壹佰木家具 发表于 2015-11-2 15:20


本帖最后由 壹佰木家具 于 2015-11-2 15:49 编辑

项目名称:自然建构工作室室内面积:100平方米设计范围:室内设计 家具设计设计期:2014年12至1月施工期:2015年1月至3月

自然建构工作室位于长沙湘江临岸,是一家以建筑,家具,景观为主的新锐设计公司。室内的活动家具便是创始人张罡于2010年成立的壹佰木独立品牌。Construction studio is located in Changsha Xiangjiang River near the shore, is a building, furniture, the landscape was dominated by Xinrui design company. Indoor furniture is the founder of a gang activity in 2010 the establishment of the independent brand 100 wood.

办公室被设计成一个开放创意空间,除了满足日常的办公需求外,我们希望通过开放空间更好的与来的人进行沟通,这里能聚餐,集体观影,未来希望它能成为一种生活态度的标杆。The office is designed to be an open creative space, in addition to meeting the daily office needs, we hope that through the open space to better communicate with people, here to dinner, the collective view of the film, in the future I hope it can become a benchmark for life attitude.


gmd2009 发表于 2015-12-17 15:54


Kevin.Cheung 发表于 2017-5-18 17:15

效果做的很細膩 但是整體感覺像倉庫感很多
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