Should not happen, cyber love, girl silly you cry
One night,the boy and the girlin theonline knoweach other,chat very congenially,the girl told the boyspace in theirphotos,pretty girl,boyafter readingproduced a favorable impression on the girls Hogan Mens Shoes,and requeststo do their ownwife,girlsin the beginning andthe boytalkingonthe boy has a kindcan not be said tofeel,do not know isloveor friendship,in the boynumerouspleasfinally agreedandboy,girlhistelephone numberand toldthe boy ­girlphoto;relationresult and nbsp; the very next daygirlmobile phonerang,is a boyhit,first heardthe boygirlsome excitement,the boyvoice was soft,somehow,girlloveTheboy,hope that their happy,this soundcan behappy for her,whenher comfort,boy inthesaidin this life onlylovea girlagirlinthehead,quietly listening,listening tohesearched for so longfinally foundsounds,theycallone morning,mother calledgirleatingitand unable to part fromthehung up the phone,to this day,the girlshave beenvery high heart,the corners of the mouth,whileputting his armsto makeangelflyingstate,whilein thisroomup tothe room,it seemsthe boy appearedto let the girlof the worldto turn up.­relationresult from the beginning of the day,every day the boytogirl calledmorningcall,callgirlget upat noon,fromabout,played in the eveningisambiguous,eachfinishedeven if thegirlsaid one hundred timesyou hang up,boy orgirltohang up first,because of theboy,girl becamethe happiestprincess,every day isthought ofas happybirthday juicy couture tracksuits,every daylike fireworks,colorful.
Yeah,previouslynot onlydonto talk,but alsofor thoseanthomaniacignore,nowbecomeloveto laugh lovelove to act in pettish,girlfriendasked the girlrecentlyhow,whyso happy,girlblinkedhiseyesclose tohisfriendearsandboything to say,andhappytosky yell:intuition tells me,Ivery happy.
­relationresult Sunday,girls andfriendsgo to Internet cafes,just theboyalso online,the boysaid he wanted tohave a lookthe girl,the girlwon,but theInternethas noscreen,so onlyto thecounty on theInternet,the countyis far away from here,thescaredboycan,no time tosaid the boywenton toInternet cafes,want tocounty,hisyellow hair anda blackskirtin the windblowsto the back ofwind,running too fast,too late toavoidoncomingmotorcycle,finally,collide with motorcycle,the girlwaslying inapool of blood,girlfriendrushed to thenearest hospital,the doctor saidlatera littlegirl scrap it,girlfriendtold theboy,the boy is anxious,every day forgirls call,although alwaysunmannedconnection,but the boyinsistedeverydayto thegirl at the telephone,a few days later,the girlwakes up,watchmobile phonethe five hundredboysmissed calls,happytears.
­relationresult boysask anxiouslyGirl Legshow?Girljust saidnothing,it,in fact,legpain pain,he just didnlet the boyworried,sunranthesurrenderto live,butthe legsthat scarforeverengraved in thelegs,like aboyforeverengraved in thegirlheart.
­relationresult the boyis still as usualthree times a dayto give a girlcalled,which seem tohavebecome part of their lives,the boyis alwayson the phonecomplains aboutnotseeingagirlgirl,justlisten quietly,althoughdid notsay anything,buthehateshateblamethemselves,the girl wanted tolet the boyhave a lookyourself,this islove.
­relationresult finally one day,the girlcanaloneto theboy,usuallyeven southeast northwestconfusedgirl howmaywellfind the boy,the day is getting dark,fearslowly to thegirlhit,tooafraid,girl.
In the past Paul Smith Wallets,by the localpeople foundand sent tothe nearest hospital,the girlisrunning awayfromschool,chestout cardalways forgot tolower,the hospital according to thebusiness cardto contactthe phoneto school,schoolcalling home.
­relationresult familyarrived Ed Hardy Sale,the girl to changein a coma,he came outwearingonlya thin coat,sothenfinallyhave a fever,respiratory tract infections,for severaldays,the girldidnwake up,strangeis thegirl alwaysholdtheir ownmobile phonerefused to release,everymorningafternoon eveninggirl willopen theireyesand looked around,thenlookno newsmobile phoneandquieteyes closed,soafter a few days,sleeping beauty,wake up at last,slowlyback to health.
