这栋三层高的小楼紧挨着一片小树林,建筑师诗意的建造它,为它披上一层浪漫的色彩。小楼地面层是停车场,顶层是三个公寓,而中间层,也就是一侧临着坡地上方地面的二层,是办公空间,在这一层的玻璃幕墙外面,建筑师使用了280根桦木原木树干作为外幕墙遮阳系统,这些美丽的树干在遮阳的同时也为室内营造了愉快的工作环境。让室内与室外的花园无缝连接。Not far from the Viennese boarder – in between the Wien River and the Wiener Street as well as in close proximity to Josef Hoffmann’s well-known sanatorium dating from 1905 - lies the Wienerwald surgery. The three-story high solid building accommodates three apartments in the top floor, which are illuminated by means of cut in terraces. The ground floor is entirely reserved for the surgery.The entire surface area of 250m2 is solely structured by birch wood furniture that is 2,1m high. Approximately 280 birch logs enclose the surrounding glass facade. These serve as a sight- and solar protection and create a pleasant working environment. By means of a birch grove in the generously designed garden the same atmosphere is expanded into the exterior.Architects: Juri Troy Architects
Location: Wiener Straße 39, 3002 Purkersdorf, Austria
Area: 250.0 sqm
Project Year: 2013
Photographs: Kurt Kuball
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