【布道作品】Bloom | 蓝百合母婴护理中心
本帖最后由 BDD布道设计 于 2024-10-21 01:03 编辑百合绽放见证新生 呵护希望
百 合 寻 芳【 重庆渝北 概念店 】Blue lily Chongqing Yubei flagship store
△ 项目场地关系
项目名称:蓝百合母婴护理中心项目地点:重庆市渝北区金开大道爱尚两江13幢设计机构:BDD布道设计服务内容:硬装/软装/景观/机电/照明设计面积:8000 ㎡
01门头及入口 Building entrance
蓝百合母婴护理中心渝北旗舰店,独栋式物业,配套了系统化母婴护理模块。对于宝宝,蓝百合承袭了东方“母婴同室”的育儿传统和借鉴西方(希尔斯医学博士)“亲密育儿”的体验观,恪守“24小时1对1”照护机制。对于妈妈,蓝百合倡导艺术疗愈理念,糅合生理与心理双重康复。从空间环境的品质格调,到健康均衡的饮食起居,再到丰富有趣的生活方式,全面帮助妈妈们拥享专属的美好月子旅程。Blue Lily Maternal and Child Care Center Yubei flagship store is a single-family property, equipped with systematic maternal and child care module.For babies, Blue Lily adheres to the Eastern parenting tradition of "mother and child sharing" and draws on the Western (Hills MD) concept of "attachment parenting", strictly following the "24-hour one-to-one" care mechanism.For her mother, Blue Lily advocates the concept of artistic healing, combining physical and psychological rehabilitation.From the quality and style of the space environment, to a healthy and balanced diet and living, and then to a colorful lifestyle, we help mothers enjoy a unique journey.
02香 隅Reception lobby
经过序廊,转入接待前厅【香隅】,经过设计重构的艺术装置——“绽放的百合”在此迎接宾客,这是品牌的符号,也是空间的IP。将品牌语言融入空间,激发对话,也能帮助客人建立品牌记忆。After passing through the corridor, turn into the small reception lobby, where the redesigned art installation "Blooming Lily" welcomes guests.This is the symbol of the brand, but also the IP of the space.Incorporating brand language into the space inspires conversation and also helps guests build brand memories.
△ 品牌logo图形元素推演
03百 合 堂
原建筑入口直连大堂,如市政建筑。为营造更有安全感和隐秘感的空间层次,提升客户体验。重新规划了客户动线,由序廊开篇,经前厅、过厅、环廊之后,抵达空间的汇集处——百合堂。这里是客人社交,聚会的开放空间。一侧与室外花园无缝衔接,另一侧是与阁楼卡间融合,百合堂前后两端分别是贵宾会客室与宝宝护理中心。空间延续园区建筑风貌的文艺感,呈现东方意韵的品牌基调。原创的艺术装置——绽放的百合悬置于大厅上空,是品牌对新生喜悦的表达,也是对月子旅程的美好期许。In order to improve the customer experience, the customer movement line is re-planned, starting from the preamentary corridor, passing through the lobby, the corridor, and then arriving at the gathering place of the space - Lily Hall.This is an open space for guests to socialize and gather. One side is seamlessly integrated with the outdoor garden, the other side is integrated with the attic card room, and the front and back ends of the Lily Hall are the VIP reception room and the baby care center.
04香 阁 & 廊 桥 Lounge
挑空的大厅一侧横加一座廊桥,廊桥上下共设6个隔间,其中廊下三间为会客雅间,廊桥三间则分别设置为琴棋书画室。廊下小聚欢声笑语,廊上抚琴余音绕梁。立体多元的空间层次合功能配套希望呈现更丰富有趣的客户体验。On one side of the empty hall, there is a covered bridge. There are 6 compartments above and below the covered bridge, of which 3 are guest rooms under the corridor, and 3 are piano, chess, painting and calligraphy rooms respectively.The multi-dimensional spatial hierarchy and functional support hope to present a richer and more interesting customer experience.
△ 空间界面关系分析
05香 坊Vip reception room
前堂闺蜜聚会,后舍私聚慢聊,香坊配置了长桌,沙发组团,开放式厨房电器,一切有关欢庆的时刻,在此一聚,或阅读分享,或手作甜品,花艺体验,围炉畅聊,关于家庭,爱与梦想。Equipped with long table, sofa group, open kitchen appliances.In this gathering, or reading and sharing, or making desserts, flower experience, chat around the stove, about family, love and dreams.
06百 合 园 Courtyard
△ 景观与建筑场地关系分析
百合园是室外场地,由一园一亭构成,园子里满是花草树木,亭子里是蓝百合家人们相聚的场景。百合园与室内交融,阳光和空气从园子里蔓延进室内,室内的人满眼的青绿诗意。Lily Garden is an outdoor site, consisting of a garden and a pavilion.The garden is full of flowers and trees, and the pavilion is the scene where the blue Lily family gathers.The lily garden blends with the interior, sunlight and air spread from the garden into the interior, and the indoor people are full of green poetry.
07 香 闺 Guest room
香闺意取古代女子闺房雅称,是她们编织五彩生活的小天地,因人而异,各有意趣。蓝百合所有香闺均为套房配置,客卧分离,给予让妈妈们静谧的修养居所。客房整体基调延续品牌独有的东方意蕴:百页竖窗,折扇屏风,卧榻花鸟...,盼望妈妈们能够在香气氤氲中,身心放松,悠然惬意。Fragrant Boudoir is a small world where ancient Chinese women weave colorful life, which varies from person to person and has different interests.Blue Lily all incense boudoir for the suite configuration, guest bedroom separation, to give mothers a quiet residence.The overall tone of the room continues the unique Oriental connotation of the brand, and I hope that mothers can relax and relax in the aroma.
△ 方案落地效果还原度对比(左侧效果图&右侧实景照片)
Project information
代表:任礼龙 设计机构:BDD布道设计
硬装设计:刘宇 / 冯文清 / 李美雯
软装设计:卢琴 / 郭雨晴 / 舒诗亮
设计面积:8000 ㎡
哇,众多团队配合的结晶,牛啊,好想参与这种项目。 海派风的母婴中心真是出类拔萃啊!住在这的妈妈肯定特有氛围感 这个母婴中心价格一定不便宜
感谢分享感谢分享 设计美学与现代功能完美结合的典范。通过定制化设计、精挑细选的家具与软装陈设,打造成一处永恒的美学空间。设计美学与现代功能完美结合的典范。通过定制化设计、精挑细选的家具与软装陈设,打造成一处永恒的美学空间。设计美学与现代功能完美结合的典范。通过定制化设计、精挑细选的家具与软装陈设,打造成一处永恒的美学空间。