充盈着美式摩登的素净淡雅的米白色系空间调性,让空间拥有如画廊、展厅白色布景板般的视觉效果,映衬出室内陈设的艺术家的个人创作作品或收藏品,并方便随时更换。这便是一位美籍华裔当代知名艺术家的家。 编 辑:hackqing 设 计 师:方峻TSUN FONG 设计公司:香港方黄建筑师事务所Hong Kong Fong Wong Architects & Associates 项目面积:190m2 项目所在地:成都 主要材料:大理石、墙纸、木 设计风格:美国都市风格 The space is filled with the modern simple and elegant tonality of American-style with the color of off-white, showing the visual effect of the white board of gallery or showroom and setting off the display of the artist’s personal works of art and his collections with convenience to change them at any time. That is the home of a well-known contemporary Chinese American artist. |