WW华熙万物 发表于 2024-10-9 10:17

WWD华熙万物丨金地北京壹街区-跃墅·“我”的自由式·My Free Way of Life

本帖最后由 WW华熙万物 于 2024-10-9 10:27 编辑





2024年,WWD华熙万物用方式哲学,为金地集团亲力打造“我”的自由式——宋庄-壹街区跃墅空间。在样板房被各种风格锁定的今天,WWD希望能够放弃风格,从生活本身出发探索一种自我、自由、自在的生活方式,重新去解读当下年轻人真实生活的情感链接。In 2024, WWD personally created'My Free Style'—the Songzhuang Yijie District Jump Villa Space—for Jindi Group. In an era where model homes are defined by various styles, WWD aims to abandon stylistic constraints and instead design a lifestyle that embodies self, freedom, and ease, reinterpret the emotional connections to the real lives of young people today.

In an era of economic change, the monotony of traditional residential frameworks leads to feelings of fatigue and disorientation. Therefore, creating a captivating space that breaks conventions is essential in this land of “my” freedom.

很难想象设计师在这个地上一层、地下两层的格局内置入了一个“四季花园”,借用天井引入自然光。这座自然和精神共享的堡垒,以自由迷人的盛放为整个家写下序言。It’s hard to imagine how the designer has integrated a “Four Seasons Garden” into this one-story and two-level underground layout while inviting natural light with the help of the atrium. This fortress, where spirit and nature share harmony, writes the prologue for the entire home with its enchanting freedom.

除了对自然和光线的调度,空间的生命力由结构和功能分布实现。餐厨、卧室和会客厅等传统功能区分布于住宅一层,南侧整面开窗带来了绝佳的自然光,与遍布空间的花园植物营造出室内的自然感,消弭了地下空间的局促。In addition to managing nature and light, the vitality of the space is achieved through its structure and functional distribution. Traditional functional areas like the dining kitchen, bedrooms, and living room are located on the ground floor, while a full wall of windows on the south side brings in excellent natural light. This, combined with garden plants throughout the space, creates a natural indoor atmosphere, alleviating the confinement of the underground area.

B1层进行部分拆除后,B2咖啡区获得了通透的挑空,同时成就了B1环游式的动线——家庭互动、健身、下午茶等休闲功功能分享了该楼层的开敞空间。After partial demolition of the B1 level, the B2 coffee area has gained a transparent double-height space, facilitating a circular flow on the B1 level—family interaction, fitness, afternoon tea, and other leisure activities share this open area.

与渗透性,无论站在任何一个角落,生活场景都在视野里层叠延展,直到在远端模糊的自然或花园,一切都生动而趣味盎然。The internal freedom of the space is no coincidence. Within the vertical expanse, a sleek white structure establishes a framework full of potential. Custom fixed furniture enhances the visibility and permeability of the space, allowing life’s scenes to unfold in layers from any corner, blending into the distant natural views or garden. Everything feels alive and full of joy.

结构与自然潜能被充分挖掘后,住宅的一部分交给了时间,空间自然流淌,时时新生。Once the structural and natural potentials are fully explored, part of the home is entrusted to time, allowing the space to flow and continuously renew.
B2 精神方舟

Home is a spiritual system that solidifies our understanding of life and self in residential form. In this project, self-expression permeates every corner.

咖啡区和影音区构成B2层一块自在松弛的功能区,独处或社交场景可以灵活转换。胡桃木定制的咖啡吧充分满足了收纳与展示的功能需求;体量宽大厚重的下午茶桌肌理粗犷自然;繁盛错落的植物是充斥生命力与想象的热带花园。The coffee and audio-visual areas form a relaxed functional zone on the B2 level, where solitary and social scenes can seamlessly transition. The walnut custom coffee bar meets both storage and display needs; the substantial, rugged texture of the afternoon tea table exudes natural charm; and the lush, diverse plants create a vibrant tropical garden filled with life and imagination. This entire area embodies a primal tension and nostalgic warmth. Sunlight streams through the high ceiling, while the hanging spherical lamps stretch the vertical space further.

