杭州绿峰中心室内设计 | ZSD卓时设计
室内空间©张锡建筑设计GLA六和设计景观、室内、软装设计ZSD卓时设计项目地点浙江杭州建成时间2024年5月设计面积2237平方米杭州绿峰中心位于浙江省杭州市紫金港科技城,正处科技城腹地。这里距杭州西溪湿地仅4公里,一条快速路将西溪湿地城西地区分割成两个迥然不同风格的地块空间:一边是拥有独特先锋艺术性的现代办公聚集群落,一边是老牌工业园区。随着时代改革浪潮的到来,产业升级也让这片旧土焕发了新的生机,我们借绿峰中心之名,完成了前所未有的向内探索。Hangzhou Green Peak Center is located in the hinterland of Zijingang Science and Technology City, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Located just 4 km from Hangzhou's Xixi Wetland, an express road divides the west part of Xixi Wetland City into two distinct plots: a modern office cluster with unique avant-garde artistry on one side, and an old industrial park on the other. With the advent of the reform wave of The Times, industrial upgrading has also given this old land a new vitality, and we have completed an unprecedented inward exploration in the name of Green Peak Center.
一条中轴线沿园区穿越而过,两栋向内退建筑将此地块分为东、西两部分楼体。作为两幢主楼的入口,这里拥有开放而丰富的空间布局,其不仅仅是一个工作场所,更是一个承载着人们生活功能配置的地方。A central axis runs along the campus, and two buildings retreat inward to divide the plot into east and west buildings. As the entrance to the two main buildings, this open and rich spatial layout is not only a workplace, but also carries the life function configuration of the people who gather here.
设计缘起于西溪湿地,杭州绿峰中心—— 一个亲自然与“无界化”的办公项目落地。我们始终追求的公共精神与社会艺术的平衡,亦成为绿峰中心的设计内核。Originating in Xixi Wetland, Hangzhou Green Peak Center has landed as another pro-nature and "borderless" office project after Zhuoshi Lancan Valley. The balance between public spirit and social art that we always pursue has also become the core of Green Peak Center's design.
受到“公园”这一城市中的人造自然场所启发,我们将封闭的室内空间看作“自然的容器”,而开放的中庭则作为户外“山林草地”,完成一场室内外的空间“反转”,希望人们回到室内工作时,仍能感受到户外自然环境中的绿植、光影、流动的空气和生命力。Inspired by the "park", the man-made natural place in the city, we regard the closed indoor space as a "natural container", while the open atrium serves as an outdoor forest and grassland, completing a "inversion" of indoor and outdoor space, hoping that when people return to work indoors, they can still feel the green plants, light and shadow, flowing air and vitality in the outdoor natural environment.
真正的场所存在于人们值得记忆的体验之中,个人感受就此成为营造空间氛围的突破口——与云澜谷室内颇为不同,我们并未取消中庭传统的洽谈区域,而是创造了更为灵活多变的林下空间。The real place exists in the memorable experience of people, and the personal feeling becomes the breakthrough to create the atmosphere of the space - unlike the interior of the Lancang Valley, the atrium does not eliminate the traditional negotiation area, but creates a more flexible and changeable space under the forest.
室内大堂空间拥有近12米的阔绰层高,尺度感十足,我们通过空中景观设计,打造了一个垂直向上的森林体系,涵盖了本地的乔木、灌木和草本等植物。密叶交枝、绿阴如盖,多棵植物形成直线型中央超级绿廊景观,让在这里办公的人们得到亲近自然的意趣体验。The interior lobby space has a generous height of nearly 12 meters, which is full of scale. We supplement the aerial landscape to fill the forest system created vertically, covering local trees, shrubs and herbs, dense leaves and branches, green as a cover, and many plants form a linear central super green gallery landscape, so that people who work here can get a pro-nature experience.
我们在林下空间设计了介于办公、生活之间开放的“中立地带”。在游线性空间之中,卡座沿绿景岛台四面向外围合分布,利用体块间的镶嵌、穿插、结合,形成有效的社交边界。The space under the forest provides an open "neutral zone" between office and life. In the linear space, the booth is distributed along the four sides of the green view island, and the Mosaic, interpenetration and combination between the blocks are used to form an effective social boundary.
我们在空间中探索了材料的平衡:光滑的皮质卡座与四周粗糙的微砂浆材质形成强烈的对比。粗糙与光滑的肌理融合并置,用坚实的材料为空间带来别样触感。We explored the balance of materials in the space. The smooth leather of the booth forms a strong contrast with the rough micromortar around it. The rough and smooth textures are integrated and juxtaposed, bringing a different touch to the space with solid materials.
大堂内摆放了几组休闲座椅,在这里,你可以沉浸于个人专注,或参与沟通协作,或享受社交休闲。我们致力于打造一个全新的室内体验,邀请在这里工作的人们放慢脚步,享受属于自己的工作时光。The lobby has several sets of casual seating, where you can immerse yourself in personal focus, engage in communication and collaboration, or enjoy social relaxation. We created a new indoor experience, inviting people who work here to slow down and create their own working time.
