MAS作品 丨 与运河对话——北京远洋乐堤港
建筑商业外观设计、室内设计 / MAS 运河是一座水做的桥 。 —— 汪剑钊 项目位于首都城市副中心——通州区内,东北至温榆河西滨河路西边线,并紧靠温榆河和源头岛,西邻温顺公路,南邻通燕路,项目由06#地块和07#地块组成。Theproject is situated in Tongzhou District, the deputy center of the capitalcity. It extends from the northeast to the west line of Wenyu River West BinheRoad and is in close proximity to the Wenyu River and Headwater Island. To thewest, it is adjacent to Meek Road, while to the south, it borders Tongyan Road.The project consists of 06# and 07# blocks. 本项目建筑为商业外观设计,建筑外立面以白色、米色石材呈现大地及竖向分割,表现树枝生长,以疏密显示春夏秋冬,通过 层叠、交错、曲线等设计手法,创造出—“潮平两岸阔、风正一帆平“的建筑意境。Theproject is designed for commercial appearance. The exterior facade of thebuilding is presented in white and beige stones, symbolizing the earth andvertical division, depicting the growth of branches, and showcasing the seasonsthrough density. Through design techniques such as cascading, staggering, andcurves, created a "broad and wide on both sides of the tide, with a smoothsail in the wind" architectural concept. △商业外观设计 与运河对话视觉吸引点SOURCE OF INSPIRATION 整体设计概念围绕着通州运河文化发展,以一帆风顺为主题打造塔楼形象,商业裙楼使用弧线手法呼应水波的意向。并将生态·自然的议题植入,营造宜人的绿化空间。Theproject's overall concept centers on the cultural development of TongzhouCanal, incorporating a tower design symbolizing smooth sailing and utilizing anarc method in the commercial podium to evoke water waves. Additionally,ecological and natural elements are integrated to create a pleasant greenspace. /// 流动 Flow 商业裙楼将自然的理念由室外走进室内,由屋面延伸到立面,整体立面使用米白石材为主调搭配铝板及玻璃,简洁的材料凸显曲线的韵律及延续感,连续的带状弧线互相交织,形成水波感,夜间由灯光打亮边缘,勾勒自然流动的轮廓。The commercial podium brings the conceptof nature from the outdoors into the indoors, extending from the roof to thefacade. The overall facade predominately uses beige stone, complemented byaluminum panels and glass. The simple material highlights the rhythm andcontinuity of the curve, and the interwoven banded arcs create a sense of waterripples. At night, the edges are illuminated to outline the natural flowingcontours. /// 穿透 Penetration 玻璃盒穿插其中犹如溅起的层层波浪,穿透玻璃可看见室内的绿植墙与人发生互动,做为室内及室外过度的视点。另一个绿色亮点为象征波光的设计手法,由铝板和玻璃.绿植组成的折面单元,随着行走位置的改变,看到的绿植、铝板和玻璃的比例也会改变,在方寸间感受绿色生态带给我们的不同体验。在整个绿波荡漾的裙楼中,西南向商业入口以异形手法操作设计,翻折的造型并使用新型材料阴刻透光人造石,玻璃帷幕内透深凹结构,在白天及夜晚呈现不同面貌,日景高雅时尚,夜景活泼热闹,作为一个主要吸引点。Glass boxes interspersed throughoutresemble layers of rippling waves, through which one can glimpse interior greenwalls interacting with people, serving as visual transition points betweenindoors and outdoors. Another green highlight is the design technique thatsymbolizes the shimmer of water, achieved through faceted units composed ofaluminum panels, glass, and greenery. As one walks by, the proportions ofgreenery, aluminum, and glass visible shift, offering varied experiences ofgreen ecology within a small space.Amidst this undulating green podium, thesouthwestern commercial entrance stands out with its unconventional design. Itsfolded form utilizes innovative materials, including translucent artificialstone engraved with intricate patterns, and a deep-set glass curtain wallstructure that alters its appearance from day to night. During the day, it exudeselegance and sophistication, while at night it transforms into a lively andvibrant scene, acting as a primary attraction point. /// 引入 Attraction 办公塔楼位于河岸的东侧,玻璃帷幕象征扬起的风帆,更将商业双首层入口形成的城市大台阶与塔楼底铝板雨遮造型巧妙结合,形成商场与城市水岸有机结合,作为一个亲水空间,引入滨水人群。