MAS作品丨千百度国际控股总部&研发中心 C°banner Headquarters & RDCenter 简洁是智慧的灵魂。Brevityis the soul of wit. ——莎士比亚(WilliamShakespeare) 项目位于广东省佛山市南海区,紧邻水口大道,地理位置优越,景观资源丰富,人文氛围浓厚,周边有多个工业园区和科技创新企业,形成了一个繁荣的科技创新生态圈。周围植被覆盖率高,道路两旁绿树成荫,为这里增添了一份宁静与舒适。 The project is located in Nanhai District,Foshan City, Guangdong Province, adjacent to Shuikou Avenue, boasting asuperior geographical location, abundant landscape resources, and a strongcultural atmosphere. Surrounded by multiple industrial parks and technologicalinnovation enterprises, it has formed a thriving technological innovationecosystem. The surrounding area has a high vegetation coverage, with treeslining both sides of the roads, adding a sense of tranquility and comfort tothe location. 项目设计围绕“多元一体 · 和而不同”的理念展开,在中性的大基调空间中,局部运用单一色彩,藉由浓度的变化,透过材质的转换,把空间的层次与张力调出,彰显各区域与品牌的特色,同时突出时尚产业的色彩魅力。 The project design revolves around theconcept of ‘Unityin Diversity · Harmony Yet Difference’. Within aneutral overall tone, single colors are locally applied, utilizing variationsin concentration and transitions in materials to bring out the layers andtension of the space, highlighting the unique features of each area and brandwhile emphasizing the color charm of the fashion industry. 在体现每一个品牌特点的同时,又使它们和谐共存,由此创造出一个具有艺术格调的多元化办公空间。 While reflecting the uniquecharacteristics of each brand, they coexist harmoniously, thereby creating adiversified office space with an artistic style. 设计风格上对细节进行细致的研究和处理,更加注重时尚感与设计感。品牌Logo组合排列展示,即达到美观的作用,又能在空间层次中串联。 The design style emphasizes meticulousresearch and handling of details, with a greater focus on fashion and designsense. The branding logos are displayed in a combined arrangement, which notonly serves aesthetic purposes but also connects different spatial layers. ▼ 图形演化 Diagram 简洁流畅的弧形线条可令人身心放松、精力集中,打破传统办公空间刚性刻板的印象。 The clean and fluid curved lines promoterelaxation and concentration, breaking the rigid and stereotypical impressionof traditional office spaces. 茶水间践行不费力的时髦主义,诠释“少即是多”的理念,在黑灰白的色系中,加入橙色进行点缀,不多不少恰到好处。 The tea room embodies effortless chic,interpreting the philosophy of "less is more." Amidst the black,gray, and white color palette, orange accents are added in just the rightamount, neither too much nor too little. 藉由材质本身的肌理,丰富视觉感受,展现纯粹。辅以家具圆形饱满的线条体现空间的个性。 By utilizing the inherent texture ofmaterials, we enrich the visual experience and display purity. This iscomplemented by the rounded and full lines of the furniture, which reflect theunique character of the space. 通过大面积的白色表达品牌自身对于产品的自信,展现其纯粹的美学工艺与设计理念。整个办公空间主体可区分为三大版块:办公空间、研发车间及运动与活动交谊空间。 The extensive use of white expresses thebrand's confidence in its products, showcasing its pure aesthetic craftsmanshipand design philosophy. The main body of the entire office space can be dividedinto three major sections: office space, research and development workshop, andsports and social activity space. ▼ 图形演化 Diagram 空间整体选用黑、白、灰三种中性色彩赋予空间沉浸纯粹的视觉感受,各楼层依据品牌的不同,从各自品牌VI色中,撷取提炼出空间辅色,将各自分区空间串连起来,成就单层空间的整体性。 The overall space adopts three neutralcolors of black, white, and gray to provide an immersive and pure visualexperience. Depending on the different brands located on each floor, auxiliary colorsare extracted from each brand's VI color palette to interconnect theirrespective partitioned spaces, achieving an integrated single-floor space.效果图
