墨设设计 发表于 2024-6-10 10:28

万华总部办公室内设计 | MOD墨设设计+万华装饰中心


万华的设计理念,首先重视对地域属性的研究,以及对于人情感的关照。坐落于成都麓湖边的万华总部办公大楼聚集着万华对过去的思考和对未来的探索,这种思考在成都麓湖演化为一种新的文化属性。我们希望为万华构建一个生态与科技共存的空间,回应万华在麓湖边创造出的一个完整生态体系。Wide Horizon's design philosophy emphasizes the study of regional attributes and the care of human emotions. The Wide Horizon headquarter office building located at the edge of Chengdu's Luxerivers gathers Wide Horizon's reflection on the past and exploration of the future, which evolves into a new cultural attribute at Chengdu'sLuxerivers. We hope to build a space for Wide Horizon where ecology and technology coexist, responding to the complete ecosystem that Wide Horizon has created by the Luxerivers.

作为静态语言的空间体块在空间内部边界延伸。空间的坚硬肌理,与透过的阳光形成鲜明对比。The spatial block as a static language extends across the internal boundaries of the space. The hard texture of the space contrasts sharply with the penetrating sunlight.


我们遵循建筑本身固有的条件并做局部优化,以建筑视角出发,构建全新符合万华办公需求的空间秩序,通过材料、结构、色调、质感各异的元素,营造出平和松弛的空间情绪。We follow the inherent conditions of the building itself to do local optimization, and build a new spatial order that meets the needs of Wide Horizon's office from the architectural perspective, creating a calm and relaxing spatial mood through the different elements of material, structure, color tone and texture.


纯粹的场所、冷静空灵的空间表达、方正简约的线条构造,开合之间便奠定了整个空间的基调。The pure place, calm and ethereal spatial expression, and square and simple line structure set the tone of the whole space between opening and closing.


垂直向上的空间张力与水平方向上的边界渗透力相互作用,构建着具体而强烈的在场感。Vertical upward spatial tension interacts with horizontal boundary penetration to build a concrete and strong sense of presence.


作为空间的“宇”,虽实际存在,却无处可求;作为时间的“宙”,绵延不断,却又不见始末。As a space, Yu exists but is nowhere to be found; as a time, Zeus stretches on and on but does not see the beginning and the end.
办公大堂的互动艺术装置承载了这一理念。时间流转,月球缓慢转动,我们都能瞥见这些稍纵即逝的瞬间,它们会一直伴随着我们。通过这些言语之外、不可估量的东西,传达无形无象又无处不在的时间,无声亦是有声。The interactive art installation in the office lobby carries this concept. As time passes and the moon rotates slowly, we can all catch a glimpse of these fleeting moments that will always be with us. Through these extra-verbal, immeasurable objects, time is conveyed as intangible and ubiquitous, as silent as sound.


大量自然光线在日间通过玻璃门进入空间,在反射与漫反射的作用下,空间呈现出一种细腻的灰度状态。A large amount of natural light enters the space through the glass door during the daytime, and under the effect of reflection and diffuse reflection, the space presents a delicate state of grayscale.


线条、体块的折叠重复,使整个空间合零为整,空间整体由此达到了平衡与稳定。The folding and repeating of lines and blocks make the whole space whole, and the space as a whole achieves balance and stability.


保持空间分区流动性及开放性,大型楼梯作为联系东西两侧的垂直交通,延续了空间内部的体块关系。To maintain the fluidity and openness of the space partition, the large staircase serves as the vertical transportation linking the east and west sides, continuing the relationship between the blocks inside the space.

材料是最真实、最纯粹的表达。空间使用匹配万华企业文化的环保材料——蜂窝铝作为基础语言,再生材料的生态与现代科技造型相互辉映,以不同的表面质感演绎出多样的空间表情。Material is the truest and purest expression. The space uses honeycomb aluminum, an environmentally friendly material that matches Wide Horizon's corporate culture, as the basic language. The ecology of the recycled material and the modern technological modeling reflect each other, and the different surface textures interpret a variety of spatial expressions.


步入大堂入口便是1—9层楼梯挑空,清晰的空间体块关系与恰到好处的互动艺术装置拉伸了整体空间尺度,两者的结合碰撞外加超大的自然采光光线给予了空间张弛力。Walking into the lobby entrance is the 1-9F staircase, clear spatial block relationship and appropriate interactive art installations stretch the overall spatial scale, the combination of the two collision plus large natural lighting gives the space tension.


在颜色的应用上,我们不改变饱和度和明度、不改变建筑和内装原有风格,只在局部场景加以点缀。In the application of color, no change in saturation and brightness, no change in the original style of the building and interior decoration, only in the local scene to embellish.


楼梯内部采用金属镜面的效果,通过镜像与反射相互交织,空间层次在不同维度间相互跳跃;楼梯色彩和造型上的稳定感,为办公室增加了现代化的多元符号。The interior of the staircase adopts the effect of metal mirrors, which intertwine with each other through mirrors and reflections, and the spatial levels jump each other in different dimensions; the stability of the staircase in terms of color and shape adds a modern and diversified symbol to the office.


在具备视觉和功能以外,室内大量的流动空间被用以创造出多元的接待与工作场景,时空交错的瞬间,彼此有了微妙的联结。In addition to the visual and functional aspects, a large amount of interior flow space is used to create multiple reception and working scenarios, where time and space are intertwined in a subtle way.



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查看完整版本: 万华总部办公室内设计 | MOD墨设设计+万华装饰中心
