小粉刷匠 发表于 2012-7-6 11:39


       所 在 地:加拿大温哥华
建筑面积:32,814 平方米
高度:158.45 米
这是由IBI Group事务所设计的位于加拿大温哥华的新乔治亚酒店项目,这个项目紧邻历史性的老酒店结构,它切割形成突出的线条,定义城市第二高楼的形象。这个综合性的塔楼包含前11层的酒店和商业办公空间,剩下的34层则是公寓单元。塔楼的形状创新,前35层戏剧性地向东侧和南侧倾斜出去,以保证遮阳和朝着温哥华中心区的景致。顶上的几层则向后倾斜,从而使东南角落的阳台有着朝着北侧山体的视野。外部的公共艺术包括LED设计,它在北部立面呈现出雨水落下的效果。

Standing at 50 storeys and 158 meters, this new residential tower next to the historic Hotel Georgia (recently refurbished) cuts a striking profile in the downtown skyline, and is now the second tallest tower in the city. This new mixed-use tower has hotel and commercial office space in the first 11 storeys, with residential units on the remaining 34 storeys. The shape of the tower is innovative in its massing; the first 35 floors dramatically cant out on its south and east sides, providing passive solar shading and stunning views of downtown Vancouver. The top dozen floors of the building lean back such that the balconies of the southeast corner look around the tower to see Seymour and Grouse mountains to the north. The exterior public art component is an LED design that comprises a subtle raindrop effect featured on the building's north elevation.

shentao19 发表于 2012-10-10 20:21

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