整个区域兼有野性的原始张力与复古的家居温情。阳光自通高屋面泄入,参差垂吊的球形吊灯再次拉伸了纵向空间。Adjacent to the coffee area, the audio-visual zone combines lively modern colors with art and natural textures, creating a nuanced sense of living that is both vibrant and individualistic.

影音区紧邻咖啡区,雀跃的现代色彩与艺术品和自然肌理杂糅成一种颗粒度细腻的生活感,炙热而饱含个性。Adjacent to the coffee area, the audio-visual zone combines lively modern colors with art and natural textures, creating a nuanced sense of living that is both vibrant and individualistic.

The tea room is a semi-open box at the center, akin to a tranquil tea room in a modern residence. Sliding doors and drapes provide options for openness or privacy. This area serves functional purposes while drawing the space toward the center, creating a cohesive whole.

透过茶室可以看到开放的户外兴趣室,以洞洞板包覆整个墙面结合宽大的中央操作台,几乎可以成为一切兴趣的展示园地,跳脱传统功能区的设计更是一次对自我的呼唤和启发,在这里,表达自我变得有迹可循。Through the tea room, one can glimpse the open outdoor interest area, where pegboard covers the entire wall, combined with a large central workspace, transforming it into a showcase for various hobbies. This design transcends traditional functional areas, calling for self-expression and inspiration, where personal expression becomes a tangible journey.B1 居住延展

作为F1与B2的过度,B1充满活力与变化。围绕中央水吧,家庭互动区、健身区、下午茶以及独处场景逐一展开。区域随动线自然分隔,彼此独立又能够互望,家庭成员的亲密关系也将得益于这一设定。As a transition between the F1 and B2 levels, B1 is vibrant and dynamic. Centered around a central water bar, areas for family interaction, fitness, afternoon tea, and solitary moments unfold naturally. The layout allows for separation while still permitting visibility between zones, enhancing the intimacy among family members.

自然感延续到这一层适当收敛,与B2空间形成呼应。在舒适的现代氛围下,一只大型手作长颈鹿装置生动地向下瞭望,空间在这一刻被贯通,同时也指引居住者的视线。The sense of nature continues here, appropriately refined, echoing the B2 space. In a comfortable modern atmosphere, a large handmade giraffe installation gazes down, linking the space and guiding the residents’ vision.

隐秘的休憩区独立于其它空间,设计师将更为炙热丰富的色彩与艺术拼贴进这个角落,上个世纪的旧木箱牵动起久远的家庭回忆,现代家具与艺术激荡出鲜明的时代感和个性,此刻“我”独一无二,率真且恣意。A hidden relaxation area is distinct from others, where the designer infuses richer, more vibrant colors and artistic collages. An antique wooden box evokes distant family memories, while modern furniture and art evoke a vivid sense of time and individuality—at this moment, “I” am unique, authentic, and free-spirited.
F1 自由栖居

传统住宅的功能区集中分布在一层,会客厅与主次卧与室外界面相邻,连贯的飘窗在功能和结构上将它们串联起来。优雅轻盈的材质与色彩注入温柔与惬意。The functional areas of traditional residences are concentrated on the first floor, where the living room and main/secondary bedrooms are adjacent to the outdoors, interconnected by a continuous bay window that ties them together in both function and structure. Elegant, lightweight materials and colors imbue the space with warmth and comfort.

轻盈感也得益于对功能家具的重新梳理,卧室定制衣帽架功能强大但并不阻塞空间,并在形式上更加现代易用。次卧使用轻薄的白色玻璃移门使空间变得更为通透,结合地面材质的过度与立面、餐厨等形成统一,空间韵律应运而生。This lightness also stems from the reimagining of functional furniture. The custom wardrobe in the bedroom is efficient without cluttering the space, designed to be modern and user-friendly. The secondary bedroom utilizes translucent white glass sliding doors to enhance transparency, creating a harmonious flow between the floor materials and the vertical surfaces of the dining and kitchen areas, giving rise to a rhythmic space.

