HW设计 发表于 2024-11-2 11:52

光之宅 | HW Studio

本帖最后由 HW设计 于 2024-11-2 12:05 编辑

光与空间成为唤醒情绪并创造全新体验的主要元素。 Light and space become evocative and creative elements.
光,一旦被捕捉,就会进入空间,展现其物质性的一面,更能唤起情绪的起伏。正是基于对自然光和Paula Rego博物馆标志性金字塔的研究,才使HW Studio建筑工作室设计了坐落在墨西哥中部莫雷利亚的“艾玛之家(Casa Emma)”。 Light, once captured, enters a space, revealing its materiality and evoking emotions. It was the study of natural light and the iconic pyramid of the Paula Rego Museum that led HW Studio to design Casa Emma in Morelia, central Mexico.

Project@Paula Rego博物馆

早在几年前,HW Studio建筑工作室源于参观由Eduardo Souto de Moura设计的Paula Rego博物馆的契机,所获得的灵感,被应用于艾玛之家(Casa Emma)的设计之中。 A few years ago, HW Studio was inspired by a visit to the Paula Rego Museum, designed by Eduardo Souto de Moura, and this inspiration was applied to the design of Casa Emma.

一步入Paula Rego博物馆的内部,HW Studio便大受感动,一种难以用言语形容的宁静之感迎面扑来。从高高的天窗穿过,金色般的柔和光束倾洒而下,仿佛建筑的每一个角落都沐浴在温柔、丝绒般的暖光之中,万物被赋予了生机。HW Studio采用这种光线的方式,为Casa Emma注入活力,旨在尝试在较小的空间尺度上重现相同的感受,并巧妙捕捉光的路径。
Upon entering the interior of the Paula Rego Museum, HW Studio is struck by an indescribable sense of serenity, as if every corner of the building is bathed in a gentle, velvety warmth that brings everything to life. Passing through the high skylights, soft golden beams of light pour down, as if every corner of the building is bathed in gentle, velvety warmth, and everything is brought to life.HW Studio adopts this approach to light to energize Casa Emma, aiming to try to recreate the same feeling on a smaller spatial scale, and to capture the path of light skillfully.

在这个令人着迷的艾玛之家(Casa Emma),HW Studio试图通过光来塑造同样的宁静氛围,雕刻出建筑的轮廓,并探索如何捕捉光因时间的变化而变化的动态规律,以此来打动居住者,就像他们当时参观博物馆时所感受到的一样。 In the mesmerizing Casa Emma, HW Studio sought to shape the same serene atmosphere through light, sculpting the building's silhouette and exploring how to capture the dynamic patterns of light as it changes over time, in order to move the occupants in the same way they felt when they visited the museum at the time.

HW Studio从建筑体量中挖出一个类似Purépecha粮仓状的洞口,使得Casa Emma无论从外形还是内部结构来看更具立体感。室内全部为木质材料,旨在能够更加明确地唤起那些对于传统建筑的回忆,尊重它们,并使其得到合适的延续。 HW Studio dug out a Purépecha-like granary-like opening from the building's volume, giving Casa Emma a more three-dimensional feel, both in terms of form and interior structure. The interior is entirely made of wood, with the aim of evoking more explicitly the memories of traditional buildings, respecting them and giving them a proper continuity.


该建筑坐落在一块纵深为4m x 10m的场地上,不仅需要以天顶的方式解决采光和通风问题,还需要非常有效地利用空间,避免浪费。入口走廊位于前部,以便于进入;中心是一个开放式区,容纳了起居室、餐厅和厨房,它们之间没有硬性分割。
The building sits on a site that is 4m x 10m in depth, and not only did it need to solve the problem of light and ventilation in the form of a ceiling, but it also needed to utilize the space very efficiently to avoid wastage. The entrance corridor is located at the front to allow easy access; at the center is an open plan area housing the living room, dining room and kitchen, with no rigid division between them.

建筑的几何性和材料的纯粹性,让Casa Emma看起来非常独特,于一众房屋中脱颖而出。浅色的外立面设计,使其犹如一块漂浮的“棉花”,不仅减轻了自身的视觉体量感,同时光的游走、反射,又巧妙地模糊了空间的边界,旨在为使用者创造一种记忆深刻的置身体验。 The geometry of the building and the purity of the materials give Casa Emma a unique look that makes it stand out from the crowd. The light-colored façade is designed as a piece of floating “cotton”, which not only reduces its visual bulk, but also blurs the boundaries of the space by the movement and reflection of light, aiming to create a memorable experience for the user.


这座建筑尝试邀请人们沉浸于一个由光所构建的情感世界和自我意识之中,Casa Emma的灵感大都来源于Paula Rego,它们之间很好地展现了当地文脉的内在联系。 The building tries to invite people to immerse themselves in a world of emotions and self-consciousness constructed by light, and Casa Emma is mostly inspired by Paula Rego, which demonstrates the intrinsic connection of the local culture.

旭友 发表于 2024-11-3 12:01


TYZS2013 发表于 2024-12-5 14:12


水巨留 发表于 2024-12-19 14:06

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