Harvey Nichols / 印度尼西亚雅加达 Harvey Nichols豪华旗舰店在雅加达开幕。这个9000平方米商店拥有独家国际品牌的环境中,明显针对有传统历史悠久和都市风格的印度尼西亚。 对于Harvey Nichols的室内,Callison运用艺术环境设计各层的概念。每层的开放空间平面,蜿蜒布局,有机循环,弧形墙,烟雾玻璃屏幕和富有戏剧性的照明等形成一种戏剧性的效果。 “Each of the floors have a distinctly different energy which creates a new shopping experience for the customer, yet the entire store design is linked together through bold, playful architecturethat supports the fashion,” according to Andy Thaemert, Lead Designer.Capitalizing on the craftsmanship of local Indonesian artisans, thestore interior includes handcrafted tiles, custom furnishings, uniquemetal fabrication and woodwork. The skilled level of craftsmanship, thecustom pattern language, and the Harvey Nichols namesake logo, arereferenced throughout the interior architecture and visualmerchandising. 每个楼层有一个明显不同的活力空间为客户创造了一个新的购物体验,但整个店面设计是联系在一起的,通过大胆的,好玩的构造,支持的方式,利用印尼工匠的地方工艺,商店内部包括手工砖,定制家具,独特的金属加工和木制品。 关于Callison