科索沃歌剧院及芭蕾舞剧院 | BIG
BIG建筑事务所(Bjarke Ingels Group)在其官网公布了与ALB-Architect合作设计的科索沃歌剧院及芭蕾舞剧院方案。Designed by BIG in collaboration with ALB-Architect, the Opera & Ballet Theatre of Kosovo will house four performance halls and a new public plaza in the capital of Pristina.
该项目坐落于塞尔维亚科索沃省会Pristina。它将成为科索沃地区的第一座歌剧院,被设计为该地区丰富多元文化遗产的象征,彰显以创造力为根基的全新城市形象,以及对艺术发展的坚定支持。Designed as a symbol of the district’s rich and diverse cultural heritage, the theatre will be the first opera house in Kosovo, reflecting a new identity for Pristina rooted in creativity and a commitment to the district’s artistic growth.
科索沃歌剧院及芭蕾舞剧院将容纳四个表演厅和一个全新的公共广场,包含1200座的音乐厅、1000座的戏剧厅、300座的演奏厅、戏剧排练室,以及一个教育与会议中心。项目毗邻多个文化、体育设施和机构,将在城市中心共同打造出一条充满活力的文化新走廊。The Opera & Ballet Theatre of Kosovo will include a 1,200-capacity Concert Hall, 1,000-capacity Theatre Hall, 300-seat Recital Hall, Theatre Room, and education and conference centre under one roof. Situated next to the Palace of Youth & Sports, the Fadil Vokrri Stadium, and the Public Services Ministry, the theatre will contribute to a dynamic new cultural corridor at the heart of the city.
设计生成©BIG + ALB
各种功能元素以简洁实用的方式布局,并被柔和起伏的表皮包裹,这层表皮覆有光伏瓦,由外露的木椽支撑。建筑外形让人联想到表演者所穿着的线条流畅的服饰,以及当地女性的传统服饰“Xhubleta”钟形裙子。A simple and pragmatic arrangement of functional elements, including world-class performance venues, is wrapped in a softer exterior skin of photovoltaic tiles supported by exposed timber rafters. The shape of the theatre evokes the free-flowing shapes of a performer’s costume and the Xhubleta, a bell-shaped folk skirt traditionally worn by women in Kosovo.
剧院以一座宏伟的市民阶梯迎接来客。场地位置四通八达,行人无论是从Garibaldi街的街道层,还是从青年与体育宫的裙楼上层,都能便捷抵达。现有的青年与体育宫裙楼将得到延伸,与剧院无缝衔接,这既改善步行连通性,又能激发裙楼作为公共空间的活力。Welcoming visitors with a grand civic staircase, the site’s central location provides convenient pedestrian access at both street level via Garibaldi Street and above street level via the podium of the Palace of Youth & Sports. The existing podium of the Palace of Youth & Sports will be extended to merge seamlessly with the theatre, simultaneously improving pedestrian connectivity and activating the podium as a vibrant public space.
设计通过“推”与“拉”的手法塑造建筑底部,为各个主要功能元素创造空间。起伏的形态也自然地标示出剧院入口和关键空间的位置,引领访客进入,剧院像一个温馨宜人的“公共室”,从各个方向都易于进入。The building footprint is shaped by a ‘pushing’ and ‘pulling’ to create space for each of the primary program elements of the building. The theatre’s undulating form also naturally indicates the locations of entrances and key spaces, which welcome guests into a ‘public room’ that is approachable and welcoming from all sides.
四个表演厅共享一个大堂,自然光线穿过中央天窗洒满室内,营造出温暖舒适的氛围,与流畅动感的建筑外观形成鲜明对比。Serving all four auditoria, the lobby is flooded in natural light from a central skylight, exuding a warm and inviting atmosphere that contrasts with the sleek and dynamic exterior.
音乐厅、戏剧厅、演奏厅、戏剧排练室以及教育与会议中心,都与一条中央通道相连,这条通道作为后勤及后台空间。排练和行政管理空间则堆叠在上方,形成了一个功能高度完善、清晰明了且紧凑的布局。The Concert Hall, Theatre Hall, Recital Hall, Theatre Room, and the Education and Conference Centre all plug into a central service and back-of-house spine. Rehearsal spaces and administration spaces are stacked on top, creating a highly functional, legible, and compact program arrangement.
设计示意图©BIG + ALB
统一的设计语言贯穿各个表演厅的内部,运用弯曲木材元素营造出富有雕塑感且功能实用的空间环境。主音乐厅设有一些专属座位区,尽可能为观众提供观赏舞台的良好视角。戏剧厅分成三层高度,由贯穿建筑全高的吊杆塔和隐蔽的技术桥支撑,营造出宏大而又不失亲切的氛围。可灵活调整的戏剧排练室和比例优雅的演奏厅,为多样的艺术表达提供了更多的灵活性。A consistent design language unifies the interiors of the performance halls, utilising curved timber elements to create sculptural yet highly functional environments. The main Concert Hall features intimate seating areas that weave and interlock seamlessly to offer optimal views of the stage, while the three-tiered Theatre Hall offers a grand yet intimate setting, supported by a full-height fly tower and concealed technical bridges. The adaptable Theatre Room and the elegantly proportioned Recital Hall provide further flexibility for diverse artistic expressions.
哑光木材为所有表演空间确定了统一美学风格,而每个表演厅各自的深绒面内饰和具有光泽感的吸音窗帘与之形成对比。木饰面经过精心布局融入吸音材料,提升了声学效果。Across all performance spaces, the predominantly matte timber aesthetic is contrasted by the lustre of deep velvet upholstery and acoustic curtains particular to each venue. Strategically spaced timber layers enhance acoustic performance by integrating sound-absorbing materials.
建筑周边的硬质景观由优雅的天然石材打造,包含一系列景观“岛屿”和蜿蜒小径。这些“岛屿”将种植包括山毛榉在内的多种植被,在促进生物多样性的同时,展现季节变化,并遮挡来自Tirana街道的喧嚣。The building is framed by an elegant hardscape of natural stone along with a series of landscaped ‘islands’ and winding paths. These islands will be planted with a diversity of vegetation including beech trees that will promote biodiversity, provide seasonal variation, and shelter from Tirana Street.