3-5 13:44


PouCNid 发表于 2024-3-8 11:30

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查看完整版本: 隈研吾新作,温哥华市中心豪华公寓1550 Alberni落成
