流渊 发表于 2015-12-23 14:48

钟鼓楼·北京时间博物馆 Beijing Drum Tower Time Museum by BIDG

时间博物馆位于北京中心城区,故宫北侧中轴线上,钟鼓楼东南侧。除钟鼓楼外,整个片区以1~2层传统四合院为主,是北京重点的历史风貌保护区。The time museum situated at the southeastern corner of the bell & drum tower, which located in the center of Beijing city, on the central axis, to the north of the forbidden city . Besides the tower, the whole neighborhood blocks are consisted of 1~2 floors traditional courtyards, which is an important Beijing historical reservation zone.
▽鸟瞰 Bird View钟鼓楼历程 The history of the Bell Tower & Drum Tower.钟鼓楼前后纵置,气势雄伟,巍峨壮观,凝聚着古代汉族劳动人民智慧与力量的结晶,钟鼓楼作为元、明、清代都城的报时中心。在城市钟鼓楼的建制史上,北京钟鼓楼规模最大,形制最高,是古都北京的标志性建筑之一,也是见证中国近百年来历史的重要建筑。
Bell Tower & Drum Tower represent the wisdom and power of ancient Chinese people through the Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. The two towers served as the time calculator for the Beijing citizens.▽ 从时间博物馆的庭院看钟鼓楼 Drum Tower钟鼓楼区位 The location of the Bell Tower & Drum Tower.钟鼓楼是坐落在北京市南北中轴线北端的一组古代建筑,位于北京东城区地安门外大街北端。是全国重点文物保护单位。
As an important national historical reservation unit, the Bell Tower & Drum Tower locate at the north end of the street Di’anmen wai, right on the Beijing central axis.设计理念 Design Philosophy对于这座古老城市所经过的漫长历史,天安门自然是它尊贵的面孔,而钟鼓楼却是它朴素的心脏。怦然心动的钟鼓楼啊,日积月累地撞击着元明清三代北京城里帝王将相及平民百姓的集体记忆。
For this glorious city with such long long history, Tian’anmen is abosolutely her honored face , while the bell & drum tower is her humble heart. The beating of the tower, strikes the collective memory of the all the noble and the grass-roots across the Dynasty Yuan, Ming, Qing.▽ 钟鼓楼区位分析 Drum Tower Site Diagram
规划篇 Planning1、形成绿地与鼓楼基地相呼应 | to restore the green space to match historical site
2、呼应了鼓楼东南角肌理的三条轴线和合院 | to restore the courtyard layout with 3 paralleled axis.时间博物馆位于北京中心城区,故宫北侧中轴线上,钟鼓楼东南侧。除钟鼓楼外,整个片区以1~2层传统四合院为主,是北京重点的历史风貌保护区。项目位于东至鼓楼东大街268号,西至地安门内大街,北至鼓楼东大街,南至辛安里胡同22号。项目占地面积5847平方米,总建筑面积约14720平方米,其中地上2674平方米,地下12046平方米。基地现状为城中村用地,已于08年全部拆平,现为社会停车场。随着城市历史的加长和人口的增多,钟鼓楼两侧的建筑与钟鼓楼的关系由强变弱、由规划建设初期的清晰肌理逐渐变得模糊难以辨认。为此,方案布局上呼应了清朝时期东南角肌理的三座合院和三条主要轴线,且钟鼓楼周围形成方形绿地与清朝时期鼓楼周围开阔的场地相呼应。the time museum situated at the southeastern corner of the bell & drum tower, which located in the center of Beijing city, on the central axis, to the north of the forbidden city . Besides the tower, the whole neighborhood blocks are consisted of 1~2 floors traditional courtyards, which is an important Beijing historical reservation zone.the site area is 5847 sqm, with total building area of 14,720 sqm, of which, 2674 sqm above ground and 12046 sqm below ground. the site boundary is defined by 3 streets, which are the street Gulou East, the street Di’an’men Nei, the street Xi’anli.the site was a typical urban village, demolished by 2008, serves as a temporary parking lot. As the time goes by and the population increased, the image of the bell & drum tower becomes vague and blurred into the surrounding neighborhood.To restore the original city context, based on a map of Qing Dynasty, we revitalize 3 courtyards with 3 axis and restore a rectangular green space to match the historical context.   
建筑篇 Architecture1、风貌保护 Historical Reservation
2、外饰风格(宋明时代装饰)Exterior Facade Style
3、屋顶自然采光 Rood Skylight
4、地下空间开发 Basement Development
