且歌且行 发表于 2012-7-4 15:20



原 名 称:Seven-screen pavilion

这是由OMA事务所为嘻哈巨星坎耶?韦斯特(Kanye West)设计的临时影院放映展馆,这个临时的影院放映的也是坎耶?韦斯特的首部电影,这个展馆内包含七个屏幕,它们将观众围绕在一个金字塔内。这部电影的名字是《严酷的夏季》(Cruel Summer),这是一部在卡塔尔取景,用七部摄像机拍摄的专门放在这种七屏上播放的电影。这个临时的展馆高抬于地面,从而在底部部分展示出后面的戛纳和地中海风景,同时观众是坐在台阶上的,周围被屏幕包围。

Kanye West‘s first short film was shown on seven cinema screens surrounding the audience inside a pyramid designed by architects OMA at the Cannes Film Festival in France yesterday. Called Cruel Summer, the film was shot in Qatar on a seven-camera rig specifically to be shown on this configuration of screens. The temporary pavilion is elevated off the ground to reveal the backdrop of Cannes and the Mediterranean at the base of the pyramid while the audience sit on steps, immersed in the screens.

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