云画 发表于 2015-11-27 16:53


在接受这个办公空间改造设计委托时,我们意识到最大的挑战在于如何找到合适的方式介入这个一片空白的现状。场地藏在上海闹市区的一栋普通住宅小区里,建于九零年代初,适逢城市大规模建设方兴未艾,与老上海巷弄式的住宅类型早已断了联系。在功能上,并没有预设的使用者,改造后的空间将以联合办公的形式向外出租。 在这里,任何预设的思考和先验的经验都不再适用。
At the beginning of the design, the most challenging part is how to read the site that is almost void. The site is in an ordinary residence community in downtown ShangHai. It is built in early 90s, separated from traditional lane system. Besides, the space will be rented to anyone as a we-work space. Here is no ex-thinkings and experiences.

So, we learn from gardens. Gardens can be built everywhere with the wall, no matter in downtown or mountains. Except the functions or methods , to design a garden is first a spiritual activity, that is to built a different world for both body and spirit. So, we decide to build an abstract garden in this 50㎡ space.

我们在空间中置入两个元素:一个圆和几段连续的弧。圆,中心性最明确的几何图形, 将两个房间在视线上连续为一体,并在行为上给出一个明确的汇聚点。圆与方之间产生的间隙自然作留白的处理,借鉴文人园和文人画的技法,在物与物、物与边界之间留一点空,作为意犹未尽的延伸。几段连续的弧是对空间剖面的设计, 强烈的方向性和连续的视觉效果将两个房间联系为一体,又创造出天幕或是流云的效果。
We make two basic elements in the space, a circle and several arcs. The circle links two rooms together and also make an focus clearly. As the blank space between the circle and square, they are regards as four separated gardens , just like Chinese paintings. Several arcs are designed as ceilings, like sky fall or clouds.

We want to create a spiritual space with abstract geometry elements.It is a different world out ofthe noise. It is our best wishes and invitation to any users.
设计师:夏慕蓉   李智

576636157 发表于 2015-11-28 14:12


蓝色慢跑鞋 发表于 2015-12-9 17:04

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