The office tower is situated on the eastbank of the river, with its glass façade resembling billowing sails. Itingeniously integrates the city's grand staircase formed by the double-heightcommercial entrance and the aluminum panel canopy at the base of the tower,creating an organic connection between the mall and the urban waterfront.Acting as a waterside-friendly space, it draws in crowds from along thewaterfront. 两地块连廊空间植入生态温室的主题,创造自然环境与商业结合,选用自然水元素呼应运河,打造城市展厅,将绿化空间串联,延伸至生态水岸,商业面跳动的绿色植栽更增加项目生态感。Thecorridor space between the two plots features an ecological greenhouse theme,blending natural elements with commercial spaces. This design also featuresnatural water elements to evoke the canal, creating an urban showcase. Itinterconnects green spaces, extending to the ecological waterfront. The dynamicgreen vegetation on the commercial side enhances the project's ecologicalappeal. 沿途皆能遇见INTERIOR DESIGN CONCEPT 设计风格延续「建筑与自然共生」的设计主题, 探索自然生态与现代科技碰撞的商业新体验,成就精品新阵营,汇集各地饕餮舌尖盛宴,文化与艺术浸染跨界灵感,让身心与灵魂在一处空间沉淀。Thedesign ethos continues the theme of 'architecture in symbiosis with nature',exploring novel commercial experiences where natural ecology meets moderntechnology, thereby forging a new elite realm. This convergence of globalculinary delights, culture, and art imbues the space with cross-disciplinaryinspiration, allowing the mind, body, and soul to find solace in a singularlocale. 一座游离于城市之上的聚集地,在都市森林的人文温度、艺术质感、文化厚重、内心共鸣中寻找生活美学所引领的闲适从容,体验绿色生活、释放情感、放飞自我。Agathering place that floats above the urban jungle, it seeks the leisurelygrace guided by the aesthetics of life within the humanistic warmth, artistictexture, cultural profundity, and inner resonance of the city's forest, whereone can experience a green lifestyle, release emotions, and let oneself soar. 沿途皆能遇见曲折灵动的线条交织出如同蜿蜒河水般的诗意,空间中的一步一景都是故事。Theintricate and dynamic lines weave a poetic tapestry reminiscent of a meanderingriver, where each step reveals a scene that tells a story. /// FUN集市/LIFE集市 我们将运河的繁荣水岸引入街区,链接不同类别的集市,创造独一无二的餐饮零售集合体。Weincorporate the prosperous waterfront of the canal into the block, connectvarious types of markets, and create a unique assembly of catering and retail. △B1空间「进行中」由艋舺历史衍生出来庙宇——龙山寺,将艋舺文化的精神象征设置在两栋楼的地下连廊,形成仪式感空间,体验从历史到现代交错穿越的独特感。Thetemple - Longshan Temple, which originated from the history of Monga, placesthe spiritual symbol of Monga culture in the underground corridor between thetwo buildings, forming a ceremonial space and allowing people to experience theunique feeling of traveling through time from history to modernity. △B1空间「进行中」FUN集市(西门町)西门町是潮流文化的象征,是到访台湾的游客朝圣点,我们将延续艋舺历史,将西门町的时尚形态带入街区,打造出独一无二的未来商业朝圣点。FUN Bazaar (Ximenting) - Ximenting is asymbol of trendy culture and a pilgrimage site for tourists visiting Taiwan. Wewill continue the history of Monga and bring the fashionable style of Ximentinginto the neighborhood, creating a unique future commercial pilgrimage site.