此间设计 · 魏成栋 | 舞动的时光
家的归属感700㎡艺术宅邸灵动 惬意 舒缓
Home is the refuge of the soul, the designer hopes that the owner can stay at home for a long time without getting tired, each space has his unique flavour, the light sprinkled in is a unique landscape. ‘All the spring are rubbed into a morning’, all the beauty comes from emotion, design from life, from nature, soothe the body and mind, give people a sense of belonging ......
谁说电视背景墙一定要“对称主义”?装饰墙大胆的运用了金色的通顶装饰壁炉,让会客厅独树一帜!Who says a TV backdrop has to be ‘symmetrical’? The decorative wall is boldly decorated with a gold-coloured through-the-roof fireplace, making the living room unique!
以垂直方向挑空,客厅来点大气感和生活的体验感,光洒金客厅,把身体埋在大花瓣里,自由生长。With a vertical direction of the overhead, the living room to point the sense of atmosphere and the experience of life, light sprinkles the living room, burying the body in a large petal, free to grow.
流动的线条交织成优雅,有方有圆,方寸之间才显气质之美。Flowing lines intertwined into elegance, square and round, square inches to show the beauty of temperament.
“把所有的春天都揉进了一个清晨”——鹿先森《春风十里》‘Rubs all of spring into one morning.’--Lu Xiansen‘Springtime in a Mornin
偷时间的光!“偷窥”客厅一隅。Steal time light! ‘A peek into the living room.
男主人独处的一块静谧空间,深邃的蓝色与金属的质感、光泽相得益彰。A quiet space for the man of the house to be alone, the deep blue colour is complemented by the texture and shine of the metal.
人生有时是一块浮冰,漂浮到我们内心期许的地方,那里有诗和远方。Life is sometimes an ice floe that floats to the place where our heart expects poetry and distance.
北极熊飘在浮冰上,飘到温暖的地方,那里有森林和壁炉的温暖。Polar bears float on ice floes to warm places where there are forests and fireplaces of warmth。
在自然里,享受桌球,围炉煮茶!人生一大快事也!In nature, enjoying pool and making tea around the fire! One of life's great pleasures!
食之禄也!餐厅变身魔术师,不同样式的餐椅打造不一样的体验,也满足家庭不同人群的口味The food is also the Locust! The dining room is transformed into a magician, with different styles of dining chairs to create a different experience and to cater for the tastes of different people in the family.
独立影音室,打造专属娱乐殿堂, 为大宅设计多元化场景。Independent audio-visual room, creating an exclusive entertainment hall, and designing diversified scenarios for the mansion.
一间小小的儿童房,对孩子来说就是属于自己的小小王国。简约的儿童房营造出温馨舒适的成长空间,富有童趣的软装饰品,让空间更具活力。A small children's room, for children is their own little kingdom. Simple children's room to create a warm and comfortable space to grow up, rich in children's soft decorations, make the space more dynamic.
主卧柔一些,静一些,优雅轻盈的造型妆点整个空间,演绎恰到好处的生活尺度,循梦而栖......The master bedroom is softer and quieter, with elegant and light modelling decorating the whole space, interpreting just the right scale of life, following the dream and living ......
独立的衣帽间,做自己的女王!Separate cloakroom to be your own queen!浴缸是梦幻的艺术品,窗外便是一望无际的绿色,与自然与阳光融为一体。The bathtub is a dreamy work of art, and outside the window there is a vast expanse of green, blending in with nature and sunshine.归家,让心在此停泊,家的温暖是永远的依靠!打破思维,回家的的第一站便是灿烂人生的开始。Homecoming is where the heart stops and the warmth of the home is always there to rely on! Breaking down the thinking, the first stop of home is the beginning of a bright life.
都说北方的院子冬日萧条不堪,苍劲挺拔的竹子与远处的罗汉松给冬日一抹绿色的活力!It is said that the yard in the north is depressed in winter, the strong and upright bamboo and the distant Luohan pines give a touch of green vitality in winter!山石融入院落,瞬间变得沉稳,纯粹质朴,心无杂念,行有真知!The mountains and rocks are integrated into the courtyard, instantly becoming calm, pure and simple, with no distractions in the mind and true knowledge in the deed!
光——绚丽夺目,流光溢彩。影——光影斑驳,暗香疏影,有了光影院子才有了生机!Light - gorgeous and colourful. Shadow - mottled light and shadow, dark fragrance and shadow, with light and shadow courtyard has a vitality!
项目名称 | 舞动的时光委托范围 | 建筑、硬装及软装设计设计面积 | 700㎡室内设计 | 此间(HERE)设计工作室景观设计 | 东方花园(北京)设计有限公司木作设计 | 铭岩整木灯光设计 | 易美佳业照明设计智能设计 | 超级智慧家
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