“一到周末忍不住赖在家,看着爱猫自在的跳上跳下,与爱人一起享受阳光的沐浴慵懒的喝著下午茶,就是最幸福的日子。”这是每个都市人的愿望。初见此15坪小宅,层层隔墙分化了小小的空间,一旦摆入家具就窒碍难行,要如何实现屋主夫妻与爱猫,未来还有新生儿的生活呢?与设计师沟通讨论后,决定重整动线与格局,将阳光、空气最大化,一展此屋的优势。 The happiness is enjoying the time with my lover and watching my cat walk around, even having a tea time at home on weekend, that’s the dreaming life every city dweller dream about. At the first time when designer see this place, she found this tiny space is separated by several walls and it looks smaller, even causes unsmooth movement. How to make a dreaming life come true and even there is a new born baby in the future, it is really a difficult problem. Designer communicates with the couple and decides to rearrange the movement, introduce sunlight and air into rooms, to renew space allocation and their life style. 设计师打开格局,调整动线,使中心点往外五步即可到达每一处,减少廊道与转角的浪费;空间开放,阳光自然就进来了,让原本阴暗的次卧重见光明。设计师将需求一一列项并整合,归纳出最符合屋主的贴心设计,强化了小坪数的使用机能:次卧让给客厅使用,并省去一向为空间要角的电视牆,反让男主人多年藏书作为装饰主角,书柜下妥善安置了原先屋主一直担心放不下的旧沙发及边桌,完成了麻雀虽小却实用精美的客厅空间。每个家的女主人永远都有收不完的衣鞋、杂物,这让收纳也为本案的重点需求。原先廊道幻化为女主人梦想的更衣室、楼梯下方畸零区最适合收纳、再来考量未来新生儿的需求,卧房捨弃床架,以架高木地板延伸床的使用范围,不仅增加了橱物量,也让原本难以使用的斜角区有了发挥之处。在这3米4挑高空间裡,如果再摆上一座迷你阁楼,平日可收纳置物,偶尔亲友过夜的休息区、猫咪玩乐的最佳跳板,以及未来小朋友长大时,还有一处自己的小天地呢?就这样,空间灵活度提高了,在这小小平台上满足了好多的可能性。 Designer break down original housing pattern, to rearrange movement, and makes owners can reach every space with five steps from the central point of house. To reduce aisle and corners, designer makes space open, introduce sunlight into rooms, and makes inside room looks bright and bigger. Besides, designer integrates owners’ requirements, to strength functional design, and converts second bedroom into living room, efficiently use every space. Making original wall hang TV to be a book shelf, and there still space for sofa and table under the shelf. Furthermore, to create a cloakroom from an aisle, it not only meet hostess’s requirement, but also make use of fractional area to create beautiful under stair storage. At the last, to consider about new born baby, designer builds an attic as a bedroom, it could be a storage room, or second bedroom, and even a small world for cat or for children in the future. Designer not only arranges space according to couple’s living habits, but also promotes space efficiencies. 色彩材质配置上以白色点线面佈局整体,再从玄关、客厅一路加入柠檬黄的圆点跳跃、书柜、梯踏原木质朴感的暖色调。主卧以清新的马卡龙色系舒缓整日工作的疲劳,色彩让空间有了层次。小小的空间裡,满足了屋主大大的需求,回家成为一天中最期待的事,幸福好像就是这么简单。 For coloring plan, entire space color arrangement is white, but decorate lemon yellow dot from entrance to living room; paint main bedroom with bright Macaron color to relieve stress from work. A tiny space contains large requirements, designer meets owners’ needs and makes home become the sweetest place in the world, even makes owners get happiness easily. ▲平面布局图/floor plan ▲立面图 ▲手绘图 设计公司:A'Lentil Design Lab 项目地:台北,台湾 面积:15坪 项目完工:2017年 材质:橡木贴皮、木板烤漆、缅甸集成柚木板、松木板、黑铁烤漆、冲孔板烤漆、ICI环保漆、超耐磨木地板 |