嘎子在雅典地区,停药后天然气厂,拆除等工艺品和仓库和科技城市再生创造,已成为一个文化和艺术的地方,整个城市热闹的地方,在夜间和白天,。街比雷埃夫斯和公路的特权地位,在雅典市中心,邻近使得嘎子吸引人的地方不仅康乐为住宅用途,但也。主要针对的是个人或夫妇家庭。 Gazi area in Athens , after stopping the gas plant, the removal of other crafts and warehouses and the regeneration- creation of Technopolis, has become a place of culture and arts, a lively place throughout the city ,during night & day. The proximity to the city center of Athens, the privileged position in relation to the street Piraeus and the highways, makes Gazi an attractive place not only recreational but also for residential purposes. Aimed primarily at individuals or couple families. 建设城市阁楼位于Voutadon和Iakhou街道交叉口,非常接近复杂的科技城市。阁楼公寓的理念,特别是与粗糙和原材料(混凝土,金属)建设重点,是基于这种新的建设。在地下商业用途是位于从Voutadon街头访问,而公寓的访问是从街上Iakhou。建筑物的其余部分是共享的5座房子:四个鸽舍每两层和顶层复式。中央垂直运动,通过共用楼梯间。