DEMO初品设计 发表于 2024-12-11 15:55

BalanS 以方寸見原初

方寸 / 方寸亦有天地,悠然成诗Every inch has its own heaven and earth,leisurely turning into poetry 空间设计从原初品牌的的“圆”出发,以“方”交会,以原木色为基调,勾勒出一幅温暖又充满韵味的空间画卷。The spatial design starts from the original brand's "circle" and intersects with "square", using natural wood color as the tone to outline a warm and charming spatial picture.
结构 / 展厅设计结构层级交错,几何穿插,圆中有方,方中有圆,设计将中国古时文人的方寸天地的理念带入空间,又将西方的装饰语汇自然的编码进入。将岁月和诗意沉淀,几何交融,举手投足间,穿梭千年。The design structure of the exhibition hall is staggered, with geometric interweaving. There is a square within the circle, and a circle within the square. The design brings the concept of the square inch heaven and earth of ancient Chinese literati into the space, and also naturally encodes Western decorative vocabulary, precipitating time and poetry, blending geometry, and weaving through thousands of years.

空间 / 设计动线流畅,以高大的几何木制构筑链接了整个空间,引导人视线,自上而下,让温暖的木制空间,展现出空间的稳重与秩序感。在软装搭配上使用浅色皮革和重色绒面沙发,将空间的纵深感进一步拉大,空间点缀穿插各式绿植,增添了几分绿色和清新,多种材质的搭配也给展厅带来无限的视觉可能。The design flow is smooth, with tall geometric wooden structures connecting the entire space, guiding people's vision from top to bottom, allowing the warm wooden space to display a sense of stability and order in the space. In terms of soft furnishings, light colored leather and heavy colored velvet sofas are used to further expand the depth of the space. Various green plants are interspersed in the space, adding a touch of green and freshness. The combination of multiple materials also brings infinite visual possibilities to the exhibition hall.

融合 / 移步异景,游走于展厅,便可以发现设计给空间所带来的装饰选材多种多样,金属的元素制成不同的形状的装饰,极简的几何线条融合暖色背景,悬挂于墙,通过简洁多变的形象为展厅注入生机和活力。灯光设计独具匠心,采用和空间一致的暖色调,柔和温暖,营造出舒适宜人的氛围。暖黄色的灯光分层次照亮,为整个空间又增添了几分艺术气息。Stepping into different landscapes, strolling through the exhibition hall, one can discover that the design brings a variety of decorative materials to the space. Metal elements are used to create decorations in different shapes, and minimalist geometric lines blend with warm backgrounds. They are hung on the wall, injecting vitality and energy into the exhibition hall through simple and varied images. The design of the lighting is ingenious, using warm tones consistent with the space, soft and warm, creating a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere. The warm yellow light illuminates the entire space in layers, adding a touch of artistic atmosphere.

生机 / 茶室空间,隐于阶级一侧,将书房、会客、工作功能合一,休憩品茗,畅游天地。拾级而上,两侧的墙体镂空点缀绿植,将自然的绿色和新鲜的空气引入其中,为空间带一抹清新和生机,灯光柔和,光影交错,树影婆娑,静谧而温暖,流动而宁静。The tea room space, hidden on one side of the class, integrates the functions of study, reception, and work, allowing for relaxation and tea tasting, and enjoying the world. Climbing up the stairs, the walls on both sides are hollowed out with green plants, introducing natural greenery and fresh air, bringing a touch of freshness and vitality to the space. The lighting is soft, the light and shadow are intertwined, the tree shadows are swaying, quiet and warm, flowing and peaceful.


持续创新是设计道路的不竭动力,不断探索新材料和技术为每一个项目注入新的想法和元素。坚信,设计不仅仅是外在的呈现,更是内涵的延伸。 Compose poetry, speak with the universe and life, and resonate with you and me in a moment of confusion.Continuous innovation is the driving force of the design path, constantly exploring new materials and technologies, injecting new ideas and elements into every project. Firmly believe that design is not only the external presentation,but also the extension of the connotation.
项目信息—项目名称:原初 广州设计周展馆项目区位:广州项目面积:350平方米设计机构 / 设计师:Balans / 沈健 & 蒋国成软装设计师:黄明硬装深化:陆叶照明设计:区绮泳项目实施:广州尚高 / 谭倩 王敏

念lj 发表于 2024-12-13 10:23


13150702882 发表于 2024-12-13 16:06

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