我们从灵动的西溪水韵和流淌的古运河中汲取设计灵感,以此为基底,突破传统顶面设计框架,并以大面圆弧转角取代传统顶面的直角,使曲线圆滑如流水潺潺,形成了融合东方韵味的现代设计语言。这一设计潜藏着细节中的内敛美学,蕴含着温雅的动人意蕴。Taking the design language as the basis from the lively Xixi water rhyme and the flowing ancient canal, it breaks through the traditional top design framework and replaces the traditional top right Angle with a large circular corner. The curved curve is smooth like flowing water, forming a modern design vocabulary that integrates Oriental charm, hidden in the hidden aesthetics of details, and implies a warm and elegant moving meaning.
我们采用波纹金属板、高端石材、金属拉条密缝拼接,铺陈于弧形挑空顶面,捕捉抽象的东方元素在具象的空间中进行表达。当代精神与传统文化在此交融,焕发新生。With corrugated metal plate, high-end stone, metal lashing seam splicing, spread on the curved ceiling, capture the abstract eastern elements in the concrete space to express, contemporary spirit and traditional culture blend here, rejuvenating.
空间汲取了“自然”的哲思之妙,中庭内陈设着一座立石,独立成景。自然、立石与室内空间和谐地形成呼应与延续的对话关系,营造出的静谧场域被纯粹的木饰面结构轻柔包裹,引领我们进入禅意共鸣之境。Space to take the "natural" philosophy of the wonderful, the atrium furnishings a standing stone, independent into the scene. Nature, standing stone, and interior harmoniously form a dialogue relationship that echoes and continues. The quiet field created by it is gently wrapped by the pure wood veneer structure, and enters the resonance with Zen.
大面积规则的镜面天花板将灯带光源柔和地折射,完整了走廊空间秩序。二层共享中心展示区则作为过渡空间,将人们从稍显昏暗的室内公共走廊引入明亮的绿色公园。The large regular mirror ceiling gently refracts the light with the light source, completing the order of the corridor space. The shared center exhibition area on the second floor serves as a transitional space, bringing people from the slightly dim indoor public corridor to the bright green park.
在实现公共共享价值之前,我们建立场地引力,创造一个既能激发创意和潜能,又能促进人际交往和互动的室内空间。我们将人引向“公共磁极”,承担促进人际交往和互动的职责。Before realizing the public shared value, we establish the attraction of the site, pay attention to creating attractive, can stimulate creativity and potential, promote interpersonal communication and interaction rich indoor space, bring people back to the "public magnetic pole", assume the responsibility of promoting interpersonal communication and interaction.
空间采用大面积木饰面打底,辅以柔和的灯光映射。在转角处设立的咖啡区域,满足了大量非正式沟通的需求。在有限的室内空间里,这里提供了更自由、轻松的氛围,探索多元的工作模式可能性。The space is based on a large wood veneer, supplemented by soft lighting mapping, and a coffee area is set up at the corner to meet a large number of informal communication needs. In the limited interior space, it provides a more free and relaxed atmosphere and explores the possibility of multiple working modes.
在整体木色调的空间基底里,我们将几处生态微场景置于空间之中,实现办公与自然生态有机结合。In the overall wood-tone space base, we placed several ecological micro-scenes in the space to achieve the organic combination of office and natural ecology.
共享中心配备完整的会议室、茶室、多功能厅等多功能区,这些空间模块被分配在沿走廊空间两侧,覆盖了整个建筑空间的纵深,塑造出了不同类型的工作场所环境。The shared center is equipped with a full range of multi-functional areas such as meeting rooms, tea rooms, and multi-function rooms, which are distributed along both sides of the corridor space, covering the depth of the entire building space and shaping different types of workplace environments.
洽谈室采用圆管树脂玻璃材料隔断内外空间,纤薄轻盈的材质映出绿植影绰之姿,在最大化保留室内通透感的同时,拉进人与自然之间的关系。透过材料与空间之间的特殊连接,内部空间成为一个能够传达场所情感的 “媒介”,有效产生人与空间持续对话的通感体验。The negotiation room adopts tubular plexiglass material to partition the inner and outer space. The thin and light material reflects the appearance of green plants. While maximizing the permeability of the room, it pulls in the relationship between people and nature. Through the special connection between the material and the space, the interior becomes a "medium" that can convey the emotion of the place, effectively generating the synesthetic experience of continuous dialogue between people and space.
受益于革新性的土地演变,新型建筑空间将逐渐变得更加可持续。于绿峰中心的设计中,我们构建了一个捕捉情绪流动的“能量场”,让身心得到有效延展,打造出一个既现代又与自然共生的理想办公环境。无论是在共享中心隔间座位中,还是在繁忙的中庭座位上,每个人都能在不同的空间找到属于自己的创意灵感。Benefiting from the innovative land evolution, new building Spaces will gradually become more sustainable. In the design of Green Peak Center, we built an "energy field" to capture the flow of emotions, so that the body and mind can be effectively extended, and become an ideal office environment that is both modern and symbiotic with nature.Whether in a shared central cubicle seat or a busy atrium seat, everyone can find their own creative inspiration in a different space.
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https://image.cool-de.com/data/attachment/forum/202310/16/095401e5opddxoooc9dqix.png 很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节6
很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节6 很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节6 很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节6
这么大面积的办公楼,怎么消防设施都没有,好奇怪怎么验收的。 很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节