5、精工细作 Craftmanship建筑体量和肌理严格与钟鼓楼地区风貌一致,布局形式、空间尺度采用北京传统四合院形式,都为地上一层小体量合院建筑。外饰采用中国传统建筑巅峰时期,宋、明时代装饰要素,简洁大气、低调内敛。去除不必要的装饰,尊重钟鼓楼地区建筑肌理,布局形式、建筑体量是北京传统的明、清风格,外饰风格汇集宋明时期精华要素。采用顶级的现代制作工艺,门窗等使用结构、外观与纯木一致,且抗日晒、耐久性强的铝木复合结构门窗。To minimize the impact to the surrounding, the above gound development is strictly limited to single floor building. The volume and the layout is to match the traditional Beijing courtyard house.The basic idea of the exterior facade style is to create a subtle, simple and elegant atmosphere. The decoration detail is inherited from traditional Chinese building, especially from the Dynasty Song and Ming. The essence of the traditional style is selected and concentrated to be applied in the museum.the premium modern technology is combined with the traditional aesthetic, to deliver a durable and sustainable building.风貌保护 Historical Reservation建筑体量和肌理严格与钟鼓楼地区风貌一致,并让出东南角。鼓楼颜色鲜艳,采用亮色,为避其锋芒,本案采用天然质朴的木色,小于钟鼓楼的尺度。the volume and the context is carefully designed to match the historical zone; the southeastern corner is reserved as green space to make the Bell Tower & Drum Tower more spectacular. the main color of the time museum facade is natural wood, distinguished from the red of the bell & drum tower.外饰风格(宋明时代装饰)Exterior Facade Style钟、鼓楼处于北京故宫轴线的末端,建筑形式有着明显的中国明清皇家建筑特征。
bell & drum tower is located at the north end of the forbidden city , the architecture is typical Qing Dynasty imperial style.
the style could be analysized as below:
1、具备规制的屋顶, roof based on the architecture hirarchy
2、高耸的基座 high base
3、象征皇家的红、金搭配色系 red and gold color
4、屋顶檐下的斗拱与彩画 Dougong and painting
5、红色的城墙 red wall屋顶自然采光 Rood Skylight利用庭院屋顶、侧墙等空间采光、通风,解决传统四合院采光、通风不足的问题。
To improve the ventilation by optimizing the roof and the wall system.地下空间开发 Basement Development保护城市肌理的情况下,为满足博物馆功能需求,对基地地下空间进行开发利用,地下设置展厅、拍卖厅与办公后勤等功能空间。通过合理的路线规划,快速的将人流引入到各个空间中。方案设置一部货车电梯,能快速将货车运送至地下仓库区。To realise a fully-functioned museum with strict limit of historical reservation, the basement development is the only choice. A large basement is hidden below the courtyard, housing the auction room, exhibition hall and BOH, etc.The circulation is designed to ensure people could access each function space efficiently. The real challenge is the cargo circulation, due to the narrow space, the common service ramp is too long to fit in the site.
景观篇 Landscape1、静、厅、园、影 Slience Hall Garden Shadow
静: 山光悦鸟性,潭影空人心。万籁此俱寂,惟有钟磬声。建筑围合和景观的塑造,打造了一个安静雅致的环境。
厅: 雕宫静龙漏,绮阁宴公侯。珠帘烛焰动,绣柱水光浮。将室内功能延伸至室外,与园景融为一体,形成室外客厅。
the landscape enhance the courtyard space, to deliver a quiet and elegant experience.室外餐饮平台,观景平台,休闲吧座.
To extend the interior function to outdoor space, to provide the outdoor tea house and leisure platform, etc.园: 原来姹紫嫣红开遍,以这般都付与断井颓垣。良辰美景奈何天,赏心乐事谁家院?朝飞暮卷,云霞翠轩
影: 竹影风声,树影婆娑,湖光塔影,烛影摇红。半亩方塘一鉴开,天光云影共徘徊。
室内篇 Interior1、室内装饰采用明式现代风格 | the interior decoration is based on Ming Dynasty style
2、布局形式自由、灵活 | the flexible interior layout
The simplified Ming style is applied as the fundamental aesthetic tone. The stone is partially integrated to create a cultural atmosphere.
The interior space is fexible to be united as a whole single hall, meanwhile could be divided into several
independent small spaces.室内装饰采用明式现代风格 | the interior decoration is based on Ming Dynasty style
明式现代装饰风格 | simplified Ming style
特征体现为 | features:
Balance of the variety of the decoration style and materials and the minimalism aesthetics of Chinese
Wood as the main decoration material, with painting, mosaic, and metal pieces.
Design Firm: BIDG
Design Content: Planning、Architecture、Interior、Landscape
项目地点: 北京
Location: Beijing
设计团队: 朱儁夫、陈丹、唐栩、王健、丁红梅
Architecture Team: Junfu Zhu、Dani Chen、Tangxu、Wangjian、Hongmei Ding
建筑面积: 14,720 sqm
Gross Floor Area: 14,720 sqm
占地面积: 5,983 sqm
Site Area:5,983 sqm
竣工年份: 2015
Completion Year: 2015
▽ 花园 Garden▽ 夜景 Night View▽ 夜景 Night View▽ 总平面 Site Plan▽ 图纸 点击可看大图 drawings      

gaodi 发表于 2015-12-24 12:49


kunan 发表于 2015-12-24 13:14


huangweirong 发表于 2015-12-24 13:33


晓之群 发表于 2015-12-24 14:07


lecorbusier3 发表于 2015-12-24 15:46


小绵绵wh 发表于 2015-12-24 20:47

谢谢分享   很喜欢这种风格!

fairy1021 发表于 2016-6-1 08:28


chenguoao 发表于 2016-7-29 10:14


吃鱼的猫不在 发表于 2016-11-3 14:47

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