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“艳照门”事件曾今是笼罩在娱乐圈上空的一层乌云,ghd hair,随着时间的洗礼,艳照门事件似乎已经走出了人们的视线,陈冠希、阿娇、张柏芝等 明星纷纷复出。就在这个时候,ghd hair straighteners,张柏芝电脑丢失了,hair straighteners!
我们不禁会想起几年前的“艳照门”事件,此事件是因为陈冠希笔记本送修而引起了众明星艳照外泄,ghd hair straightener,而导致当时在娱乐圈风生水起的陈冠希、阿娇、张柏芝等 人事业遭遇重创,都不得不选择暂时退出,他们在当时确实遭遇了很多谩骂、指责和攻击,可是要论在“艳照门”事件中最冤枉、最委屈的人非谢霆锋莫属了,刚刚新婚 燕尔的他就被带上来高高的绿帽子。
后来在陈冠希爆出与另一位男星玩同性游戏,陈冠希的性取向备受怀疑的同时,谢霆锋也不能幸免于难,ghd australia。因为好色成性的陈冠希怎么可能放弃谢霆锋这块唾手可得的肥肉呢?而且陈冠希既然有与女星上床拍照的习惯,ghd cheap,与男星也会有这样的癖好吧。如此一看,张柏芝丢失电脑的情况就让人很明了了,里面很有可能有让谢霆锋不敢离婚的把柄,所以张柏芝才会这么急着寻找,ghds,才会迫不及待的报警,才会以高价悬赏电脑的下落吧,ghd。
ghd IV Styler Technical Features:
New Rounder Barrel: For perfect curl, straighten or flicks,ghd straighteners, as well as the perfect straight,ghd straightener, the rounder barrel of ghd Styler 4 gives your friend ultimate control。 Its so easy to create waves, curls and flicks that your friend'll never need the same look twice。
Now with universal voltage: With universal voltage you can get optimum performance wherever you travel。
Unique digital technology: Improved temperature control for even better styling, feel more confident with ghd Styler 4。
Shiver mode: Internal condensation can damage stylers。 So when the room temperature is below 8deg。C, your baby's ghd styler will shut down to protect itself until the temperature rises again。