­relationresult boyloves dearly saying:baby,you listen to me,staythere,I... feeluseless,listened tothe boyhave wrongedandself-blame:well,husband,baby.
­relationresult after that,the boy alwayssaysstupidcutegirl,alsocalledthe girlsat,the girlstarted veryrevolt,finallyalso withhim,butnotnowa dayboy namedhis expressionisuncomfortable,the girlfeltalreadycannotaboy,because fear of losing,so every daywas very careful tokeep theirlove,donwordwith great care,lest theyoffend theboy,thenlostboy.
­relationresult boys and girlsevery day on the phonestillon,boyoccasionallysay a few wordsto let the girlknowgirlfunny,occasionallyalittleboycoaxed hertemper,alwaysletthe eveningto listen to his stories:­relationresult there once was amaster,raisea pig,themasterlove thepigs,and thepigsevery nightaroundits ownersaid:host,told me astory.
..Ha haha ha ~ ­relationresult girlheard aboyto say that sheis a pig,thenmade amostsaid:I ama sow,then you are aboar.
Most girlsliketo say:I amyour coat,lovewonthe boywill often use Icold medicine,even if thecold will begood thiswordthe girl back.­relationresult although thegirl did notknow it,not to mentionit,but the girlalways believe,the boyis hisprince charming,blink of an eye,the boy and the girlhave known each other for twomonths,the girlbirthday is coming up,he excitedlytoldthe boyOctober 6th ishishappy birthday,she wants toreceive from theboy,as long asthe delivery boy,that isthe worldspecial.
­relationresult soa dayoflife,on October 6th,the birthday girlup,boy promisegirl on GirlBirthdaysong birthday gift ,the girlcountingfinally arrived athisbirthday,the day,the girlhappy birthdayto many people,to sendgirls birthday giftis very much also,to celebrate themandownwith smallliving room,but the girldoes not lookhappy,she had hisownmobile phone,poutedlowstanding in the sunboytelephone,saying,boys doncall,she wonblow out the candles,friendname severaltimes,she wasunwillingto come in,his hands foldedon his chest,saying with a loud voice:Hopehusbandhappy forever,hopehusbandnever leaveyour baby a.
(idiot,desire iscan not sayout)and thenblowfromall the candles,then think ofwhatheshout:Oh,how to do?Iafinished yet,I havenahusbandfamilyevery daywill happy,come here,lighter,lit the candle,I playit again.
Herfunnymadeeveryonelaugh.­relationresult the girlwaited for one day,the boydid notcall,until the evening,girl lying in bed,clutchedhis ownmobile phone,for about two or three minuteswitha phone call,all wishhappy birthday girl,only saidone or twowordgirlhastily hung up the phone,because she was afraid ofthe boycallhismobile phoneline is busy,he stillwant theboytoher sing birthday gift ,then,one night,the girlholding amobile phonelying on the bed,dead of night,a terribleevening,some more,somedisappointedgirl,shesobbedasleep,the very next day,the pillowwet sheet,the girlwas very angry,he vowed thatthistwentydays to ignorethe boy,but whenthe boyexplained to herthat,beforethe oathto forget.
­relationresult boys are alwaysin front of the girlsandhis ex-girlfriendmemories of hispast,hisgirl andformer girlfriend,although the girldid notsay anything,but the heartis like beingone hundredpinprickaches,alwaysit is without rhyme or reason.
Tantrums,cryingit is without rhyme or reason.­relationresult time passed quickly,andtheyhave known each other for threemonths,but theboy isslowly changed,he no longer cares aboutthe girl,alwaysthe girlcouldnlonelytearswhen the boywill give comfort,the girlfound the boy began tocoolher,but the girlnot afraid,because theydrawhooksaidno oneconstitutionalsay goodbye,shebelieves the boy,believe thateverycall himdullboy.
­relationresult boyevery night willcallgirl,soafter school,I hidein my littleroom,holding in thearms ofthemobile phone,rememberinghim and theboybit by bit,while waiting forthe boy ,watches and clocks,turn around andcircle,late at night,the girlalwayshold themobile phone,because the boysaid thatnightdoes not give thegirlcalledcan,the girlis tired,but she stillinsisted ona tiredbodysitting on the bed,looking out of the window,I could not resist,thenbitinghismouth,she is afraid of,she was afraid ofher to sleepthe boycallshimnotto,butwillthe boyworried,shedid not want the boyto callafter hearingissorry,you dial the phonecan notconnect,please redial later.