在展会期间,整个开放空间可藉由道具的摆放,配合顶上的灯光设计,灵活展布出发布会走秀舞台,或是在平时调整道具的摆放方式,组织一场脑力风暴的创意讨论。 During the exhibition, the entire openspace can be flexibly transformed into a runway for the launch event throughthe arrangement of props and coordination with overhead lighting design.Alternatively, by adjusting the arrangement of props during regular times, itcan be organized into a brainstorming session for creative discussions. 每层电梯厅以明亮的黄色系突出各楼层导视,点出动线枢纽带以及垂直的动线关系。 The elevator hall on each floor highlightsthe navigation signage with bright yellow hues, emphasizing the hub of movementand the vertical movement relationships. ▼ 空间演绎 Diagram 纯净设计理念贯穿廊道,时尚感十足的复古灰地板搭配简约奶油风石膏墙面,更加彰显个性。透明玻璃引入自然光线,巧妙提升空间层次感。天花内嵌氤氲灯带,光影交织,律动中展现出深邃而富有层次的空间美学。 The pure design concept permeates thecorridors, where the stylish vintage grey flooring is paired with minimalistcream-colored plaster walls, enhancing individuality. Transparent glass admitsnatural light, cleverly enhancing the spatial hierarchy. The ceiling isembedded with soft light strips, and the interplay of light and shadow revealsa profound and layered spatial aesthetic in a rhythmic manner. 考虑到时尚界快速变化的特性,时尚产品的生命周期通常较短,每年都会有两季度的产品发表与选货时间,因此在各楼层电梯厅附近开放空间,都会设置多处洽谈空间,以满足团队的协作与交流。 Given the rapidly changing nature of thefashion industry, fashion products generally have a short lifecycle, with twoproduct launch and selection periods each year. Therefore, multiple negotiationspaces are set up in the open areas near the elevator halls on each floor tocater to team collaboration and communication needs. 会议室天花设计内置LED发光灯带,巧妙地加深了空间的纵深感,层次分明。 The ceiling design of the conference roomincorporates built-in LED light strips, cleverly enhancing the sense of depthin the space and creating a distinct layered effect. 多媒体厅摒弃了传统的阶梯固定座椅布局,转而采用阶梯座位混搭的创新模式,这一改变让整体空间洋溢着自由与灵动的气息,尽情展现着创意无垠、自由不羁的蓬勃活力。 The multimedia hall has abandoned thetraditional layout of fixed stepped seating, adopting an innovative mix ofstepped seating arrangements instead. This change fills the entire space with asense of freedom and agility, fully demonstrating boundless creativity and thevibrant energy of unrestrained spirit. 通过蓝、橙、黄三种色块的鲜明碰撞,在一片细腻铺陈的灰色调层次中,巧妙地激发了空间的勃勃生机,并与外部区域的休憩空间形成了和谐而富有连贯性的视觉呼应。 Through the vivid juxtaposition of blue,orange, and yellow color blocks, amidst the finely layered tones of gray, thespace is ingeniously invigorated with vitality. This creates a harmonious andcohesive visual echo with the lounging space in the external area. 项目信息
项目名称:千百度国际控股总部&研发中心项目地点:广东 佛山
项目负责人:沈凯室内设计:黄冬梅、郑巧雯、马帅、张小雷、贾雯涵、曹树铮、方承鼎、李佳潼项目面积: 13,380.61m²
建成时间:2024项目摄影:闵晨轩 Project Information
Project Name: C°banner Headquarters & RD CenterProject Location: Foshan,GuangdongClient: C.banner International Holdings LtdDesign Unit:MASDesign Rang: InteriorDesignPI:Sam HoiInterior Design:HuangTungmei、Chiau-Wen,Cheng、King Ma、Jack Zhang、Eleanor Jia、Barry Cao、Mao Fang、Jenny LeeProject Area: 13,380.61 m²Completed Year:2024Photography:MinChenxuan
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