编 辑:hackqing 设 计 师:罗灵杰Ajax Law Ling Kit, 龙慧祺Virginia Lung 设计公司:壹正企划有限公司 One Plus Partnership
原为北京紫禁城其中一面城门所在,东直门这个曾见证历史民俗的地方现在已是个商贸区域。位于东直门北面香河园里的Linked Hybrid商住区,是一个被喻为世界十大建筑师之一的史提芬霍尔打造的「当代天空之城」。处于冲击着人们心弦的现代空间意念的氛围当中,意味着附属于电影院的MOMA书店也将会带来深刻的感官刺激,从而配合室外那以数幢几何造型及连结其中的不规则天桥所表达出来的人际连系。 Originally one of entrances of the ancient Forbidden City of Beijing, Dongzhimen is now a commercial area that witnessed the history and custom of the city. The Linked Hybrid in this area is the “contemporary celestial city” by Stephen Holl, of the few top architects in the world. Located in the atmosphere with impact that touches people’s hearts, the bookshop linked with the cinema is promised to present visitors the sensual stimulus that answers to the exterior, where the linkage within people is abstracted as numbers of geometric buildings linked by irregular footbridges between them.
书店采用了分为电影书店及电影资料馆两部份,店面设计也不忘引进影院的概念。甫进店内,目光会着陆于看似随意放置的众多书柜形陈设。置于门口那以同样形状构成付款柜台,正好混淆视听,与书架们归一地融入环境当中。而这些以书脊作其启发的活泼柜子配以亮眼的青色,一股会使人起来轻松聊天阅读的空气籍此松弛着顾客们的心情。再者,这些家具及置于其中的各式书籍也化作吸引人们集结于此的媒介,建筑师心中那促进群体交流的目标也能在这里实现。影院概念也体现于收银柜台处,刻有商店标志及店名的白暟墙壁,突如映有各样的活动画面。兼有屏幕功能的看板墙,表达了设计师对空间运用的心思。斜斜悬于天花的浮雕字型店名,恰如其份,也和室内交互斜放的支柱相映成趣。 The shop is divided into the movie bookshop and information center, the design concept with the trace of cinema is applied into these spaces. Visitors’ sight would be drawn to the random-like located joinery pieces, which has made with the form just like stacked bookshelves. Meanwhile, the cashier counter with the same pattern of appearance is well blended into the “sheep herd” of bookshelves as a”camouflaged wolf”. Adjoining the bright green colour, the vivacious joinery, which are actually an abstract of the back of books, are releasing customers’ mind and encouraging their reading desire with the soothing air it provides. Meanwhile these furniture piece and the books in them serve as the magnet that tracts people altogether, the architect’s aim of group interaction is fulfilled here then. The cashier counter is one of many places that reflect the concept of cinema from the shop, the big white back wall with the shop’s logo and name etched into it, yet video clips about movies and related activities appear on the wall.
环顾包括二楼电影资料馆的店内空间,举目看去,会发现为数不少的青色电线散布盘踞于天花各处,再把电灯挂于空中。除了以颜色回应各处的书柜,其造型也借代了遍布北京老街交错的老旧电线杆,从而以本土色彩来让现代风格不致被国际同化。更重要的是,这组机构把室外所提倡的人际联系加以强调阐释。 Looking upon the ceiling around the shop space including the movie information centre, large amount of radial webs of green electric cords is found spreading there, with lights hanging on the end of each cord. This is not only for responding the green colour scheme in the shop space, but also for localising the modern design style of the shop with their appearance , which is reminiscence of the messy electric poles all over the old alleys in Beijing. More importantly, it is also stating the inter-people connection that is boldly expressed in the exterior.
此外,东直门于明朝被命名时,实含东方属木及代表春天之意,而原建筑窗框的配色使用了五行的各种代表颜色,正好用了中国传统这种宏观的本土性来丰富设计。这正好解释了,设计师因何选择他们认为代表植物生气的青色,作为五行及季节主题之延续。 In addition, Dongzhimen, the name of this east city wall entrance is reminiscence of the ancient concept; that is, east represents spring, and wood in the five elements. According to this philosophy, the existing window sills applied with various colour that represents the five elements in Chinese tradition, in the architects’ objective sense. Localization has become a tool to enrich the theme. And hence, the choice of green tone, as the abstract colour scheme of ‘flora vitality’ in the interior, can be explained under this circumstance.
面积:书店: 384平方米, 电影中心一层: 181平方米, 电影中心二层: 290平方米 Area:Bookshop: 384 sq. meters;Movie information centre 1st floor: 181 sq. meters;Movie information centre 2nd floor: 290 sq. meters
材料:乳胶漆,木地板,木皮,镜钢,生锈铁板,金属格子,有孔板,墙纸,布料,皮料,胶板,水泥板,仿石,磁砖,表层喷粉的绿色不锈钢书架 Material:Emulsion paint, Timber floor, Wooden Veneer, Stainless steel mirror finish, Metal plate rust finish, Metal grid, perforated metal plate, Wallpaper, Fabric, Leather, Plastic laminate, Cement boards, Corian stones, Ceramic tiles, metal bookshelves in green powder coating finished |