△B1空间「进行中」繁光缀廊(龙山寺)ProsperousLights Adorning the Corridor (Longshan Temple) △B1空间「进行中」穿越时空 ThroughTime and Space△B1空间----印记工坊(红楼次入口)「进行中」△B1空间----电梯厅「进行中」△B1空间「进行中」△B1空间「进行中」 △B1空间「进行中」 LIFE集市△B1空间△B1空间△美食街file:///C:/Users/mas043/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image058.jpgB1洗手间△B1洗手间 男卫 △B1洗手间 女卫 ///城市展厅 City ExhibitionHall 城市展厅以层叠渐退的形式,将原有硬朗直线条调整为有一定弧度的方式,配合线型灯条的穿插增加柔美轻巧的流动感。Thecity exhibition hall adopts a layered and gradual fading form, adjusting theoriginal hard straight lines into a curved shape, and cooperating with theinterspersion of linear light strips to increase the soft and light flowingfeeling. △「进行中」 造型采用错落叠加的形式,结合绿植、休息座,将人流向上引导,同时也有人可以停留的位置。Thedesign adopts a staggered and superimposed form, combined with green plants andresting seats, guiding people upwards while also providing places for people tostay. ///水镜天蓝 Water Mirror SkyBlue 塑造一个天顶的水漾飘逸意象,结合水镜天蓝般的视觉天空,成为购物中心的吸睛点。Createa floating image of water ripples on the ceiling, combined with a visual sky ofwater mirror sky blue, to become an eye-catching attraction in the shoppingcenter. ///天台飨宴 Rooftop Feast 塑造一个在北方国度里拥有365天皆可享受 阳光绿荫,虫鸣鸟叫的多感官用餐环境。Createa multi-sensory dining environment in the northern country where you can enjoysunshine, green shade, chirping insects, and singing birds all year round. △5F空间△5F空间「进行中」 ///贰肆坊(2 4H街 ) Er Si Fang (24HStreet) 以年轻时尚餐饮文化为主题,为都市 创造独具个性的休闲餐饮空间。Centeredaround young and fashionable dining culture, it creates a unique andpersonalized casual dining space for the city. △2F空间----24H街「进行中」△2F空间----24H街 日景「进行中」△2F空间----24H街 夜景「进行中」 ///VIP会员中心VIP Center 多功能+的新型交汇空间,将VIP空间与高端交互活动结合,延续商业河流的元素,设计将河岸的蜿蜒与港湾停靠的意向融入空间,打造复合型高端VIP空间。Anew type of multi-functional intersection space that combines VIP spaces withhigh-end interactive activities, continuing the elements of the commercialriver. The design incorporates the intention of the winding riverbank and theharbor docking into the space, creating a composite high-end VIP space. △「进行中」设计取意港湾,通过港湾环抱的弧线勾勒出空间的重点,取港湾周边山水重叠寓意,用重叠的弧形块状模拟水边山水流畅的线条与体量。Thedesign takes inspiration from the harbor, outlining the focal point of thespace through the arc surrounded by the harbor. Drawing on the overlappinglandscapes surrounding the harbor, overlapping curved blocks are used tosimulate the smooth lines and volume of waterside landscapes. △「进行中」接待背景墙面用浅金色金属板做饰面,搭配勾缝,凸显现代时髦气息。Thereception background wall is faced with light gold metal plates and grouted tohighlight a modern and stylish atmosphere. △「进行中」在不影响现有天花造型的情况下,天花用金属板搭建为照明创造条件。Withoutaffecting the existing ceiling design, metal plates are used to createconditions for lighting. 墙面金属层板搭配暖白条灯彰显现代与精致,大面积咖色与暖白家具营造舒适的休息区,整场空间有格调的雅致且安静。Themetal laminate on the wall, combined with warm white strip lights, highlightsmodernity and sophistication. The large area of coffee-colored and warm whitefurniture creates a comfortable resting area, and the entire space is elegantand quiet with style. △「进行中」展示架大面积木色结合中部区域的白色亚克力,呈现木白碰撞的干净与温和,感受内心真正的平静。Thelarge area of wooden color on the display shelf, combined with the whiteacrylic in the central area, presents a clean and gentle contrast of wood andwhite, allowing people to feel truly calm inside. 项目位置:北京通州设计时间:2015-2019业 主:远洋集团项目内容:建筑设计、室内设计II-06地块用地面积:18800平方米总建筑面积:129520㎡II-07用地面积:27030平方米 总建筑面积:482110㎡设计负责人:江中柱建筑设计团队:陈韦成、邓丽君、廖芸绣、郑诺室内设计团队:王吉文 潘露 卢朝妃 曹金香 张闻 张小雷