She did not want to. She did not want tolet the boydown,deep winter nightthe terrible cold,the windblowing infrom the window,the girlwaspulledout,the girllooked out of the window,lookin a daze.
..­relationresult in the girlaspirations and expectations,the sun came out,dawn,the girl looked athis arma row ofteeth marks,disappointedtears,to this day,the girllocked himself in the room,the boymade a mistakeis always the nextsecondstoapologize to him,girls believe that boystodaywouldcallher to explainwhat happened last night,heoneAt themobile phoneand wait.
Wait...Until noon,telephoneorno movement,girls panic,she picked up hermobile phone to call theboysdormphone,answer the phone isa boyfriendgirlon the phone,hear theboy over therelaughter,girlwrongedtears,do not knowask yourselforask the boyfriend: since inwhy not give me a call?Boyfriendsecretly tell thegirl: actually theboyhas a girlfriend,butnot together,the boy felt verylonely,looking for aspecifictime,and the girl isa boylooking forfriends.
Girl handstremblinghung up the phone,he doesnbelieve that Mens Burberry Shirts,girlsthink you,hehateshatehitslap yourself,hurt,she had nodream,shedid not believe thatthe boyhas beenplaying withher,but the boydoes change,become indifferenthimself.
­relationresult silent for a long time,the girlwas trembling,she left home,alone in thestreet,thisstreetis very strange,scattered aboutonly one or two individuals,girlslikethis,becauseeven if youcry,no onesaw,shewalked veryslow,rather,should bestumbledforward,looked at hersmall bodyin the windgo swaying,afacewithout alook,she tried to makeherselftransferideas,but is unable toaccept the boybecause the onlyloved her,because the girlloveboy,love.
..The pasttothe film as releasedin the girlmindplayback,she finallycan not help butshed tears,that night,the girlswent to bed very early.­relationresult the very next daythe boy stillgave the girlcalled,girlwasbleak,the boyasked her what?The boydid not know the girlyesterday tocalltheirdormitory,the girl did nottell the boy,because she was afraid that shesaid the boycansay goodbye,she does not want togive up,she didnthe boy,hewanted to use hislovetheboykeep,for fear of losing,so thegirl changed,becausethe boy,girl,becomesoon loses his temper,quick tocry,but the boysnever know,girlin hertemper the endalwayssilentlyturned totears,the boywill never know,girls are neverreallyangry with him;the boyhas changed,fora long timehergreasy,girl.
­relationresult boygirlnowdays tomake a call,callalwaysdo other things,thegirlset aside,the girlalways keeps silent,because he wanted tobeforethe boyashis own life,and even he candie,the previousno matterhow to say theboygirlgirl would haveto hang upnow,before thegirlsaid,the phonebegan totoot.
..Girl stood there,handslost consciousness,the phonefell to the ground,the girlcould not hold any more,shesat down on theground,IcriedI love you,butthe distancewhether the boyheard.
..­relationresult the girl stillas usual,aboy on the phone,because it hadused every daythe boycalllife,he likes it.­relationresult every night,every girlholdinghermobile phone,look forward to,she evennowstill believe thatthe boyislovingher,butfull ofeager anticipationevery time isin disappointment,afew nightswithout sleep,he will alwaysrememberthe boy saidthatnightnot to call youIcan,life and studieshow tense,girlevery nightwithout sleep,the very next day,swollen eyes swollen,attends class alwayssitor sleep,watching hersotired,even theteachercouldnwake him up,thiskind ofonline how,blink of an eyethe second monthtest to thegirl,when the examinationis asleep,makewholeiswhite,since I knowthe boy,girlperformancefromthe firstto sixty,then one hundred and thirty,now alsoiswhite,the school rulesatallthe restto drop down to eightgrade,the girlwasdown to eightgrade,the poorgirlstrengthshe could completelyintothe focus of localhigh school,teachers and students areverysorryfor thegirl,the girl father and motherscoldedthegirlsomany times.
