本帖最后由 水果小姐 于 2012-7-5 15:44 编辑所 在 地:阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜
设计师:Giuseppe Farris和Stefan Schöning
这是由设计师Giuseppe Farris和Stefan Schöning共同打造的将会位于迪拜的编织塔楼项目概念方案,这个结构旨在反映多个阿拉伯文化的特征:包含部落文化,跨地区的商业交流等。建筑的外貌同时反映枣椰树这种植物,它是迪拜每日生活的重要元素。交错的编织图案同时也是对迪拜历史上很多条商贸路线的反映。功能上,这个建筑的内部依旧延续了对于这种部落文化的宣扬,首层是开放的结构,象征着迪拜人民的好客。同时不同楼层的里里外外都能见到传统的当地会议空间。
The impressive design for Woven Tower is created for a location in Dubai by Giuseppe Farris and Stefan Schöning. The proposed structure aims to capture several aspects of Arab culture: its tribal society and the trans-regional entrepreneurship. The building’s appearance refers to the date palm which, along with fruits and fronds continue to be an important product in Dubai’s everyday life. The twining maze of the building’s exterior simultaneously represents the network of trade and commerce routes that have, through history, arrived and departed from Dubai. Functionally, the building’s interior continues this celebration of the tribal cornerstone of Dubai identity. At ground level, it is an open structure, hence symbolizing the hospitality of the Dubai people and inviting all to enter. Visitors may find at different levels outside and inside the structure different kinds of majlis.