纽约中心城万丽酒店 项目地址:218 West 35th Street, New York 10001 USA; 规模:348 间客房; 纽约中心城万丽酒店提供独一无二的住客体验。酒店与众不同之处在于它融合了艺术和科技。当你行走在电子互动走廊的时候,墙面的影像随着你的走动也随之变化。酒店还设有投影式的导航,只要你稍微挥动一下手指,就可以轻松找到全纽约最棒的餐厅,酒吧。 The Renaissance New York Midtown Hoteloffers a guest experience unlike any other. With state-of-the art ambient intelligence technology, this hotel isever changing and different with each visit. Walk down our digital interactive corridoras walls respond to human movement. Stepinto our Discovery Portal, where all of New York’s best restaurants, bars andattractions are at the wave of the hand or point of the finger. 酒店毗邻35街时尚大道。这里拥有着极具创造性的设计师社群,定义着这个世界的时装潮流。我们的酒店也深受周边环境的影响,被创造性和先进的思想拥抱。 Outside our new building’s location on 35thSt. & Fashion Ave, lay the epicenter of the creative community which helpsdefine what the world wears. Our hotelis inspired by the surrounding neighborhood, where creativity and forwardthinking are celebrated。 当你需要放松的时候,访问Rock& Reilly的爱尔兰酒馆,供应早餐,午餐和晚餐。Rock & Reilly将根源于爱尔兰绿宝石岛的菜式,融入他们在纽约独特的体验与灵感,演变成全新的创意菜肴。 Whenit’s time to unwind, visit Rock & Reilly’s Irish Pub. Serving breakfast,lunch and dinner. Rock & Reilly’s offers innovative creations influenced bytheir Emerald Isle roots, but inspired by their NYC home. 如果你喜欢户外活动,只要走出去,就是一个8000平方英尺的屋顶露台,也是纽约最大的露台之一。这个屋顶配有私人更衣室,将34大道和麦迪逊广场的景色尽收眼底。是置身城市之中又如城市之外的休闲圣地。 If outdoors is your thing, simply stepoutside to our 8,000 square foot deck with retractable roof! One of the largestdecks in NYC; our rooftop offers a haven from the city below with privatecabanas and views of 34th Street and Madison Square Garden. 酒店348间客房追求每一处细节的精致设计将会激发来宾的每一个感官。JBI在进行酒店设计时,力求通过全新的数字化体验,为住客开创一个截然不同的高端商务新风尚。设计将工业的粗犷和时装的细腻共生并形成对比,让裸露的混凝土与亮光的金属并存,糅合出一个既硬朗又细腻的时尚空间。 Thechic design of our 348 guestrooms will delight every sense, no detailoverlooked. This new brand flagship combines groundbreaking digital guest experiences with the “business unusual” philosophy. Located in the heart of the Garment District, its design celebrates the energy of the neighborhood and the spirited creative industries that thrive there. JBI designed the property with a blend of high-low design elements that celebrate NYC’s mix of industrial grit and glamour. Bare concrete finishes juxtaposed with modern, polished elements create a mixture of industrial edginess and soft luxe lines throughout the hotel. Jeffrey Beers International 成立于1986年,总部位于纽约。公司完成了包括酒店、高端公寓、餐饮、夜总会、商业空间、豪宅等领域的众多项目,服务于柯兹纳、万豪、喜达屋、丽兹卡尔顿、希尔顿、四季、美高梅国际等高端客户,在国际屡获殊荣; JBI 曾获得三次金钥匙奖,以表彰其杰出的设计,另外还曾获得《Contract》杂志的室内设计奖和“年度最佳”室内设计奖。2000 年,Jeffrey 被《Hospitality Design》杂志纳入酒店设计白金团体,以表彰他对设计界的贡献。 JBI近年在中国陆续开拓高端项目,设计完成了成都华尔道夫酒店的行政餐厅麒麟扒房,并与HBA强强联手打造了七星级旅游项目三亚亚特兰蒂斯酒店。根据业务发展需要,JBI于2018年成立Jeffrey BeersInternational中国公司,公司位于深圳市南山区,力求在中国市场打造更多国际一流的设计作品。
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