FIRM 公司 Theta CLIENT 客户端 Theta SIZE 大小 5,060 sqft 5060平方英尺 YEAR 年 2016 二千零一十六 LOCATION 位置 Bucharest, Romania 布加勒斯特,罗马尼亚 INDUSTRY 产业 Architecture Firm 建筑公司 Theta has recently designed new offices for their interior design firm located in Bucharest, Romania. θ最近设计新办公室的室内设计公司位于布加勒斯特,罗马尼亚 The design for Theta’s new offices started from the core activity performed by the company: Taylor made interior design from concept to reality. θ的新办公室开始设计公司实施的核心活动:泰勒从概念到现实的室内设计 Acting both as a purchaser and seller we imagined a space were multiple design solutions collide in forming an atmosphere where our potential clients could understand the limitless possibilities our company can offer. From fit out solutions and standard furniture – business to business related – to highly custom made furniture designed with great care for exquisite consumer taste. Raw textures such as wood, stone and vegetation find their way into the evolving technologies of glass, veneer and composite materials, forming complex volumes that shape the space 作为一个买方和卖方,我们想象一个空间是多个设计解决方案的碰撞形成的气氛中,我们的潜在客户可以了解我们的公司可以提供无限的可能性。从适合的解决方案和标准的家具,业务与业务有关的定制家具的精心设计,极大的照顾精致的消费品味。原始的纹理,如木材,石头和植被找到他们的方式进入不断变化的技术的玻璃,单板和复合材料,形成复杂的体积,形状的空间 The client discovers Theta’s world by speaking to our professionals in high tech conference rooms, enjoying a cup of tea in the small café, taking a moment to relax in the play area or dreaming of a vacation in front of the hotel room. 客户通过我们的高科技会议室人员说发现θ波的世界,享受一杯茶的小咖啡馆é,花一点时间来放松在游戏区或梦想在酒店房间前的一个假期。 Because we see our office as a second home the relationship between the space and the people who populate it is our main focus. The design of Theta’s office reflects our personalities and that is the motto we promote for our customers: “you imagine, we create”. 因为我们看到我们的办公室作为第二个家庭的空间和填充它的人之间的关系是我们的主要焦点。Theta的办公室的设计体现了我们的个性,我们的座右铭是:“促进客户你想象,我们创造”。 Design: Theta 设计: Photography: Stelian Popa 摄影:Stelian Popa
