云画 发表于 2015-11-27 16:58


“掌园儿”从“童年”的视角和感官出发,不只是为儿童,更是为现代成年人创造丰富童趣体验的“亲子花园”。以一种观之可亲的形象与体验唤醒游园者心中的童忆与童梦,契合园博会“园林与幸福生活”的主题。Joy Garden is designed as an interesting outdoor space for “parent-kid activities”, in which both parents and children can have much fun. It friendly recalls tourists’ good memories of childhood friendly, in accord with the Expo’s theme— “Gardening and Happy Life”.
“手掌”作为儿童与成人都易于理解的符号,作为本次儿童景观设计表现的主题。手掌,是“出生第一个掌印”的成长印记,是“大手牵小手”的幸福依靠,是“童年泥巴手印”的温暖回忆。手掌大的天地,既可以呈现儿童眼睛里的七彩世界,也可以承载儿童感受到的幸福生活。Design Philosophy
“Palm”, an identical symbol conveying love between children and parents, is used as the theme of the design. It stimulates warm memories of the early childhood times—hands in hands with papa and exciting mud play games etc. This tiny little garden, presents itself with colorful space, impressing children with happiness and joyfulness.
1) 指缝间的彩色童年:“掌园儿”占地1200m2,方寸空间,最大化的将空间围合设施的立体意义加以塑造为“彩虹墙”。沿着“手指”的弧线,通过参数化设计的构件现场组装而成。彩虹墙在垂直方向上,结合儿童和成人的身高视点不同,分为上下两层,层间通过植物进行空间软化;水平方向上,随着彩虹墙的展开,以节奏化的编排插入自然符号化的“秸秆墙”,为游玩的儿童及其家长提供了乡村场景的提示。
2) 指尖上的亲子空间:四个“指尖”区域围合成较为私密的半开放空间,以“掌状”树池提供多样化的休息场所,承载多种儿童年龄段的活动及亲子休息的功能,或卧或躺,或攀或趴,结合玩具槽的嵌入,向游客唤起对童年的无限怀恋。“大拇指”区域设置的花境植物迷宫,配置了丰富多彩的草花植物,注重色彩及质感的搭配,花丛间设计“掌状”旗帜,通过风吹旗帜指引小朋友前进的方向。“大拇指”区域后设计掌状风铃花园,风吹风铃发出声音,穿透彩虹墙到达园内,让自然的风参与场地的体验,带动儿童对大自然最真切的听觉感受。
3) 掌心内嬉童年趣味:彩虹墙围合形成的最大化的集中嬉戏场地“掌心”,内设彩沙池、阳光草坪、趣味墙,营造出最主要的活动区域。Features
a. Childhood Color Slides Through Fingers: The site covers an area of 1,200 m2, with rainbow walls constructed from on-site parameterized components along the “finger lines”. The rainbow walls, with two levels, upper level of adult-height and lower level of child-height, satisfy both parents and children’s needs. The middle part between two levels is a buffer zone with plants. While stretching horizontally, the occasional straw based walls offer a cozy countryside experience.
b. Parent-kid Space on Fingertips: Four finger enclosed zones are set as semi-open private space, with palm-shape planting bed functioning as diversified entertaining space for parents and children across different ages. Plants labyrinth of thumb zone are planted with grasses and flowers in rich colors, and palm flag to guide little kids. Right behind Thumb Zone, there’s a tiny windbell garden, ringing with the wind, pleasant sound going through the space.
c. Childhood Joyfulness in the Palm: An interesting centralized play space in the “palm” enclosed by rainbow walls are designed with color sandpits, lawn and game wall as the main entertaining space.
Playground design is distinct from other types of landscape design because of its focus on children’s interaction with each other and feelings. Joy Garden, as a parent-kid nature education space, offers both on-site and online interactive play. And also, some environment friendly nature education activities are held at a tree topography place along the inner side of game wall, such as “green glove”, contributing efforts to raising people’s awareness of environmental protection. Tourists can also log in the websiteto experience more fun.      
“掌园儿创意亲子小花园”是上海怡仁景观规划设计有限公司首创的亲子景观品牌,充分源于当代社会发展背景下的中国家庭亲子户外游憩需求,参照国际化的先进理念与安全标准,建立以“微花园、微农庄、微课堂”三大版块为基础,构建亲子社交、户外环境与游憩设施一体化的集成性儿童景观创意产品。“掌园儿”综合地产运营、线上资询、产品开发、自然教育的全面合作网络,塑造高密度中国城市环境中的亲子活动环境解决方案,让都市中的未来一代奔向户外,融入自然,幸福成长。About JOY Garden
Joy Garden is the first parent-kid landscape brand established by ERA. It’s based on garden design, farm design and outdoor class for children, and targets to develop innovative products of micro-type, meeting Chinese parents and kids’ request of social connection, outdoor play and recreation. It set up a network connecting with estate operation, online advisory, products development and nature education. Joy Garden has been created with an ultimate goal to solve the problem of shortage of parent-kid outdoor activity space in high-density China cities and guide Chinese children to grow with nature healthy and happy.
Location: Wuhan, Hubei
Area: 1,200 m2
Design Year: 2014
Construction Year: 2015
Landscape design: ERA Landscape Planning and Design Co., Ltd.

oyxin1314 发表于 2017-3-6 18:16

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