本帖最后由 K-Studio 于 2025-2-27 15:24 编辑One&Only Aesthesis酒店位于雅典的一处天然海湾,占地面积21公顷。酒店经过精心策划与改建之后,再现了20世纪中叶的现代主义精神,同时以当代奢华的方式重塑1950年代Asteria经典建筑的内在精神,使其焕发新的魅力。
One&Only Aesthesis Hotel is located on 21 hectares of land in a natural bay in Athens. The hotel has been carefully planned and renovated to recreate the spirit of mid-20th century modernism, while at the same time recreating the inner spirit of the classic Asteria building of the 1950s in a contemporary luxurious manner, giving it a new charm.
The Aesthesis main building, which is the centre of the resort, forgoes the traditional square form and is built with a flowing curve, inspired by the modernist architecture of the 1960s. The building is symbiotic with the surrounding Mediterranean garden, with its expansive shape, rich geometric elements, and clever use of light and shadow, creating a poetic rhythm of alternating virtuality and reality, which not only maintains privacy but also gives the space a warm atmosphere.
The resort is built on the premise of a range of authentic materials - locally sourced stone, glossy wood and Greek marble, which allow the building to blend naturally into the coastal landscape. The facades are made of locally recycled stone, and the texture of the material presented through modern techniques makes it a narrator of time and pays homage to the golden age of the Riviera in Athens.
Agora serves as the social hub of the resort, continuing Aesthesis's unified architectural language. K-Studio's design harmonizes the building's facade with the interior material, eliminating the boundaries of the space and allowing the building to naturally extend into the courtyard and landscape area. The top terrace is the highest point of the resort, and the view of the Aesthesis complex unfolds like a flowing picture.
中央建筑的设计灵感源于Asteria早期的露天餐厅,其水平式的外观借鉴了传统的希腊屏风样式,既保护隐私,又过滤阳光,使空气流通。两扇天窗让阳光倾洒其间,而全景窗户则将泳池与远处的爱琴海毫无保留地引入室内。蜿蜒的楼梯可连通下层的Alelia酒吧、Ora by Ettore Botrini餐厅及泳池露台,为宾客带来渐进式的空间体验。
The design of the central building is inspired by Asteria's early open-air dining rooms, and its horizontal facade borrows from traditional Greek screen patterns to both protect privacy and filter sunlight to allow air circulation. Two skylights let in the sun, while panoramic Windows bring in the pool and the Aegean Sea beyond. A winding staircase leads to the Alelia bar on the lower level, the Ora by Ettore Botrini restaurant and the pool terrace, providing guests with a progressive spatial experience.
度假村的平层区(Bungalows)并未直接遮挡风景,而是隐匿于松林之中,以低密度的布局与自然共生。玻璃移门、宽敞的露台、镂空的石墙,共同塑造出一种模糊建筑与环境边界的空间形态,使宾客能够在自然的怀抱之中感受私密和宁静。 The Bungalows of the resort do not directly block out the view, but are hidden in the pine forest and symbiosis with nature in a low-density layout. Sliding glass doors, spacious terraces and hollowed-out stone walls create a spatial form that blurs the boundary between the building and the environment, allowing guests to feel privacy and peace in the embrace of nature.
Aesthesis不仅关注视觉的美感呈现,更在意感官体验的整体构建。脚下微微清凉的石板、空气中弥漫的松木与海风气息、耳畔回响着蝉鸣与潮水声,这些自然元素被巧妙地编织进建筑语言之中,使度假村成为一个让人慢下来、静下来的场所。 Aesthesis not only focuses on the presentation of visual beauty, but also focuses on the overall construction of sensory experience. The slightly cool stone slabs under the feet, the pine and sea breeze in the air, the cicadas and the tide in the ears, these natural elements are cleverly woven into the architectural language, making the resort a place to slow down and calm down.
橄榄木的温润肌理、Tinos大理石的光洁质感、当地工匠精心雕刻的石墙……每一种材质都经过精挑细选,以回应希腊的自然与手工艺传统,让建筑与环境和文化产生深层次的共鸣,表达可持续的理念。 The warm texture of olive wood, the smooth texture of Tinos marble, the elaborately carved stone walls by local artisans... Each material has been carefully selected to respond to the Greek tradition of nature and craftsmanship, giving the building a deep resonance with the environment and culture, and expressing the concept of sustainability.
光不仅是照明的媒介,更是一种空间叙事语言。在Aesthesis,光影是空间主角——镂空石墙在地面投下斑驳的光影,如同阳光穿透树叶;大面积落地窗将海天一线的变幻色彩纳入室内,使天空成为空间的一部分。 Light is not only a medium of illumination, but also a spatial narrative language. In Aesthesis, light and shadow is the protagonist of space -- hollow stone walls cast mottled light and shadow on the ground, like sunlight penetrating leaves; Large floor-to-ceiling Windows incorporate the changing colors of the sea and sky lines into the interior, making the sky a part of the space.
水不仅存在于海岸线,它以隐喻的方式渗透于度假村的每一处。静谧的水景庭院、泳池边的倒影、通往大海的弧形阶梯……建筑与水景交相辉映,形成一场从入口到海岸的空间叙事,使人在步步深入之时,逐渐感受到与自然的深度连接。 The water is not only present on the shoreline, it permeates every part of the resort in a metaphorical way. A quiet courtyard with water features, reflections by the pool, curved stairs leading to the sea... The architecture and the water feature complement each other, forming a spatial narrative from the entrance to the coast, making people gradually feel the deep connection with nature as they go deeper and deeper. One&Only Aesthesis
遵循“建筑让位于自然”的理念,使每一座建筑都能与环境和谐共生。在时间、自然、材质、光影的交错之中,找寻独特的平衡点。它不仅复兴了一座历史地标,更创造了一种新的可能性——让建筑成为时间的桥梁,让空间成为感知的载体,让生活回归最本真的美好。 One&Only Aesthesis follows the concept of "architecture gives way to nature", so that each building can live in harmony with the environment. Find a unique balance point in the interleaving of time, nature, material, light and shadow. It not only revives a historic landmark, but also creates a new possibility - to make architecture a bridge of time, to make space a carrier of perception, to make life return to the most original beauty.