CLOU为婚礼咨询服务公司久喜设计了其位于朝外“珠宝盒”四层的室内精装。完美的组织和对细节的极致追求是久囍结婚策划的理念以将人们一生的向往凝练成一天。因此室内设计也要能体现这种对细节与合理性的关注。 CLOU designed the level 4 interiors of the Chaowai ‘Jewellery Box’ for wedding planning firm Jiuxi. Flawless organisation and impeccable attention to detail are the hallmarks of every Jiuxi wedding plan as they are fashioning someone's lifetime dream into a day. The brief asked for the interior design to express the same attention to detail and design fineness. ▼ 室内全景,overall view of the interior 为了体现当代感,我们以一种现代手法诠释了传统意大利宫廷殿堂的地面拼花。此外我们采用了三种不同颜色的水磨石铺装,镀黑发纹不锈钢饰面和墙面发泡铝板材。大型旋转镜反射了所在空间,创造出一种纷繁的双重效果。 For a contemporary look we created a modernized interpretation of traditional Italian palazzo floor patterns combined with three colour variants of terrazzo flooring, black anodized steel cladding and stabilized aluminium foam wall panelling. Large rotating mirror walls create dazzling duplication effects of the space around them. ▼ 平面图,不同的地面拼花结合在一起,plan, different palazzo floor patterns combined together ▼ 全景,地面拼花不同,巨大镜面反射空间,overall view, the floor is paved in different patterns with huge mirror reflecting the space ▼ 中式和西式婚纱被展览在不同空间,traditional and western wedding dresses are exhibited in different spaces 在四层的设计中,我们充分通过技术手段力求打造难忘而美好的用户体验。中央圆形空间是数码体验中心,拥有最先进VR设备、360度投影以及互动式触摸屏。 With our design of the 4th floor we have been fully engaged with technology advances in our quest to design a memorable and customer-friendly experience. The central rotunda is hosting a digital experience centre, combining VR headset technology with conventional 360 degree projections and LED screens with interactive and engaging interfaces. ▼ 数码体验中心,digital experience center ▼ 360度投影,360 degree projection ▼ 接待和数码婚礼体验空间,meeting and digital experience area 在体现“数码”的同时,这个设计也着重强调对物理空间尺度的感受,营造了一种非凡而本质的购物环境。 While including the ‘digital,’ the design retained a core focus on the physical, sensory and experiential dimensions of the space, creating a visceral environment that is out of the ordinary. ▼ 购物空间,shopping space 项目资料 参与人员 PROJECT DATA CREDITS |