绰绰光影,加载自在洋溢个性,抒写率真理想居地… Plenty of light and shadow, load free overflow personality, express the ideal place... 隔绝喧嚣,表态生活,洞悉舒适诉求,纵横流畅线条重塑自我场域,布局艺术情境。 ——龙光·金色阳光悦府 Lsolated from the hustle and bustle, express life, insight into comfortable appeals, horizontal and horizontal smooth lines to reshape the self-field, layout of the artistic situation. -- Longguang Golden Sunshine Pleasant Mansion. 客 厅 | Living Room 以暖木色铺陈整体底蕴,勾勒墙体与梁体,为规整领域架构稳固根基。黑色手工漆涂抹沙发硬包背景,呼应黑色极简岩板茶几,散发安然气息。邀光做客,任其上下求索率性真谛。 Warm wood color lays out the overall background, Outlines the wall and beam body, and provides a solid foundation for the structure of the regular field. Black handmade paint daub sofa hard bag background, echoing black extremely simple rock board tea table, exudes a peaceful atmosphere. Invite light as a guest and let it search for the truth of spontaneity. 素雅窗帘柔化自然光影,赋能原木梁体,浸染时光,阐述氛围与人物的联动关系。 Elegant curtains soften natural light and shadow, empower log beams, soak and dye time, and illustrate the linkage between atmosphere and characters. 杏色皮质沙发选配卡其色靠椅,棕色圈绒地毯搭载木桩茶几,材质契合,色系相映,流露开放野性,凸显居者对待生活不拘一格的洒脱性情。 Apricot coriaceous sofa matchs khaji lubricious chair for leaning on, carpet of brown circle velvet carries wooden post tea table, material agrees with, color fastens set each other off, reveal open wildness, highlight the free and easy disposition that the person that reside treats the life not stick to one pattern. 以悦然姿态渗透功能区,收集温柔激活光景,邀想象裹挟调性… Permeate the functional area with pleasant posture, collect gentle and activated scenes, invite imagination to bind tonality... 书 房 | Study Room 灵动圆球吊灯暖化精神场域,几纸图文沉淀心绪,依当下心情切换阅读主题,穿梭虚实世界,建立有序自我,沉浸式修炼身心。 Smart ball chandelier to warm the spiritual field, a few paper text precipitation mood, according to the current mood switch reading theme, shuttling through the virtual and real world, to establish an orderly self, immersive cultivation of body and mind. 选配千鸟格棉麻沙发延续舒适用意,现代与古典灵动交织,一坐一靠恬逸身躯,实力演绎复古时尚优雅魅力。 Choose sofa of cotton hemp of case of optional thousand bird to continue comfortable intention, contemporary and classic clever interweave, sit one rely on tian Yi body, actual strength deduces the elegant glamour of fashionable restoring ancient ways. 餐 厨 区 | Kitchen Area 开放式厨房灵动用餐区,既自成一局,又遵循空间秩序。放眼餐厨及客厅,无障碍情感交流,强调空间与人的互动关系。 Open kitchen clever dining area, already become a bureau, follow space order again. Scan widely eat kitchen and sitting room, barrier-free emotional communication, emphasize the interaction between space and person. 极简黑色吊灯开启和煦照明,映衬同色极简餐桌,完整区间物件配套一致性,陪同时光倾注氛围感,捕捉生活点滴,递送朝暮印记。 The minimalist black chandelier turns on the warm lighting, sets off the minimalist dining table with the same color, and the complete range of items is consistent, accompanying the time to pour into the atmosphere, capturing the life bit by bit, and delivering the evening mark. 抽象涂鸦壁画饱满空间活力,挥洒张扬,美学艺术横生妙趣。冉冉人间烟火气,藏匿迂回戏剧性。 Abstract graffiti murals are full of space vitality and aesthetic art. Ran human fireworks, hidden circuitous dramatic. 主卧 | Master Bedroom 延续整体配色,平衡一素一暖简约风格。素白布艺床体选配纯黑床头柜,制造错觉忽略物件存在感,拓宽空间尺度,从外向内传递通透,迎光而居。 The continuation of the overall color, balance a simple warm simple style. Plain white cloth art bed body is matched with pure black bedside cabinet, manufacturing illusion ignores the sense of object existence, broaden spatial scale, from outside to inside transfer fully, face light and live. 深灰硬包背景对立白色柜体,延续整体简洁设计,以经典配色流动功能区布局… Dark gray hard bag background opposite white cabinet, continue the overall simple design, with classic color matching flow functional area layout... 垂直柱灯随靠墙顺势平行,引导居者置身软榻舒缓身心,思绪放空感受光照倾洒而进,与诗意一并步入梦境。 Vertical column lamp goes along with the wall along the trend parallel, guide reside person place oneself soft couch is slow body and mind, feeling is empty experience illumination pours asperse and enter, reality and poetry all the same enter dream. 玻璃隔断建立缓冲区,梳洗淋浴空间通而不透,隐蔽可寻,疲惫从踏入一刻起便一扫而尽。 Glass partition to establish a buffer zone, wash and rain space through but not through, hidden can be found, exhaustion from stepping into a moment will sweep. 原木柜体连结木质墙面折合成型,碎纹石板丰富材质层次,以跃动姿态彰显画面别样性。 The log cabinet is connected with the wooden wall into shape, and the broken grain stone is rich in material levels, highlighting the uniqueness of the picture with the leaping posture. 简约金属吊灯明亮床头木桩,装点绿植鲜活功能区,多元材质浑然合体,以自然调性凝聚安逸… Simple metal chandelier bright bedside pile, decorate green plants fresh functional area, multiple materials integrated, with natural tonality cohesion comfort... 打磨意趣撩拨感官,精致视觉格调美学,释放随性调味空间,自如领会精神深浅。 Polish the interest and provoke the senses, refine the visual style aesthetics, release the space of seasoning at will, and freely grasp the depth of spirit. ▼平面图 | The Plan▼ 项目名称 | 龙光·阳光悦府 Project name | Golden Sunshine Pleasant Mansion 设计机构 | 远校空间设计 |