­relationresult sincefall eightgrades,the girls becamedonto talk,he likes to finda place where no oneto cry,orsitting inseatstaring out the window,havenheard the boyvoice,timidgirlcalled theboy on the phone.
The boysomethingstrange,notto say a few wordsgot into a fight,alsodid not allowgirlsto identify solutions,the phonestarted totoot toot....,the girl cried,thisboy isreallyagirl.
­relationresult from then on,girl,fromwhombecameafraid of everyone,his backis oftenfollowed by a group ofbullies,as long asonesees the girlagirlcame to him,beat him,and every daymyevil associatesare mixed together,in addition todrinkordrink,getdrunkred,thenfind someone tofightnotbleedgirldoes not give up,the girlsaid of a woman or maiden.
Let a person dare notlookherstraight in the eye,radiates outcoldalso makes people afraid tolookstraight in the eye,there are severalgirlsputhimbackbones,nose,legall fractures,chesttwoknife,schools in theconferencecriticized thegirl,the girlbecame atypical school,everyone who metgirls arefaraway,but who knowsthe girlis reallygood,who knowsevery nightgirlcrying,forhe playedrepentance.
­relationresult girlcries every day,withwineand rice,his stomachcanwithstand solargealcohol,thisgirlbecame acry,drink,stomachache,hospitalization,discharge,cry Ralph Lauren Outlet,drink,stomachache,hospitalization,discharge,cry.
.the boyalways...Notcalled a woman,maybe heis now really in thegirlfriend andengaged in an ambiguous,he did not thinkthere isalovefor himinhisgirlslowlytorture themselves,perhapsthe boya phone will be able tosave the girl,butthe girlcall never came.
­relationresult italsoappears to havea girlinfluence,darkens,rain,under verygreat,in the nightallquiet,canhear the sound of rainand the girlcry,for a long time,the girlrushed out of the house,sheis standing in the rainout of controlyell:why?Why?Whywhynot?Myhusband,I beg you,donleave me.
..Fardeep butcouldnboyechoes,onlyrainin theclap clap sound.­relationresult the very next day,the girlshave a fever,burningfiercely,coughing,parentsfriendsadvised himnotto take medicine,he said,let himhearthe boyinhertoeat.
­relationresult one night,girl onlineencountered aboyfriend,boyfriend toldthe girl,the boy and hisgirlfriendthatgood,butthegirlis just for fun,the girlremained silent for a long time,heasked the boyfriendboygirl friend telephonenumberyou,girlnothing,just want to tellthe boygirlloveboy,histhisfor himto give the boy,askedmany times,the boyfriend isnot to say,the girlhad to admit defeat,secretlyfrom the kitchenknife,cut his wrist,watching theblood fromtheoutflow,girl,the girl finallya wish istolisten tothe boy,canlistenboycallyourself adullboy,then placed aphonecalla few times,nobodyon,girlin despair,shed a tearafterheavyclosed his eyes,stillsilentnight,the wind gentlyblowingpeople aresleeping,the moon and the stars and theusualshined in the sky,who would have thought thatin a smallroomcornerlies agirl,agirllovingDutch act,wristbloodThegirl inwhite gown,cornerhangs ateardrop,tonightissilent,hear nothing,only heargirls handsmobile phonerepeatedlyplacedboylikes to hear kissing you that song.
..­relationresult becauseoftimely,saved thegirl,butexcessive blood loss,hospital istrying torescue,thesecond people...­
;relationresult thanks for yourpatience to read it,I hope thatafter readingall the boyswant toremember,ifdondonI
loveyou,every girl isan angel,when shefalls in love with a boy,willbreakyourselfwitha pair of wings,don,whenbeing hurt,grow up to behurt,sodo nothurt a person,because
youmaychange a person and all the girlswant to rememberI love youloveyounotforyour money,notloveyou,onlyin yourfoot sprainanxiousyouupstairs,distressedasyou
massageit islovingyou,no matter what time,whatplace areyou willing tobend downto tieis the mostlovingyou,donhavethetragedy of~­relationresult   过来学习谢谢 LZ的分享 180金币。。不便宜呀。。 {:soso_e100:}多谢分享 非常期待!
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