全城热恋 发表于 2015-3-23 14:59


本帖最后由 ゛伊筱沫丶 于 2015-8-25 13:20 编辑

柏林北部乌克马克县某村的一间大谷仓被改造为郊区住宅和一幢附加的独立公寓。In a small village in the Uckermark, north of Berlin, a large barn has been converted into a country house with an additional independent apartment. 谷仓是在140年前用砖砌污工和木料混合建筑而成。在当时,它是一幢超现代化的多功能建筑。谷仓被卖掉和分隔开后,谷仓建筑体系在结构上被改造成带牛棚的半独立式住宅,住进了两户人家。The barn was built 140 years ago in a mixed construction of brick masonry and timber. In it’s time, an ultramodern functional building. After the barn was sold and divided the system was structurally converted for two settler families, and cattle, into a semi-detached homes. 现在谷仓的一半已由建筑师Thomas Kröger重新设计,作为一个年轻家庭的住宅,设计时延续了这栋房子的原有风格,并以其自身的方法规则对其进行改造。One half has now been redesigned by architect Thomas Kröger for a young family, using the pre-existing language of the house and adapting it by it’s own means and rules in reinventing itself. 与谷仓相连,过去用作牛棚的建筑极为稳固,石头墙壁厚厚的,楼上开着小窗户,下面还有一扇大木门。结构未经加工的美感和宽大的房间使人们再次体会到建筑本质之美。住宅中心是一间带有壁炉的双高客厅。大木门可以控制三大新建的拱形开口,门打开后就是果园,以及更远处的绿地。大堂不供暖,但被供暖的房间包围。因此在寒冷的季节里,只能够使用住宅中围绕打听的那些小而舒适的房间。This former cowshed along with the barn is an extremely stable building with thick stone walls, small windows upstairs and a large wooden gate below. The inherent beauty of the crude truss and the spaciousness of the room were once again experienced only by the coring.

The centre of the house is a double height living room with fireplace. Three major new arched openings that can be closed by large wooden gates, open to expose the orchard, and green expanses beyond.The house is designed so that the great hall is unheated and is surrounded by an enclosed and heated body of rooms.

So for cold seasons only the smaller and more sociable areas of the house can be used, like birds' nests. 紧邻大厅,略微升高处是客厅和一个独立厨房。用餐区的顶部呈木质角锥状。楼上一层,大厅以上及周边区域分布着三间卧室,两个洗手间,两间书房,凉廊呈封闭式。Right next to the hall and slightly elevated is the living room and a free-standing kitchen. The dining area is topped by a wooden pyramid. Upstairs, above and surrounding the hall are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two studies and a loggia is enclosed. 山墙端是给客人使用的度假公寓。公寓入口是分开的,同时还有一条通向中央大厅的连接通道。底层是居住及用餐区,一楼是两间卧室和一个洗手间。At the gable end the holiday apartment for guests is located. The apartment is accessed separately whilst additionally having a connection to the central hall. On the ground floor the living and dining area is located and on the first floor are two bedrooms and a bathroom. 建筑围护结构周围也进行了改造。靠街一面,结构上的不同几乎难以发现。新的开口通向私家花园,这具有代表性的设计手法带来了所想要的室内外空间的融合感。整栋建筑均被改造升级,细心整修时,还仔细考虑了能源利用方法。供热房间内部的墙壁装有墙壁加热器,粉刷了黏土石膏,具有保温效果。不管有没有供热,所有房间的表面质量都一样。A transformation also took place around the envelope of the building. The difference to the structure on the street side is barely readable. With the new openings down to the private garden, the representative gesture brings only the desired level of integration between indoor and outdoor space with them.

The entire building was upgraded and a considered approach to energy was made in this careful restoration. The walls of the heated rooms are insulated on the inside with a wall heating and clay plaster. All rooms keep the same surface qualities, whether heated or unheated.

Architect: Thomas Kröger Architekt
Photos: Thomas Heimann
Completion: July 2014
Function: House: 320 m2 / Apartment: 97 m2 (Unheated surface: 439 m2)
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