The children’s room is clean and simple, with multifunctional furniture inspiring imagination and exploration. Whether through artwork or handmade carpets, art becomes a continuous thread in the family space, allowing for personalized, long-term, one-on-one encounters with artistic pieces. This enhances the sense of reality and individuality within the space.
The dining kitchen maintains a consistent style with the B2 coffee area while emphasizing modernity and practicality, balancing with the airy living spaces to create a harmonious, stable environment.

在自然与人造、怀旧与现代、明媚与深沉、张与弛的反复重叠中,游历整个空间仿佛历经一段自由迷人的奇旅,获得无比舒适的、自由的、拥有强烈叙事性的空间和体验,它们富于变化又恰到好处,跳脱出传统样板空间,如同一个新世界引人入胜。Amidst the repeated interplay of nature and the artificial, nostalgia and modernity, brightness and depth, tension and relaxation, wandering through the entire space feels like embarking on a captivating journey of freedom. It offers an exceptionally comfortable, liberated experience with strong narrative qualities, rich in variations and perfectly balanced, transcending traditional templates and inviting exploration of a new world.

我们希望打造一个更适合当下的空间场景,帮助人们获得松弛、治愈的自由体验,突破既定空间的可能性,帮助人们重拾对家的想象。”WWD华熙万物设计总监劉卷卷表述项目的初衷和期许。“We hope to create a space that is more suited to the present, helping people gain a relaxed, healing experience of freedom, breaking through established possibilities of space and allowing them to rediscover their imagination of home,” said Liu Juanjuan, Design Director of WWD, expressing the project's original intent and aspirations.

项目名称:金地北京壹街区.跃墅样板间软装公司名称:金地集团北方区域北京公司设计总监:劉卷卷软装设计:张学智 韩思思设计团队:陈威 朱林静 马健 宋睿颖 项目面积:280㎡设计完成时间:2024年6月项目摄影:图派空间摄影文案策划:NARJEELING那几岭项目策划:楽品牌策略机构北京华熙万物设计有限公司位于中国北京,隶属华熙国际投资集团有限公司,是目前国内较有影响力的空间设计及项目管理公司之一。依托华熙国际的强大平台,实现全资产全专业全流程的设计管理及落地呈现。产业业态覆盖文体场馆、商业综合体、酒店、综合写字楼、影院、地产销售中心、样板间、美术馆、大宅、公寓等多种类型。
Bei­jing Bloomage WanWU De­sign Co.,LTD lo­cated in Bei­jing, China, is a sub­sidiary of Bloomage In­ter­na­tional and is cur­rently one of the most in­flu­en­tial space de­sign and pro­ject man­age­ment com­pa­nies in China. Re­ly­ing on the pow­er­ful plat­form of Bloomage In­ter­na­tional, it re­al­izes the de­sign man­age­ment and land­ing pre­sen­ta­tion of all as­sets, all pro­fes­sions and all processes. The in­dus­trial for­mat cov­ers var­i­ous types such as cul­tural and sports venues, com­mer­cial com­plex cul­tural and cre­ative ho­tels, com­pre­hen­sive of­fice build­ings, cin­e­mas, sales cen­ters, and model rooms.

刘卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司创始人 设计总监

Beijing Bloomage WanWU Design Co.,LTD is currently one of the emerging spatial design teams and design consulting firms in the domestic market. Founded by Juanjuan Liu, the company excels in exploring the creative potential of spaces from a unique perspective and with a keen business acumen. It pursues innovation and creativity, using a distinctive design language to interpret the conversational nature of space. "Expect the Unexpected in All Things" has always been the design goal pursued by the WWD All-Things team, offering clients high-value design products and services. Their portfolio encompasses various spatial formats, including sports venues, commercial spaces, cultural and creative hotels, mixed-use office buildings, cinemas, art galleries, marketing centers, artistic residences, and apartments. Since its inception, the company has led the team to achieve numerous international design awards. WWD All-Things empowers design through an attitude of originality, innovation, disruption, and dialogue.

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