项目地址:云南省昆明市 空间类型:居住空间 主要材料:实木木地板 方案设计:张翔 设计单位:北京雕琢空间室内设计工作室 蔷薇水晶,在初雪之夜里慢慢的发着耀眼的光辉,用烂熳的欧式带主人走进美丽的童话世界。在沉静的蓝中调理每一天的心情。童话城堡里的生活是业主小时候的一个美丽幻想,而现在,幻想将成为现实。层次分明的空间互相之间又有着无限的牵绊,在拆除了原有的隔断加入了新的功能性储物来划分空间,不仅最大化利用了空间,又营造出多层次的效果,使平淡的室内营造出丰富的空间。 Rose crystal, the night of the first snow slowly with a dazzling light, with LanMan Europe type with master the beautiful fairy tale world. In the silence of the blue of every day is one of the mood. Fairy tale castle life is the owner of the child a beautiful fantasy, and now, fantasy, will become a reality. Distinct space between each other and having infinite trap, in the dismantling of the original partition joined the new functional store content to differentiate space, not only maximize space, and build a multi-level effect, make the insipid indoor build a rich space.
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