沙漠之花 发表于 2014-3-31 16:17

Dongdaemun Design Plaza / Zaha Hadid Architects (part1)

本帖最后由 ゛伊筱沫丶 于 2015-8-25 19:34 编辑


Design and Construction Process
DDP is the first public project in Korea to utilize the 3-Dimensional Building Information Modelling (BIM) and other digital tools in construction.
Throughout the design process, every building requirement was considered as a set of inter-related spatial relationships which will define the social interactions and behavioural structure in/around the project. These relationships became the framework of the design, defining how different aspects of the project, such as spatial organization, programmatic requirements, and engineering come together.

通过运用参数建筑信息模型软件和设计计算,我们能不断的进行测试,随时调整设计以满足不同业主的要求,同时满足工程和建筑要求。这些技术确保原始设计在整个项目建设过程中不改初衷,同时与监理协商一同规范建筑设计过程。参数建筑信息模型不仅提高了工作流程效率,同时帮助设计师在紧张的工期内做出最明智的设计选择,保证DDP的发展前景。With parametric building information modelling software and design computation, we were able to continually test and adapt the design to the ever-evolving client's brief as well as integrate engineering and construction requirements. These technologies helped to maintain the originaldesign aspiration throughout the project’s construction. It also streamlined the architectural design process and coordination with consultants.The parametric modelling process not only improved the efficiency of workflow, but also helped to make the most informed design decisionswithin a very compressed project period; ensuring DDP’s success throughoutlife-span.

在建设中,参数模型技术的优点显而易见。数字设计模型在整个设计和建设过程中可以随时调整,以适应额外的场地状况、当地规定、技术要求和造价控制。除此之外,团队可以有效控制设计方案和各种细节,比传统的建筑过程更加精确,同时业主和承包商也可以对项目有更多的了解和把握。In construction, the benefits of using the parametric modelling techniques are apparent. The digital design model could be refined at any time throughout the design and construction to accommodate additional onsite conditions, local regulations, engineering requirements and cost controls. The team were able to have greater control of the design and details, with much greater precision than a conventional construction
process; giving the client and the contractors a much better understanding and control of the project.

DDP的外表皮就是一个很好的范例。DDP的外部建设是一个挑战,因为围护体系由4万5千多个大小不同、弯曲度不一的面板拼接而成,用人工计算的方法很难实现,但是,通过参数模型和先进的金属成形与制造工艺,研发出的大规模定制系统就可以解决这个难题。参数模型使设计师能更好的控制围护系统设计和技术的造价和质量。整个建筑过程中,围护模型在保持原始设计完整性的基础上,实现了各种技术控制、制造控制和造价控制。The DDP façade cladding system is an exemplary result of such a process. Construction the exterior envelope of DDP was a challenge as the cladding system consists of over 45,000 panels in various sizes and degrees of curvature. This was made possible by the use of parametric modelling with an advanced metal-forming and fabrication process to develop a mass-customization system. Parametric modelling enabled the
cladding system to be designed and engineered with much greater cost and quality control. Throughout the construction process, the cladding model was adjusted to incorporate various engineering, fabrication, and cost controls while maintaining the integrity of the original design.

完工的建筑外表利用视觉错感和多空模式,根据光照条件和季节变化产生动态的视觉效果。随着外界条件的变化展现不同的特点。有时,建筑看起来绝世而独立,有时又与周围景物融为一体,成为大东门整体环境的一部分。到了夜晚,所有LED灯和霓虹灯被点亮,灯火通明。通过嵌在墙体表面的灯光的相互作用,建筑看起来动感十足,成为城市里一道独特的风景线。The completed façade incorporates a field of pixilation and perforation patterns, which creates dynamic visual effect depending on the lighting conditions and seasonal changes. It will take on different characters as the external condition changes. Sometimes, it will look as a singular entity; sometimes, it blends with the surrounding landscape as part of the complete ensemble of Dongdaemun. At night, the building will reflect
all the LED lights and neon signs of the surrounding buildings. With the interplay of the built-in façade lighting, the building’s appearance will be animated and take on the characteristics of its unique urban settings.
设计还满足了业主的愿景,DDP的设计在建筑景观上做到了新旧历史的结合,以古城墙和古文物为中心,是整体构架的中心元素。外部景观将首尔变成一座绿色都市,表面的镂空与折叠设计展现了建筑革新的一面。DDP俨然成了城市现代文化、历史和自然的重要纽带。DDP延续了韩国建筑与技术的传统,同时走在了科技的最前沿,体现了设计团队高超的技术和热情,为人们奉上了如此绝妙的建筑。The client’s vision must be congratulated. The DDP design shows a commitment to preserve the site’s history and integrate the newly discovered history in an architectural landscape that revolves around the ancient city wall and historical artefacts - which form the central element of the composition. This external landscape transforms Seoul into a greener city, while voids and folds in its surface offers glimpses into innovative world of design below; making DDP an important link between the city’s contemporary culture, historic artefacts and emerging nature.
DDP continues Korea’s architectural and engineering traditions at the forefront of technology. DDP is a built demonstration and celebration of the skills and passion of the team who helped to bring this fantastic building to life.

rob88 发表于 2015-11-24 01:43


xy451 发表于 2017-8-25 16:13

力与美得结合!!!   很漂亮的建筑,有点扎哈的风格!!
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