圣香 发表于 2015-3-13 13:48


这座乡间庄园的现代线条为景观设计师的外部空间创造树立了里程碑,其旨在模糊宏伟建筑和景观之间的界限, 同时通过对地貌的塑造创建了一座独具特色的园林,这也为景观设计开创了先河。The contemporary lines of this villa were the starting point for the landscape architect to create a exterior space meant to blur the imposing architecture with the landscape and to create a unique garden by sculpting the topography. 该项目建于一座大型公寓之间,距离家庭所在地圣保罗只有几小时的车程。该项目是一个周末度假住所,它为有需要的客户提供了一个建筑艺术与乡村美景相呼应的现代化的休闲空间。来到这里的居民能够发现,首先映入眼帘的是一座庭前花园,观赏性花草为庄严宏伟的门面带来轻松愉悦之感;花草随风摆动,犹如在葱郁的植被上曼舞。庭前花园里种植着巴西铁木,这些铁木慢慢会与周围的现有树木融会到一起,并最终形成一个天篷。两个对称的棚架可以充当停车场,位于中心的小瀑布将庭前花园与种有一株黄金风铃木的庭院隔开。后花园是斜坡地形,这里被塑造为三个层次,每一层次都有其各自的用意,但它们共同的之处就是尽可能的充分利用视野之内的景观。土木工事在该项目中起了主要的作用。所有挖掘出来用于建造房屋的泥土以及取自庄园其他地带的泥土都用于回填花园。在建有房屋的这一层次,布有草坪和木质甲板,这样就提供了一个聚会的场所,在这里全家人能够欣赏户外美景。在天凉的日子,这里的生态火坑可以提供一个舒适宜人的室外休闲场所。无边泳池与周围景观共为一色,丛生的竹子和树木为邻里之间提供的私密保障,同时又突出了景观。中间层次是一座静思园,这里的地势被塑造成几个台地,每个台地都设有考顿钢挡土墙,其中埋置LED照明灯。植物雕塑呈现出花园的形状,同时各种草类为花园带来些许动感。期间,一座由草坪覆盖的小桥为这个地形雕塑花园平添了别样的意趣。同样被草坪覆盖起来的两个悬臂式露台,可将位于低层的足球场一览无余。每个露台都被塑造成了一种本地果树的形状,叫做贾布提卡巴(又名巴西葡萄树)。所有植物都由本地苗圃种植,或产自本地或引进改良,在灌溉上尽量节约水资源。 The project is located in a large condominium a few hours out of São Paulo, where the family lives. It is a weekend house where the client requested a space for leisure time with contemporary approach of the landscape, echoing the architecture.The dwellers are welcomed by a front garden where ornamental grasses offer lightness to the bold façade; the movement of the grasses by the wind gives a feeling of making it float over the vegetation. Brazilian ironwood trees were planted in this front garden and eventually will form a canopy that will merge into the existing trees in the surroundings.Two symmetrical pergolas serve as parking and the water cascade exactly in the middle separates the front garden from a courtyard with a Golden Trumpet tree. The back garden was a sloped terrain and was molded into 3 different levels , each one for a different purpose, but always making the most of the view to the horizon. Earthworks played a main role in this part of the project, all earth that was excavated to build the house and from other parts of the terrain was used to backfill the garden.On the level of the house there's a lawn and a wooden deck that offer a gathering space and where the family can admire the view. An ecological fire pit offers a cozy exterior lounge for the colder days. The negative edge pool blends with the landscape and plants like bamboo and trees offer privacy from the neighbors and emphasize the view.The middle level is a contemplative and ludical garden where the terrain was shaped into plateaus, each one framed by a corten steel retaining walls with embedded led lighting. The topiary plants reflect the shape of this garden and the grasses offer it some movement . A bridge covered by grass is an interesting feature of this topography sculpted garden. Two cantilevered terraces, also covered by grass, offer a priviledged view to the soccer field on the lower level. Each of this terraces are shaded by a native fruit tree named Jabuticaba.All plants were grown by local nurseries and are either native or adapted so irrigation uses as little water as possible.

小雨渣渣 发表于 2018-9-14 17:20

心水 ,太漂亮了
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