杰克琼斯 发表于 2015-12-25 10:41


林间呓语 落叶有声 北京丽都花园罗兰湖会所 Life Enjoyed In Serene And Tranquil Trees

当你真正平静下你浮躁的心灵时,自然界里灵性的声音才会重新回到你仔细倾听的耳畔。在继罗兰湖餐厅建筑的顺利推出以及成功运营的一年半之后,另一处紧邻该餐厅的罗兰湖会所 BLUE LAKE HOUSE 此时也完美的呈现在人们的视野里了。此建筑仍是由设计师陈贻和张睦晨执笔设计完成,他们把自然系的建筑设计理念铺陈延伸至该建筑的内部、外观以及周边景观的每一处细节里。

Until the excited heart finally begins to calm down, the vivid sound of nature is not able to truly recapture attentive ears. After Blue Lake Restaurant had been successfully launched and running for one and a half years, another adjacent project known as Blue Lake House has now been officially unveiled in all its perfect beauty. Co-designed again by Yi CHEN and Muchen ZHANG, this house has been made, either internally, externally or peripherally, to grasp and capture every detail when it comes to the philosophy of nature.


In accordance with the overall ideas the designers had for the Restaurant, the House is designed to hide and grow out of the environment itself. To provide a more private and individualized sense for such multi-functions as dining, parties and small-sized commercial activities, a sense of large space is a requisite of the newer building put up within the realm of the older that has been totally left behind. This therefore allowed for a 5.8-meter-high main space to be designed, with the roof and main body of the building supported by a metal structure that was inspired by the surrounding environment to appear in the shape of a tree crotch. This metal crotch raises the roof so high as to make it float above the peripheral walls, allowing sunlight to pour freely into the interior space.


From dawn till dusk, the lively sun makes its timely rise and fall and immerses the whole House with light that scatters and penetrates through the surrounding trunks and leaves. With the wind blowing through the trees, the sunlight dances like a spirit, changing its form and the contrast between light and shadow, making it an enlivened space in which the change of sunlight and seasons are well perceived while it is also an unending pleasure living in or outside of the House.


To give the space a fully natural ambiance, both the interior and the exterior are decorated using solid wood. In addition to that, the leather furniture, the works of art and ornamentation heavily loaded with history enable everyone to have the full experience of the warmth of being at home. This is a feeling derived from the space, the environment and nature itself. Your life in this quiet yet cultural space will turn to the experience of extreme satiation, comfort and relief.

项目名称:北京丽都花园罗兰湖会所(Blue Lake House)
设计师:陈贻 张睦晨


为我喝彩 发表于 2015-12-26 10:32


a380168735 发表于 2015-12-26 10:33


落叶归根装饰 发表于 2015-12-26 14:11


小绵绵wh 发表于 2015-12-26 14:32

谢谢分享   很漂亮!

STV 发表于 2015-12-27 09:19


STV 发表于 2015-12-27 09:20


唐语砖雕 发表于 2015-12-27 10:29


再见杨柳 发表于 2023-2-6 10:16

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