香帅 发表于 2015-6-30 11:23

重构的片段--绿色和平北京办公室 / 活泼泼地

绿色和平北京办公室是绿色和平组织在北京的新办公空间,它位于北京市东二环路西侧一个安静而小巧的庭院内。Greenpeace Beijing office is located in the west of Beijing East Second Ring Road, a quiet and small courtyard. 新办公室所在的建筑物是一栋始建于1960年代的砖混结构配木屋架的4层建筑,后经历了1980年代和2000年前后的两次改造,增加了混凝土壁柱,并形成了一部分新的钢结构的使用空间及室外露台。绿色和平的办公室占用了3,4层和顶部夹层的东侧部分。新设计的目标是,许许多多可大可小难以精确定义的新与旧的片段,通过穿插的方式融为一体,形成若干“恍兮惚兮”的不同场景。The office building which was built in the 1960s has a brick structure with wooden frame roof. It is a 4-storey building, which was reinforced twice in the 1980s' and 2000s'. After increasing the concrete pilasters and the new steel structure ,the new interior space and outdoor terrace were made. Greenpeace Beijing office occupies the east side portions of 3rd floor, 4th floor and the top layer sandwich of this building. The design focus on how to deconstructing the recycle objects, renewing the wall, ceiling and column, making the new and old fragments to form a number of "hidden and implicate" different scenes. 一部分原有被刷白的或者被腻子覆盖的砖墙以及混凝土壁柱被角磨机和铁刷子抛光,露出本来的面目。当然,打磨的工艺也成为一种新的痕迹进入了新的材料表现当中。通过去除部分原有装饰面层,材料原貌呈现出来,进而使空间在历史演进中真实的状态变得可读。H型钢柱子通过焊接增加了薄钢板隔断,并被白色的涂料与黑色的压型钢板顶棚进行了区分,从原有的结构属性转变成为一种空间家具。Parts of the whitewashed brick wall and concrete pilasters were polished by angle grinders and polishing brush, revealing the original features of them. Of course, the grinding process has become a new mark into a new material exhibits were. By removing some of the existing decorative surface layer, the original presentation of the material is showed. Thus the history of the evolution of the real state becomes readable.H-shaped steel columns are increased by welding steel sheet, and then covered with the white paint. The white new columns which stay with the black steel ceiling, are translated from the existing structure of property into new space furniture. 所有新加入的木质材料来源于回收的木质物流托盘、各种木质家具及室外木地板、建筑用木模材、枕木等回收木料。经过肢解原有的木制品形成了木块、木方、木条和板材,这些基本元素经过重新的组合进入墙体和家具当中,从而展现出了完全不同的表现。回收的物流木托盘也通过重新切割形成了多种不同尺寸的结构体,通过丝杆与角钢等金属件被组合形成灯具、座椅以及新的空间分隔。灯光的进入和布置是为了唤醒材料本身的特征,同时与材料在空间中的形态共同混合成为照明。空间的流动性通过木材的界面被重新定义和强调出来,不同材料在不同工艺的驱使下失去原有的身份,转而形成片段化的屋面、墙体、门窗洞口和桌面以及柜子,之后这些片段在组合穿插的过程中重新去相互定义,由于这些片段化的要素相互具有联系而又不是在传统的物体定义方式下,从而提示出某种模糊关系下的新的多样性。All newly added wood material comes from recycled wooden pallets logistics, all kinds of wooden furniture and outdoor wood flooring, construction timber, recycling sleepers and so on. After the dismemberment of the original formation of these wood products, sheet metal is added, and then these basic elements of composition after re-entering the walls and furniture of them, show a completely different performance.Light is arranged to awaken the characteristics of the ceiling material. The ceiling and light are mixed together in space. Then new lighting comes.

Different products lose their identity in a different process, being driven in turn form a segment of roof, wall, door and window openings, desktop and cabinet, then these fragments in combination with each other again to define interspersed process because these fragmented elements have contact with each other but not in the traditional object defined, suggesting a new relationship under some obscure diversity. Special mobility of space has been redefined by these new objects.

摄影:王洪跃鲁雯泋吴文迪Project credits:
Client: Greenpeace
Architect: Liu Chongxiao
Design Firm: Livil Architects
Location: Dongsishitiao, Beijing, China
Design team: Liu Chongxiao, Wang Shilang,Liu Shengpeng,Li Wen,Xu Jingzhang,Li Jianxin
Strcture design: Liu Shengpeng
Electrical professional: Yu Feng,Liu Cheng
Equipment professional: Meng Xiangkun,Li Yang   
Project area: 1700 square meters
Project Year: 2015.2-2015.5
photography: Wang Hongyue,Lu Wenhui,Wu Wendi

Pahomova 发表于 2021-8-10 00:13

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